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  • recive klv data from a ffmpeg multicast

    5 avril 2019, par diego

    I am trying to get the klv data from a .mpeg.

    I tried this command and it works perfectly:

    ffmpeg -i video.mpg -map data-re -codec copy -f data data.klv

    (This first command has "data-re" which just works on linux, but it is the only way I found to get the .klv I need)

    Now I would like to open two CMD and transfer it by multicast, how could I do this? i tried many comands like next ones, but I do not get the same .klv

    sender: ffmpeg -i video.mpeg -c copy -f mpegts udp://

    receiver: ffmpeg -i udp:// -map 0 -codec copy -f data data.klv

    I am new with ffmpeg and I do not know exactly what I need to change to get exactly whay I get in the first command.


  • How to fix ffmpeg & mencoder pushing Persian (RTL) subtitles reversed ?

    5 avril 2019, par sheshkovsky

    I'm trying to build an application to burn subtitles on videos. The specific task to do is burning Persian (Right-to-left language) subtitles. But I have a problem with it.

    When I got several words simuntaneously without any "Enter" between them, the ffmpeg or mencoder push the lines to up. for example if I have three lines, the third lines comes on first line, then the second line, and then the first line prints on the screen.

    I have attached two screenshot to be clear about it. As you may see in the second one, there are 9 lines of persian subtitle which should be aligned from 1 on top to 9 on the bottom, but the 9th line appears on the first line on top.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    I'm using this code at the moment to burn the subtitles on mp4 videos:

    mencoder video.mp4 -sub -utf8  -o output.mp4 -oac pcm -ovc lavc
  • Unable to get the audio from webcam and play it at the same time [FFMPEG]

    5 avril 2019, par Apoorv Mishra

    I'm trying to grab the audio and video from the webcam and play it in slow motion and proper sync between audio and video at the same time. But when I try the following command:

    ffmpeg -f v4l2 -rtbufsize 1000000k -i /dev/video0 -f alsa -i default \
    -profile:v high -pix_fmt yuvj420p -level:v 4.1 -preset ultrafast \
    -tune zerolatency -vcodec libx264 -r 10 -b:v 512k -s 640x360 \
    -acodec aac -strict -2 -ac 1 -b:a 64k -b:v 300k -g 30 -ar 44100 \
    -map 0 -f tee "output.mkv|[f=nut]pipe:" | ffplay \
    pipe: -vf "setpts=2.0*N/FRAME_RATE/TB"

    I was unable to hear the audio. In the command, I'd only slowed down video but I will slow down the audio as well once I'll be able to get the audio along with the video.

    Above command will play the video for you but not the audio.

    Please help me out with this. Any help is appreciated.

  • Convert s3 video files resolution and store it back to s3

    5 avril 2019, par Pritam Roy

    I want to convert s3 bucket video file resolutions to other resolutions and store it back to s3. I know we can use ffmpeg locally to change the resolution. Can we use ffmpeg to convert s3 files and store it back using Django?

    I am puzzled as from where to start and what should be the process. Whether I should have the video file from s3 bucket in buffer and then convert it using ffmpeg and then upload it back to s3. Or is there anyway to do it directly without having to keep it in buffer.

  • recive klv data from a ffmpeg mulsticast

    5 avril 2019, par diego

    I am trying to get the klv data from a .mpeg.

    I tried this command and it works perfectly:

    ffmpeg -i video.mpg -map data-re -codec copy -f data data.klv

    Now I would like to open two CMD and transfer it by multicast, how could I do this? i tried many comands like next ones, but I do not get the same .klv

    sender: ffmpeg -i video.mpeg -c copy -f mpegts udp://

    receiver: ffmpeg -i udp:// -map 0 -codec copy -f data data.klv

    I am new with ffmpeg and I do not know exactly what I need to change to get exactly whay I get in the first command.
