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  • Conversion Rate Optimisation Statistics for 2024 and Beyond

    21 novembre 2023, par Erin — Analytics Tips

    Driving traffic to your website is only half the battle. The real challenge — once you’ve used a web analytics solution to understand how users behave — is turning more of those visitors into customers.

    That doesn’t happen by accident. You need to employ conversion rate optimisation strategies and tools to see even a small lift in conversion rates. The good news is that it doesn’t take much to see massive results. Raising your conversion rate from 1% to 3% can triple your revenue. 

    In even better news, you don’t have to guess at the best ways to improve your conversion rate. We’ve done the hard work and collected the most recent and relevant conversion rate optimisation statistics to help you. 

    General conversion rate optimisation statistics

    It appears the popularity of conversion rate optimisation is soaring. According to data collected by Google Trends, there were more people searching for the term “conversion rate optimization” in September 2023 than ever before. 

    As you can see from the chart below, the term’s popularity is on a clear upward trajectory, meaning even more people could be searching for it in the near future. (Source)

    More people searching for conversion rate optimization than ever before according to Google Trends data

    Do you want to know what the average landing page conversion rate is ? According to research by WordStream, the average website conversion rate across all industries is 2.35%

    That doesn’t paint the whole picture, however. Better-performing websites have significantly higher conversion rates. The top 25% of websites across all industries convert at a rate of 5.31% or higher. (Source)

    Let’s break things down by industry now. The Unbounce Conversion Benchmark Report offers a detailed analysis of how landing pages convert across various industries.

    First, we have the Finance and Insurance industry, which boasts a conversion rate of 15.6%. 

    On the other end, agencies appears to be one of the worst-performing. Agencies’ landing pages convert at a rate of 8.8%. (Source)

    The average landing page conversion rates across industries

    What about the size of the conversion rate optimisation industry ? Given the growth in popularity of the term in Google, surely the industry is experiencing growth, right ?

    You’d be correct in that assumption. The conversion rate optimisation software market was valued at $771.2 million in 2018 and is projected to reach $1.932 billion by 2026 — a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.6%.

    Statistics on the importance of conversion rate optimisation

    If you’re reading this article, you probably think conversion rate optimisation is pretty important. But do you know its importance and where it ranks in your competitors’ priorities ? Read on to find out. 

    Bounce rate — the number of people who leave your website without visiting another page or taking action — is the scourge of conversion rate optimisation efforts. Every time someone bounces from your site, you lose the chance to convert them.

    The questions, then, are : how often do people bounce on average and how does your bounce rate compare ? 

    Siege Media analysed over 1.3 billion sessions from a range of traffic sources, including 700 million bounces, to calculate an average bounce rate of 50.9%. (Source)

    The average bounce rate is 50.9%

    Bounce rates vary massively from website to website and industry to industry, however. Siege Media’s study unveils an array of average bounce rates across industries :

    • Travel – 82.58%
    • B2B – 65.17%
    • Lifestyle – 64.26%
    • Business and Finance – 63.51%
    • Healthcare – 59.50%
    • eCommerce – 54.54%
    • Insurance – 45.96%
    • Real Estate – 40.78%

    It won’t come as much of a surprise to learn that marketers are determined to reduce bounce rates and improve lead conversion. Today’s marketers are highly performance-based. When asked about their priorities for the coming year, 79% of marketers said their priority was generating quality qualified leads — the most popular answer in the survey. (Source)

    Just because it is a priority for marketers doesn’t mean that everyone has their stuff together. If you have a conversion rate optimisation process in place, you’re in the minority. According to research by HubSpot, less than one in five marketers (17%) use landing page A/B tests to improve their conversion rates. (Source)

    When it comes to personalisation strategies – a common and effective tool to increase conversion rates — the picture isn’t any rosier. Research by Salesforce found just over one-quarter of markets are confident their organisation has a successful strategy for personalisation. (Source)

    Conversion rate optimisation tactics statistics

    There are hundreds of ways to improve your website’s conversion rates. From changing the color of buttons to the structure of your landing page to your entire conversion funnel, in this section, we’ll look at the most important statistics you need to know when choosing tactics and building your own CRO experiments. 

