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  • can't read mp4 in opencv3.2 (ubuntu, python3)

    28 mars 2017, par lhk

    I've ran into a problem with my opencv installation, it is unable to open an mp4 video. My system is ubuntu 16.04, 64bit, opencv3.2 used from python 3.5. returns False and None.

    There are other questions with this problem, but they target different platforms or different opencv versions.

    Apparently, I'm missing the proper codec. So I ran make uninstall from my build directory, purged opencv* with apt and built from source again. This time making sure that ffmpeg was installed before the compilation.

    Here are my steps:

    • clone opencv and opencv_contrib
    • cd opencv/
    • mkdir build
    • cd build
    • make -j 8
    • sudo make install

    I checked the output of cmake, ffmpeg is there:

    Video I/O:
    --     DC1394 1.x:                  NO
    --     DC1394 2.x:                  NO
    --     FFMPEG:                      YES
    --       avcodec:                   YES (ver 56.60.100)
    --       avformat:                  YES (ver 56.40.101)
    --       avutil:                    YES (ver 54.31.100)
    --       swscale:                   YES (ver 3.1.101)
    --       avresample:                NO
    --     GStreamer:                   NO
    --     OpenNI:                      NO
    --     OpenNI PrimeSensor Modules:  NO
    --     OpenNI2:                     NO
    --     PvAPI:                       NO
    --     GigEVisionSDK:               NO
    --     Aravis SDK:                  NO
    --     UniCap:                      NO
    --     UniCap ucil:                 NO
    --     V4L/V4L2:                    NO/YES
    --     XIMEA:                       NO
    --     Xine:                        NO
    --     gPhoto2:                     NO

    But the problem persists. How can I fix this ?


    I had to manually remove some .so files from /usr/local.

    Then I installed all avi related codecs I could find. plus libavcodec-extra and ffmpeg

    Then I recompiled and now it works.

  • ffmpeg encoding for HTML

    28 mars 2017, par Mitsos

    I am trying to build a web app (using Primefaces) that streams real time video on an html page. The video is captured using an HDMI to IP encoder(TBS2603), that outputs the stream to HTTP. The video is show on the page using:


    BUT the video is not show on the page using tag. As I want to stream on mobile devices and I need to use stream. Therefore I have to transcode the stream using ffmpeg (not ffserver - as it will be deprecated on future releases), and publishing it on Tomcat on another context allowing listing.

    I am creating 3 streams on 3 files (ogg/mp4/webm)


    ffmpeg -i http://ip:8080/hdmi -vcodec libx264 -b:v 8192k -f segment -segment_time 4 -segment_list_size 0 -segment_list test.m3u8 -segment_format mpegts stream%05d.ts


    ffmpeg -i http://ip:8080/hdmi -acodec vorbis -vcodec libtheora test.ogg


    ffmpeg -i http://ip:8080/hdmi -vcodec libvpx -acodec libvorbis test.webm

    The streams are loaded on jsf:


    In this manner I get the output from the encoded files - how can I get the real time stream from the encoder?

  • symbol lookup error in opencv

    28 mars 2017, par abolfazl taghribi

    I'm facing an error when I am trying to run laptev's stip code (space time interest point). I download the code from here but at first I face an error related to linking issues and I solve it according to stackoverflow but after this error have been solved I face the new error:

    ./bin/stipdet: symbol lookup error: ./bin/stipdet: undefined symbol: cvCreateFileCapture

    I installed opencv 3.2. on ubuntu 14.04 with ffmpeg. should I install opencv 2 to use this code? does anyone else have the same problem?

  • using FFmpeg, how to decode H264 packets

    28 mars 2017, par Jun

    I'm new to FFmpeg struggling to decode H264 packets which can be obtained as an array of uint8_t.

