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  • split a video with overlap between segments

    6 mai 2017, par John Pankowicz

    I need to split a video into a sequence of segments like the following: (numbers are mm:ss) 00:00 to 03:05, 03:00 to 06:05, 06:00 to 09:05, etc. In other words, each segment will have 5 seconds of overlap with the following segment. The purpose of this is for a transcription program. Each 3 minute segment will be transcribed separately. The 5 seconds of overlap will help in stitching the transcribed text segments back together.

    Do I need to extract each 3 minute and 5 second segment separately? For example, by doing the following:

    ffmpeg -ss 00:03:00 -i in.mp4 -t 00:06:05 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -y out.mp4

    Or is there a way to do all the segments in one pass?

    [ Project is: Govmeeting ]

  • How to deal with slices with VideoToolbox

    6 mai 2017, par Wong Sam

    i use VideoToolbox to decode H264, but i have a problem: the buffer like that


    VideoToolbox encode buffer call CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock but i dont't know how to deal with a packageBuffer,because slice1 and slice2 may belongs to one frame

    so how can i combine some slices to a packageBuffer and how to decide which slices belongs to one frame

    Thank u very much

  • ffmpeg video convert library on my VPS Linux based godaddy server not working

    6 mai 2017, par mahesh vora

    I have some query here for using your ffmpeg video convert library on my VPS Linux based godaddy server.

    I have php 5.6.30 version on my server and I want to use your ffmpeg video convert library on my server so I can use that with 5.6.30 php version ?

    As I have already many time try my self to install it but each time I am getting different errors while installing process so after that for installation of it on my server I have taken godaddy's support team help and paid them $100 for install ffmpeg on my VPS server then in end (after 12 days) they said me ffmpeg will work with older version of php only (they saying it will work until you will have php 4.0 after that with any latest version of php it will not work) so they said me downgrade your php version then only it will work, but I can't do that as I if I will do that then I will fetch some other issues in my project.

    So here can you please confirm "your ffmpeg video convert library will work with my php version 5.6.30 (website hosted on godaddy's VPS Linux based server)" ?

    if not working then please suggest me to best other similar library similar to ffmpeg i want only two of the functionality 1) to cut the video 2)may be compress 3)Create thumb from the video.

    Waiting for valuable response!

  • stream & play incompleted mpeg-4 file

    6 mai 2017, par maytide

    I'm using MediaRecorder to record screen on android device, the output file format is mpeg-4 and without a "moov atom" in front.

    Now I want to stream this mpeg-4 file to remote server in real-time and make it playable, how can i achieve this?

    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

  • how to set android's camera as the input of ffmpeg

    5 mai 2017, par Harrison

    I managed to run ffmpeg in Android Studio project, but don't know how to set the Android's camera as the input of ffmpeg. Is it possible now?

    If not, is there some open-sourced projects that can get Android's camera and turn the phone to a rtsp server? Then I can use ffmpeg to get that rtsp link.

    Really appreciate it if some suggestions about this, thanks.