Accueil > Participer > Contribute to translation

Contribute to translation

You are a user or developer with your own language concepts...

You can help us to improve the language used in the software interface to make MediaSPIP more accessible and user-friendly. You can also translate the interface into any language that allows it to spread to new linguistic communities.

To do this, we use the translation interface of SPIP where the all the language modules of MediaSPIP are available. Just subscribe to the mailing list and request further informantion on translation.

MediaSPIP is currently available in French and English only.

  • Publié le :
  • Mis à jour : 05/08/13
  • Révisé par : kent1, 2 anonymes
  • Traductions :

    Toutes les versions de cet article : [English] [français]

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