    If you are looking for the best method to convert visitors, then email lead generation forms are the way to go, according to HubSpot. This inoffensive and low-barrier data collection method boasts a 15% conversion rate, according to the marketing automation company’s research. (Source)

    Where possible, make your call-to-actions personalised. Marketing personalisation, whether through behavioral segmentation or another strategy, is an incredibly powerful way of showing users that you care about their specific needs. It’s no great surprise, then, that HubSpot found personalised calls-to-actions perform a whopping 202% better than basic CTAs. (Source)

    If you want to boost conversion rates, then it’s just as important to focus on quantity as well as quality. Yes, a great-looking, well-written landing page will go a long way to improving your conversion rate, but having a dozen of these pages will do even more. 

    Research by HubSpot found companies see a 55% increase in leads when they increase the number of landing pages from 10 to 15. What’s more, companies with over 40 landing pages increase conversion by more than 500%. (Source)

    Companies with more than 40 landing pages increase conversions by over 500%

    User-generated content (UGC) should also be high on your priority list to boost conversion rates. Several statistics show how powerful, impactful and persuasive social proof like user reviews can be. 

    Research shows that visitors who scroll to the point where they encounter user-generated content increase the likelihood they convert by a staggering 102.4%. (Source)

    Other trust signs can be just as impactful. Research by Trustpilot found that the following four trust signals make consumers more likely to make a purchase when shown on a product page :

    • Positive star rating and reviews (85% more likely to make a purchase)
    • Positive star rating (78%)
    • Positive customer testimonials (82%)
    • Approved or authorised seller badge (76%)


    Showing ratings and reviews has also increased conversion rates by 38% on home appliances and electronics stores. (Source)

    And no wonder, given that consumers are more likely to buy from brands they trust than brands they love, according to the 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report. (Source

    A lack of trust is also one of the top four reasons consumers abandon their shopping cart at checkout. (Source

    Traffic source conversion rate statistics

    What type of traffic works the best when it comes to conversions, or how often you should be signing up users to your mailing list ? Let’s look at the stats to find out. 

    Email opt-ins are one of the most popular methods for collecting customer information — and an area where digital marketers spend a lot of time and effort when it comes to conversion rate optimisation. So, what is the average conversion rate of an email opt-in box ?

    According to research by Sumo — based on 3.2 billion users who have seen their opt-in boxes — the average email opt-in rate is 1.95%. (Source)

    Search advertising is an effective way of driving website traffic, but how often do those users click on these ads ?

    WordStream’s research puts the average conversion of search advertising for all industries at 6.11%. (Source)

    The arts and entertainment industry enjoys the highest clickthrough rates (11.78%), followed by sports and recreation (10.53%) and travel (10.03%). Legal services and the home improvement industry have the lowest clickthrough rates at 4.76% and 4.8%, respectively.

    The average clickthrough rate of search advertising for each industry

    If you’re spending money on Google ads, then you’d better hope a significant amount of users convert after clicking them. 

    Unfortunately, conversion rates from Google ads decreased year-on-year for most industries in 2023, according to research by WordStream — in some cases, those decreases were significant. The only two industries that didn’t see a decrease in conversion rates were beauty and personal care and education and instruction. (Source)

    The average conversion rate for search ads across all industries is 7.04%. The animal and pet niche has the highest conversion rate (13.41%), while apparel, fashion and jewelry have the lowest conversion rate (1.57%). (Source)

    What about other forms of traffic ? Well, there’s good reason to try running interstitial ads on smartphone apps if you aren’t already. Ads on the iOS app see a 14.3 percent conversion rate on average. (Source)

    E-commerce conversion rate optimisation statistics (400 words)

    Conversion rate optimisation can be the difference between a store that sets new annual sales records and one struggling to get by. 