    After many of investigations, I think it should be able to just put the array into an AVPacket like the below

    AVPacket *avpkt = (AVPacket *)malloc(sizeof(AVPacket) * 1);
    avpkt->data = ct;   // ct is the array
    avpkt->length =....

    and decode by avcodec_decode_video2(). A part of the code is like

    codec = avcodec_find_decoder(CODEC_ID_H264);
    gVideoCodecCtx = avcodec_alloc_context();
    gFrame = avcodec_alloc_frame();
    avcodec_decode_video2(gVideoCodecCtx, gFrame, &frameFinished, packet);

    I guess I set all required properties properly but this function is returning only -1 :(

    I just found the -1 is coming from

    ret = avctx->codec->decode(avctx, picture, got_picture_ptr, avpkt);

    in the avcodec_decode_video2();

    Actually, what I'm wondering is if I can decode H264 packets (without RTP header) by avcodec_decode_video2().

    Thanks for the help in advance.

    /////////// added

    OK, I'm still trying to find a solution. What I'm doing now is the below

    ** the H264 stream in this RTP stream is encoded by FU-A

    1. receive a RTP packet

    2. look if the second byte of the RTP header is > 0 which means it's the first packet (and possibly will be followed)

    3. see if the next RTP packet has > 0 at its second byte also, then it means the previous frame was a complete NAL or if this is < 0, the packet should be appended to the previous packet.

    4. remove all RTP header of the packets so it has only like FU indicator | FU header | NAL

    5. try play it with avcodec_decode_video2()

    but it's only returning -1..... am I supposed to remove FU indicator and header too??

    any suggestion will be very appreciated

    thanks in advance.

  • Java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError : No implementation found for int [duplicate]

    28 mars 2017, par Muthukumar Subramaniam

    This question already has an answer here:

    I executed youtube watch me android application project. I just add some classes in my project and build with ndk. I got the error like

    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for int com.ephronsystem.mobilizerapp.Ffmpeg.encodeVideoFrame(byte[]) (tried Java_com_ephronsystem_mobilizerapp_Ffmpeg_encodeVideoFrame and Java_com_ephronsystem_mobilizerapp_Ffmpeg_encodeVideoFrame___3B).

    My code:

    package com.ephronsystem.mobilizerapp;
    public class Ffmpeg {
         static {
        public static native boolean init(int width, int height, int audio_sample_rate, String rtmpUrl);
        public static native void shutdown();
        // Returns the size of the encoded frame.
        public static native int encodeVideoFrame(byte[] yuv_image);
        public static native int encodeAudioFrame(short[] audio_data, int length);

