ginger’s thoughts

Les articles publiés sur le site

  • WebVTT explained

    5 avril 2011, par silvia
    On Wednesday, I gave a talk at Google about WebVTT, the Web Video Text Track file format that is under development at the WHATWG for solving time-aligned text challenges for video. I started by explaining all the features that WebVTT supports for captions and subtitles, mentioned how WebVTT (...)
  • Ideas for new HTML5 apps

    10 mars 2011, par silvia
    At the recent Linux conference in Brisbane, Australia, I promised a free copy of my book to the person that could send me the best idea for an HTML5 video application. I later also tweeted about it. While I didn’t get many emails, I am still impressed by the things people want to do. Amongst (...)
  • HTML5 Video Presentations at LCA 2011

    10 février 2011, par silvia
    Working in the WHAT WG and the W3C HTML WG, you sometimes forget that all the things that are being discussed so heatedly for standardization are actually leading to some really exciting new technologies that not many outside have really taken note of yet. This week, during the Australian Linux (...)
  • HTML5 Video Presentations at LCA 2011

    26 janvier 2011, par silvia
    Working in the WHAT WG and the W3C HTML WG, you sometimes forget that all the things that are being discussed so heatedly for standardization are actually leading to some really exciting new technologies that not many outside have really taken note of yet. This week, during the Australian Linux (...)
  • Accessibility to Web video for the Vision-Impaired

    12 décembre 2010, par silvia
    In the past week, I was invited to an IBM workshop on audio/text descriptions for video in Japan. Geoff Freed and Trisha O’Connell from WGBH, and Michael Evans from BBC research were the other invited experts to speak about the current state of video accessibility around the world and where (...)