    The good news is that the conversion rate among US shoppers was the highest it’s ever been in 2021, with users converting at 2.6%. (Source)

    If you have a Shopify store, then you may find conversion rates a little lower. A survey by Littledata found the average conversion rate for Shopify was 1.4% in September 2022. (Source)

    What about specific e-commerce categories ? According to data provided by Dynamic Yield, the consumer goods category converted at the highest rate in September 2023 (4.22%), a spike of 0.34% from August. 

    Generally, the food and beverage niche boasts the highest conversion rate (4.87%), and the home and furniture niche has the lowest conversion rate (1.44%). (Source)

    If you’re serious about driving sales, don’t focus on mobile devices at the expense of consumers who shop on desktop devices. The conversion rate among US shoppers tends to be higher for desktop users than for mobile users. 

    The conversion rate among US online shoppers is generally higher for desktop than

    In the second quarter of 2022, for instance, desktop shoppers converted at a rate of 3% on average compared to smartphone users who converted at an average rate of 2%. (Source)

    Increase your conversions with Matomo

    Conversion rate optimisation can help you grow your subscriber list, build your customer base and increase your revenue. Now, it’s time to put what you’ve learned into practice.

    Use the advice above to guide your experiments and track everything with Matomo. Achieve unparalleled data accuracy while harnessing an all-in-one solution packed with essential conversion optimisation features, including Heatmaps, Session Recordings and A/B Testing. Matomo makes it easier than ever to analyse conversion-focused experiments.

    Get more from your conversion rate optimisations by trying Matomo free for 21 days. No credit card required.

  • Top 4 CRO Tools to Boost Your Conversion Rates in 2024

    31 octobre 2023, par Erin

    Are you tired of watching potential customers leave your website without converting ? You’ve spent countless hours creating an engaging website, but those high bounce rates keep haunting you.

    The good news ? The solution lies in the transformative power of Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) tools. In this guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of CRO tools. We will equip you with strategies to turn those bounces into conversions.

    Why are conversion rate optimisation tools so crucial ?

    CRO tools can be assets in digital marketing, playing a pivotal role in enhancing online businesses’ performance. CRO tools empower businesses to improve website conversion rates by analysing user behaviour. You can then leverage this user data to optimise web elements.

    Improving website conversion rates is paramount because it increases revenue and customer satisfaction. A study by VentureBeat revealed an average return on investment (ROI) of 223% thanks to CRO tools.

    173 marketers out of the surveyed group reported returns exceeding 1,000%. Both of these data points highlight the impact CRO tools can have.

    Toolbox with a "CRO" label full of various tools

    Coupled with CRO tools, certain testing tools and web analytics tools play a crucial role. They offer insight into user behaviour patterns, enabling businesses to choose effective strategies. By understanding what resonates with users, these tools help inform data-driven decisions. This allows businesses to refine online strategies and enhance the customer experience.

    CRO tools enhance user experiences and ensure business sustainability. Integrating these tools is crucial for staying ahead. CRO and web analytics work together to optimise digital presence. 

    Real-world examples of CRO tools in action

    In this section, we’ll explore real case studies showcasing CRO tools in action. See how businesses enhance conversion rates, user experiences, and online performance. These studies reveal the practical impact of data-driven decisions and user-focused strategies.

    A computer with A and B on both sides and a magnifying glass hovering over the keyboard

    Case study : How Matomo’s Form Analytics helped Concrete CMS 3x leads

    Concrete CMS, is a content management system provider that helps users build and manage websites. They used Matomo’s Form Analytics to uncover that users were getting stuck at the address input stage of the onboarding process. Using these insights to make adjustments to their onboarding form, Concrete CMS was able to achieve 3 times the amount of leads in just a few days.

    Read the full Concrete CMS case study.

    Best analytics tools for enhancing conversion rate optimisation in 2023

    Jump to the comparison table to see an overview of each tool.

    1. Matomo

    Matomo main dashboard

    Matomo stands out as an all-encompassing tool that seamlessly combines traditional web analytics features (like pageviews and bounce rates) with advanced behavioural analytics capabilities, providing a full spectrum of insights for effective CRO.