    This is ffmpeg-jni.c

     #include log.h>
    #include "libavcodec/avcodec.h"
    #include "libavformat/avformat.h"
    #include "libavutil/opt.h"
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {
    JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_com_ephronsystem_mobilizerapp_Ffmpeg_init(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,
                                                                     jint width, jint height,
                                                                     jint audio_sample_rate,
                                                                     jstring rtmp_url);
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_ephronsystem_mobilizerapp_Ffmpeg_shutdown(JNIEnv *env,
    jobject thiz
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_ephronsystem_mobilizerapp_Ffmpeg_encodeVideoFrame(JNIEnv
    jobject thiz,
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_ephronsystem_mobilizerapp_Ffmpeg_encodeAudioFrame(JNIEnv *env,
                                                                                 jobject thiz,
                                                                                 jshortArray audio_data,
                                                                                 jint length);
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    #define LOGI(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "ffmpeg-jni", __VA_ARGS__)
    #define URL_WRONLY 2
            static AVFormatContext *fmt_context;
            static AVStream *video_stream;
            static AVStream *audio_stream;
            static int pts
    = 0;
    static int last_audio_pts = 0;
    // Buffers for UV format conversion
    static unsigned char *u_buf;
    static unsigned char *v_buf;
    static int enable_audio = 1;
    static int64_t audio_samples_written = 0;
    static int audio_sample_rate = 0;
    // Stupid buffer for audio samples. Not even a proper ring buffer
    #define AUDIO_MAX_BUF_SIZE 16384  // 2x what we get from Java
    static short audio_buf[AUDIO_MAX_BUF_SIZE];
    static int audio_buf_size = 0;
    void AudioBuffer_Push(const short *audio, int num_samples) {
        if (audio_buf_size >= AUDIO_MAX_BUF_SIZE - num_samples) {
            LOGI("AUDIO BUFFER OVERFLOW: %i + %i > %i", audio_buf_size, num_samples,
        for (int i = 0; i < num_samples; i++) {
            audio_buf[audio_buf_size++] = audio[i];
    int AudioBuffer_Size() { return audio_buf_size; }
    short *AudioBuffer_Get() { return audio_buf; }
    void AudioBuffer_Pop(int num_samples) {
        if (num_samples > audio_buf_size) {
            LOGI("Audio buffer Pop WTF: %i vs %i", num_samples, audio_buf_size);
        memmove(audio_buf, audio_buf + num_samples, num_samples * sizeof(short));
        audio_buf_size -= num_samples;
    void AudioBuffer_Clear() {
        memset(audio_buf, 0, sizeof(audio_buf));
        audio_buf_size = 0;
    static void log_callback(void *ptr, int level, const char *fmt, va_list vl) {
        char x[2048];
        vsnprintf(x, 2048, fmt, vl);
    JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_com_ephronsystem_mobilizerapp_Ffmpeg_init(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,
                                                                     jint width, jint height,
                                                                     jint audio_sample_rate_param,
                                                                     jstring rtmp_url) {
        fmt_context = avformat_alloc_context();
        AVOutputFormat *ofmt = av_guess_format("flv", NULL, NULL);
        if (ofmt) {
            LOGI("av_guess_format returned %s", ofmt->long_name);
        } else {
            LOGI("av_guess_format fail");
            return JNI_FALSE;
        fmt_context->oformat = ofmt;
        LOGI("creating video stream");
        video_stream = av_new_stream(fmt_context, 0);
        if (enable_audio) {
            LOGI("creating audio stream");
            audio_stream = av_new_stream(fmt_context, 1);
        // Open Video Codec.
        // ======================
        AVCodec *video_codec = avcodec_find_encoder(AV_CODEC_ID_H264);
        if (!video_codec) {
            LOGI("Did not find the video codec");
            return JNI_FALSE;  // leak!
        } else {
            LOGI("Video codec found!");
