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  • C++ video processing loop

    15 mars 2018, par Oleksiy Druzhynin

    I want to write an application which takes a video stream and in the cycle do processing frames and fragments of audio.

    I saw such loop here:

    I saw on the forums some solution with pipes here

    Is it any library wrapper on ffmpeg/avlib which I could just write my callback without tones of spaghetti around like here

  • ffmpeg -ss and -to commands encoding via API calls

    15 mars 2018, par DM1974

    When calling ffmpeg from the dll's how do I achieve the following:

    C:\ffmpeg\bin>ffmpeg -y -i input.mp4 -ss 00:20:20 -to 00:30:00 -c co py test.mp4

    What API's methods do I need to call?

  • Can FFMPEG encrypt mp4 content using AES 128 encryption ?

    15 mars 2018, par Fayas B

    I am new to encryption processes. I wanted to know if I can encrypt a mp4 video file using ffmpeg with AES 128 protocol. I was able to encrypt mp4 files using CENC protocol using the following command:

    ffmpeg -i testvideo.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -encryption_scheme cenc-aes-ctr -encryption_key 76a6c65c5ea762046bd749a2e632ccbb -encryption_kid a7e61c373e219033c21091fa607bf3b8 testvideo_encrypted.mp4

    Does CENC have a connection with AES? Also can someone explain how a AES 128 encryption for mp4 files using ffmperg can be done.

  • ffmpeg - how to remove audio from video in laravel

    15 mars 2018, par kodfire
    ffmpeg -i input_file.mp4 -an -vcodec copy output_file.mp4

    How can I change it to something like this below?

    ->inFormat(new \FFMpeg\Format\Video\X264('libmp3lame', 'libx264'))
  • Input command for real time video streaming with ffmpeg

    15 mars 2018, par Eric Marchetti Santos

    My real time application renders an image into a byte[] every frame and I want to feed it into a RTP video stream using ffmpeg. However, the tutorials/documentations I find either refer to a device or application (-i video="Some device") or to files in the hard drive. Is it possible to send the frame data from code to a ffmpeg stream?