    Key features

    • Heatmaps and Session Recordings :
      These features empower businesses to see their websites through the eyes of their visitors. By visually mapping user engagement and observing individual sessions, businesses can make informed decisions, enhance user experience and ultimately increase conversions. These tools are invaluable assets for businesses aiming to create user-friendly websites.
    • Form Analytics :
      Matomo’s Form Analytics offers comprehensive tracking of user interactions within forms. This includes covering input fields, dropdowns, buttons and submissions. Businesses can create custom conversion funnels and pinpoint form abandonment reasons. 
    • Users Flow :
      Matomo’s Users Flow feature tracks visitor paths, drop-offs and successful routes, helping businesses optimise their websites. This insight informs decisions, enhances user experience, and boosts conversion rates.
    • Surveys plugin :
      The Matomo Surveys plugin allows businesses to gather direct feedback from users. This feature enhances understanding by capturing user opinions, adding another layer to the analytical depth Matomo offers.
    • A/B testing :
      The platform allows you to conduct A/B tests to compare different versions of web pages. This helps determine which performs better in conversions. By conducting experiments and analysing the results within Matomo, businesses can iteratively refine their content and design elements.
    • Funnels :
      Matomo’s Funnels feature empower businesses to visualise, analyse and optimise their conversion paths. By identifying drop-off points, tailoring user experiences and conducting A/B tests within the funnel, businesses can make data-driven decisions that significantly boost conversions and enhance the overall user journey on their websites.


    • Starting at $19 per month, Matomo is an affordable CRO solution.
    • Matomo guarantees accurate data, eliminating the need to fill gaps with artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning. 
    • Matomo’s open-source framework ensures enhanced security, privacy, customisation, community support and long-term reliability. 


    • The On-Premise (self-hosted) version is free, with additional charges for advanced features.
    • Managing Matomo On-Premise requires servers and technical know-how.

    Try Matomo for Free

    Get the web insights you need, without compromising data accuracy.

    No credit card required

    2. Google Analytics

    Traffic tracking chart and life cycle

    Google Analytics provides businesses and website owners valuable insights into their online audience. It tracks website traffic, user interactions and analyses conversion data to enhance the user experience.

    While Google Analytics may not provide the extensive CRO-specific features found in other tools on this list, it can still serve as a valuable resource for basic analysis and optimisation of conversion rates.

    Key features

    • Comprehensive Data Tracking :
      Google Analytics meticulously tracks website traffic, user behaviour and conversion rates. These insights form the foundation for CRO efforts. Businesses can identify patterns, user bottlenecks and high-performing areas.
    • Real-Time Reporting :
      Access to real-time data is invaluable for CRO efforts. Monitor current website activity, user interactions, and campaign performance as they unfold. This immediate feedback empowers businesses to make instant adjustments, optimising web elements and content for maximum conversions.
    • User flow analysis
      Visualise and understand how visitors navigate through your website. It provides insights into the paths users take as they move from one page to another, helping you identify the most common routes and potential drop-off points in the user journey.
    • Event-based tracking :
      GA4’s event-based reporting offers greater flexibility and accuracy in data collection. By tracking various interactions, including video views and checkout processes, businesses can gather more precise insights into user behaviour. 
    • Funnels :
      GA4 offers multistep funnels, path analysis, custom metrics that integrate with audience segments. These user behaviour insights help businesses to tailor their websites, marketing campaigns and user experiences.


    • Flexible audience management across products, regions or brands allow businesses to analyse data from multiple source properties. 
    • Google Analytics integrates with other Google services and third-party platforms. This enables a comprehensive view of online activities.
    • Free to use, although enterprises may need to switch to the paid version to accommodate higher data volumes.


    • Google Analytics raises privacy concerns, primarily due to its tracking capabilities and the extensive data it collects.
    • Limitations imposed by thresholding can significantly hinder efforts to enhance user experience and boost conversions effectively.
    • Property and sampling limits exist. This creates problems when you’re dealing with extensive datasets or high-traffic websites. 
    • The interface is difficult to navigate and configure, resulting in a steep learning curve.