        AVCodecContext *video_codec_ctx = video_stream->codec;
        video_codec_ctx->codec_id = video_codec->id;
        video_codec_ctx->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
        video_codec_ctx->level = 31;
        video_codec_ctx->width = width;
        video_codec_ctx->height = height;
        video_codec_ctx->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV420P;
        video_codec_ctx->rc_max_rate = 0;
        video_codec_ctx->rc_buffer_size = 0;
        video_codec_ctx->gop_size = 12;
        video_codec_ctx->max_b_frames = 0;
        video_codec_ctx->slices = 8;
        video_codec_ctx->b_frame_strategy = 1;
        video_codec_ctx->coder_type = 0;
        video_codec_ctx->me_cmp = 1;
        video_codec_ctx->me_range = 16;
        video_codec_ctx->qmin = 10;
        video_codec_ctx->qmax = 51;
        video_codec_ctx->keyint_min = 25;
        video_codec_ctx->refs = 3;
        video_codec_ctx->trellis = 0;
        video_codec_ctx->scenechange_threshold = 40;
        video_codec_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_LOOP_FILTER;
        video_codec_ctx->me_method = ME_HEX;
        video_codec_ctx->me_subpel_quality = 6;
        video_codec_ctx->i_quant_factor = 0.71;
        video_codec_ctx->qcompress = 0.6;
        video_codec_ctx->max_qdiff = 4;
        video_codec_ctx->time_base.den = 10;
        video_codec_ctx->time_base.num = 1;
        video_codec_ctx->bit_rate = 3200 * 1000;
        video_codec_ctx->bit_rate_tolerance = 0;
        video_codec_ctx->flags2 |= 0x00000100;
        fmt_context->bit_rate = 4000 * 1000;
        av_opt_set(video_codec_ctx, "partitions", "i8x8,i4x4,p8x8,b8x8", 0);
        av_opt_set_int(video_codec_ctx, "direct-pred", 1, 0);
        av_opt_set_int(video_codec_ctx, "rc-lookahead", 0, 0);
        av_opt_set_int(video_codec_ctx, "fast-pskip", 1, 0);
        av_opt_set_int(video_codec_ctx, "mixed-refs", 1, 0);
        av_opt_set_int(video_codec_ctx, "8x8dct", 0, 0);
        av_opt_set_int(video_codec_ctx, "weightb", 0, 0);
        if (fmt_context->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER)
            video_codec_ctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;
        LOGI("Opening video codec");
        AVDictionary *vopts = NULL;
        av_dict_set(&vopts, "profile", "main", 0);
        //av_dict_set(&vopts, "vprofile", "main", 0);
        av_dict_set(&vopts, "rc-lookahead", 0, 0);
        av_dict_set(&vopts, "tune", "film", 0);
        av_dict_set(&vopts, "preset", "ultrafast", 0);
        av_opt_set(video_codec_ctx->priv_data, "tune", "film", 0);
        av_opt_set(video_codec_ctx->priv_data, "preset", "ultrafast", 0);
        av_opt_set(video_codec_ctx->priv_data, "tune", "film", 0);
        int open_res = avcodec_open2(video_codec_ctx, video_codec, &vopts);
        if (open_res < 0) {
            LOGI("Error opening video codec: %i", open_res);
            return JNI_FALSE;   // leak!
        // Open Audio Codec.
        // ======================
        if (enable_audio) {
            audio_sample_rate = audio_sample_rate_param;
            AVCodec *audio_codec = avcodec_find_encoder(AV_CODEC_ID_AAC);
            if (!audio_codec) {
                LOGI("Did not find the audio codec");
                return JNI_FALSE;  // leak!
            } else {
                LOGI("Audio codec found!");
            AVCodecContext *audio_codec_ctx = audio_stream->codec;
            audio_codec_ctx->codec_id = audio_codec->id;
            audio_codec_ctx->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;
            audio_codec_ctx->bit_rate = 128000;
            audio_codec_ctx->bit_rate_tolerance = 16000;
            audio_codec_ctx->channels = 1;
            audio_codec_ctx->profile = FF_PROFILE_AAC_LOW;
            audio_codec_ctx->sample_fmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT;
            audio_codec_ctx->sample_rate = 44100;
            LOGI("Opening audio codec");
            AVDictionary *opts = NULL;
            av_dict_set(&opts, "strict", "experimental", 0);
            open_res = avcodec_open2(audio_codec_ctx, audio_codec, &opts);
            LOGI("audio frame size: %i", audio_codec_ctx->frame_size);
            if (open_res < 0) {
                LOGI("Error opening audio codec: %i", open_res);
                return JNI_FALSE;   // leak!
