Home > Contribute > Submit bugs and patches

Submit bugs and patches

You are a user or developer and you come across an anomaly...

Unfortunately a software is never perfect.

If you think you have found a bug, report it using our ticket system. Please to help us to fix it by providing the following information:

  • the browser you are using, including the exact version
  • as precise an explanation as possible of the problem
  • if possible, the steps taken resulting in the problem
  • a link to the site / page in question

If you think you have solved the bug, fill in a ticket and attach to it a corrective patch.

You may also report such problems on the MediaSPIP development mailing list.

  • Published :
  • Updated : 05/08/13
  • Révisé par : kent1, 2 anonymes
  • Translations :

    All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

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