    3. Contentsquare

    Pie chart with landing page journey data

    Contentsquare is a web analytics and CRO platform. It stands out for its in-depth behavioural analytics. Contentsquare offers detailed data on how users interact with websites and mobile applications.

    Key features

    • Heatmaps and Session Replays :
      Users can visualise website interactions through heatmaps, highlighting popular areas and drop-offs. Session replay features enable the playback of user sessions. These provide in-depth insights into individual user experiences.
    • Conversion Funnel Analysis :
      Contentsquare tracks users through conversion funnels, identifying where users drop off during conversion. This helps in optimising the user journey and increasing conversion rates.
    • Segmentation and Personalisation :
      Businesses can segment their audience based on various criteria. Segments help create personalised experiences, tailoring content and offers to specific user groups.
    • Integration Capabilities :
      Contentsquare integrates with various third-party tools and platforms, enhancing its functionality and allowing businesses to leverage their existing tech stack.


    • Comprehensive support and resources.
    • User-friendly interface.
    • Personalisation capabilities.


    • High price point.
    • Steep learning curve.

    4. Hotjar

    Pricing page heatmap data

    Hotjar is a robust tool designed to unravel user behaviour intricacies. With its array of features including visual heatmaps, session recordings and surveys, it goes beyond just identifying popular areas and drop-offs.

    Hotjar provides direct feedback and offers an intuitive interface, enabling seamless experience optimisation.

    Key features

    • Heatmaps :
      Hotjar provides visual heatmaps that display user interactions on your website. Heatmaps show where users click, scroll, and how far they read. This feature helps identify popular areas and points of abandonment.
    • Session Recordings :
      Hotjar allows you to record user sessions and watch real interactions on your site. This insight is invaluable for understanding user behaviour and identifying usability issues.
    • Surveys and Feedback :
      Hotjar offers on-site surveys and feedback forms that can get triggered based on user behaviour. These tools help collect qualitative data from real users, providing valuable insights.
    • Recruitment Tool :
      Hotjar’s recruitment tool lets you recruit participants from your website for user testing. This feature streamlines the process of finding participants for usability studies.
    • Funnel and Form Analysis :
      Hotjar enables the tracking of user journeys through funnels. It provides insights into where users drop off during the conversion process. It also offers form analysis to optimise form completion rates.
    • User Polls :
      You can create customisable polls to engage with visitors. Gather specific feedback on your website, products, or services.


    • Starting at $32 per month, Hotjar is a cost-effective solution for most businesses. 
    • Hotjar provides a user-friendly interface that is easy for the majority of users to pick up quickly.


    • Does not provide traditional web analytics and requires combining with another tool, potentially creating a less streamlined and cohesive user experience, which can complicate conversion rate optimization efforts.
    • Hotjar’s limited integrations can hinder its ability to seamlessly work with other essential tools and platforms, potentially further complicating CRO.

    Comparison Table

    Please note : We aim to keep this table accurate and up to date. However, if you see any inaccuracies or outdated information, please email us at

    To make comparing these tools even easier, we’ve put together a table for you to compare features and price points :

    A comparison chart comparing the CRO/web analytics features and price points of Matomo, Google Analytics, ContentSquare, and HotJar


    CRO tools and web analytics are essential for online success. Businesses thrive by investing wisely, understanding user behaviour and using targeted strategies. The key : generate traffic and convert it into leads and customers. The right tools and strategies lead to remarkable conversions and online success. Each click, each interaction, becomes an opportunity to create an engaging user journey. This careful orchestration of data and insight separates thriving businesses from the rest.

    Are you ready to embark on a journey toward improved conversions and enhanced user experiences ? Matomo offers analytics solutions meticulously designed to complement your CRO strategy. Take the next step in your CRO journey. Start your 21-day free trial today—no credit card required.

  • Anomalie #2024 (Fermé) : langue des boutons d’admin sur

    21 juin 2012, par cedric -