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  • complex ffmpeg command line to Node fluent ffmpeg

    13 février 2017, par Faellor

    I have read the other question on command line input to Node Fluent ffmpeg but the command I am trying to execute is more complex and any ideas are appreciated.

    ffmpeg -i cut2.mp4 -c copy -an nosound2.mp4 && ffmpeg -i nosound2.mp4 -vf reverse reversednosound2.mp4 && ffmpeg -f concat -i inputs.txt -vcodec copy -acodec copy 2sec.mp4

    It is far from optimal because I am saving every video created with middle steps. I need to pipe the output of one command to the other command but I have no idea on how to do that with Node fluent-ffmpeg module.

    Any attempts to write this command with Node fluent-ffmpeg is greatly appreciated

  • OpenCV cannot read some mp4 files, converting to avi doesn't help either

    13 février 2017, par Miranda

    I'm trying to read some video files that have mp4 format using OpenCV python. I didn't have any problem with any other mp4 video that I have used so far, but for some reason, videocapture cannot read these mp4 video files. My problem is not like this (I already applied this renaming of mmpeg when I first installed opencv). Besides, as I mentioned earlier videocapture can read other mp4 videos, but not these ones. I also tried to convert the video into avi, but still videocapture cannot read the video (I use other avi files with no problem). The videos that I'm using come from this dataset.

  • ffmpeg copy video in video with a specific time

    13 février 2017, par Alkl

    Im new in this topic (beginner) and Im german... So it's a bit difficult to find the correct words...

    I'll try to explain what I've done and what I want to do:

    1. Extract video area from the original video converted in PRORES codec:

      ffmpeg.exe -i test.mkv -ss 00:06:21.99 -t 00:00:01.94 -async 1 -strict -2 -c:v prores_ks -pix_fmt yuva444p10le -profile:v 4444 -bits_per_mb 8000 -s 1920x1080

    2. Edit the cut in After Effects

    3. Convert the PRORES in Matroska

      ffmpeg.exe -i "C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\ffmpeg-20170202-08b0981-win64-static\bin\cut_video\" -vcodec ffv1 -acodec pcm_s16le temp.mkv

    4. Replace the video area in the originale video file at the time 00:06:21.99...

    I spend 4 hours for the two commands... So I despair at the fourth step. Is it possible? Can you help me?

    I made a picture, so you can understand better what Im doing...:

    Best regards from germany,


  • MacOSx - port install package warning

    13 février 2017, par beetlej

    I maybe installed ffmpeg package by port before, but have manually deleted the binary.

    After that, when I install any other package by port, it alway show a warning message:

    Warning: Error parsing file /opt/local/bin/ffmpeg: Error opening or reading file

    How can I fix that? I don't want to install ffmpeg anyway since I have build it myself.

  • Audio conversion of CAF file

    13 février 2017, par John

    I am recording audio on the iPhone to a CAF file with kAudioFormatiLBC, the recording works fine.

    I want to be able to take a sample and also get it to convert to other formats after I have uploaded it to by ruby on rails webservice.

    I am trying to use sox but get:

    sox in.caf out.mp3

    sox FAIL formats: can't open input file `in.caf': Supported file format but unsupported encoding.

    Similar with ffmpeg I get:

    Unable to find a suitable output format for 'in.caf'

    Any ideas?
