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Selection of projects using MediaSPIP

The examples below are representative elements of MediaSPIP specific uses for specific projects.

MediaSPIP farm @ Infini

The non profit organizationInfini develops hospitality activities, internet access point, training, realizing innovative projects in the field of information and communication technologies and Communication, and hosting of websites. It plays a unique and prominent role in the Brest (France) area, at the national level, among the half-dozen such association. Its members are mainly associations (over a hundred), local and regional authorities and some individual.

It provides hosting and the animation of the first MediaSpip platform setted up for its members of the "Pays de Brest" (France), offering to local actors to create their own broadcast channel, pre-installed and followed in terms of support.

ACCESS - Creative Incubator workshop

Creative Incubator workshop is a workshop that was given by SideBySide studio in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in November 2010.

The description of the use of MediaSPIP is as follows (abstract from http://www.sidebysidestudio.net/spip.php?article79):

Creative Incubator workshop was first conducted in Nov, 2010 in Rio de Janiero, within 2 weeks, we launched Access online platform for different local community projects. The platform is developed with SPIP open source software by Arscenic.tv and SideBySide Studio, it works best with Safari or Firefox.

There are 3 important features about this platform:

  • Community platform - it has the capacity to host hundreds or thousands of users.
  • User friendly interface for multi-media publications – instead of having separate accounts with YouTube, YouTube, MySpace, or Flicker, users can publish video, audio, image, and text all in one channel without worrying about the file format.
  • User = content provider = content owner – each user has full autonomy with the copyright, see creative common features on the platform.

We posted participants’ feedback and more workshop information here

This first experimentation opened many possibilities for partner institutions and participants, we are excited to share the technology and strategies for international artistic and social collectives for thinking and working together.

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    All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

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