        const jbyte *url = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, rtmp_url, NULL);
        // Point to an output file
        if (!(ofmt->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE)) {
            if (avio_open(&fmt_context->pb, url, URL_WRONLY) < 0) {
                LOGI("ERROR: Could not open file %s", url);
                return JNI_FALSE;  // leak!
        (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, rtmp_url, url);
        LOGI("Writing output header.");
        // Write file header
        if (avformat_write_header(fmt_context, NULL) != 0) {
            LOGI("ERROR: av_write_header failed");
            return JNI_FALSE;
        pts = 0;
        last_audio_pts = 0;
        audio_samples_written = 0;
        // Initialize buffers for UV format conversion
        int frame_size = video_codec_ctx->width * video_codec_ctx->height;
        u_buf = (unsigned char *) av_malloc(frame_size / 4);
        v_buf = (unsigned char *) av_malloc(frame_size / 4);
        LOGI("ffmpeg encoding init done");
        return JNI_TRUE;
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_ephronsystem_mobilizerapp_Ffmpeg_shutdown(JNIEnv
    jobject thiz
    ) {
    if (enable_audio) {
    fmt_context = NULL;
    u_buf = NULL;
    v_buf = NULL;
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_ephronsystem_mobilizerapp_Ffmpeg_encodeVideoFrame(JNIEnv
    jobject thiz,
    yuv_image) {
    int yuv_length = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, yuv_image);
    unsigned char *yuv_data = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, yuv_image, 0);
    AVCodecContext *video_codec_ctx = video_stream->codec;
    //LOGI("Yuv size: %i w: %i h: %i", yuv_length, video_codec_ctx->width, video_codec_ctx->height);
    int frame_size = video_codec_ctx->width * video_codec_ctx->height;
    const unsigned char *uv = yuv_data + frame_size;
    // Convert YUV from NV12 to I420. Y channel is the same so we don't touch it,
    // we just have to deinterleave UV.
    for (
    int i = 0;
    i < frame_size / 4; i++) {
    v_buf[i] = uv[i * 2];
    u_buf[i] = uv[i * 2 + 1];
    AVFrame source;
    memset(&source, 0, sizeof(AVFrame));[0] =
    yuv_data;[1] =
    u_buf;[2] =
    source.linesize[0] = video_codec_ctx->
    source.linesize[1] = video_codec_ctx->width / 2;
    source.linesize[2] = video_codec_ctx->width / 2;
    // only for bitrate regulation. irrelevant for sync.
    pts = pts;
    int out_length = frame_size + (frame_size / 2);
    unsigned char *out = (unsigned char *) av_malloc(out_length);
    int compressed_length = avcodec_encode_video(video_codec_ctx, out, out_length, &source);
    ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, yuv_image, yuv_data,
    // Write to file too
    if (compressed_length > 0) {
    AVPacket pkt;
    pts = last_audio_pts;
    if (video_codec_ctx->coded_frame && video_codec_ctx->coded_frame->key_frame) {
    pkt.flags |= 0x0001;
    stream_index = video_stream->index;
    data = out;
    size = compressed_length;
    if (
    &pkt) != 0) {
    LOGI("Error writing video frame");
    } else {
    LOGI("??? compressed_length <= 0");
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_ephronsystem_mobilizerapp_Ffmpeg_encodeAudioFrame(JNIEnv
    jobject thiz,
    jint length
    ) {
    if (!enable_audio) {
    return 0;
    short *audio = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env, audio_data, 0);
    //LOGI("java audio buffer size: %i", length);
    AVCodecContext *audio_codec_ctx = audio_stream->codec;
    unsigned char *out = av_malloc(128000);
    AudioBuffer_Push(audio, length
    int total_compressed = 0;
    while (
    >= audio_codec_ctx->frame_size) {
    AVPacket pkt;
    int compressed_length = avcodec_encode_audio(audio_codec_ctx, out, 128000,
    total_compressed +=
    audio_samples_written += audio_codec_ctx->
    int new_pts = (audio_samples_written * 1000) / audio_sample_rate;
    if (compressed_length > 0) {
    size = compressed_length;
    pts = new_pts;
    last_audio_pts = new_pts;
    //LOGI("audio_samples_written: %i  comp_length: %i   pts: %i", (int)audio_samples_written, (int)compressed_length, (int)new_pts);
    pkt.flags |= 0x0001;
    stream_index = audio_stream->index;
    data = out;
    if (
    &pkt) != 0) {
    LOGI("Error writing audio frame");
    ReleaseShortArrayElements(env, audio_data, audio,