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  • ffmpeg batch reencode with subfolders

    4 octobre 2016, par Alan

    I am trying to reencode a few hundred videos to X265 but there are many directories that have spaces in the filenames as do some of the files. I have looked at a bunch of scripts and am struggling to find one that works with the spaces and the different directory levels.

    This one works, as long as there is no sub directories:

    for i in *.avi;
        ffmpeg -i "$i" -c:v libx265 -c:a copy X265_"$i"

    I have been trying to work with this bash script, but it fails with the whitespaces I am guessing.

    while IFS= read -r file ; do
      video=`basename "$file"`
      dir=`dirname "$file"`
     ffmpeg -fflags +genpts -i "$file" -c:v libx265 -c:a copy "$dir"/X265_"$video"
    done < <(find "$inputdir" -name "*.avi" | head -100)

    On this thread it looks like a good solution for windows users, but not linux. FFMPEG - Batch convert subfolders

    FOR /r %%i in (*.mp4) DO ffmpeg32 -i "%%~fi" -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map 0:1 -c:v copy -c:a:0 aac -b:a 128k -ac 2 -strict -2 -cutoff 15000 -c:a:1 copy "%%~dpni(2)%%~xi"

    If you can point me to the right solution that is appropriate for bash, I would appreciate it.

  • VLC snytax to transcode & stream to stdout ?

    4 octobre 2016, par Will Tower

    Goal: I am trying to use VLC as a local server to expand the video capabilities of an app created with Adobe AIR, Flex and Actionscript. I am using VLC to stream to stdoutand reading that output from within my app.

    VLC Streaming capabilities
    VLC Flash Video

    Status: I am able to launch VLC as a background process and control it through its remote control interface (more detail). I can load, transcode and stream a local video file. The example app below is a barebones testbed demonstrating this.

    Issue: I am getting data in to my app but it is not rendering as video. I don't know if it is a problem with my VLC commands or with writing to/reading from stdout. This technique of reading from stdout in AIR works (with ffmpeg for example).

    One of the various transcoding commands I have tried:

    -I rc  // remote control interface  
    -vvv   // verbose debuging  
    --sout  // transcode, stream to stdout 

    This results in data coming into to my app but for some reason it is not rendering as video when using appendBytes with the NetStream instance.

    If instead I write the data to an .flv file, a valid file is created – so the broken part seems to be writing it to stdout. One thing I have noticed: I am not getting metadata through the stdout`method. If I play the file created with the command below, I do see metadata.

    Hoping someone sees where I am going wrong here.

    // writing to a file
    var output:File = File.desktopDirectory.resolvePath("stream.flv");
    var outputPath:String = output.nativePath;
    "#transcode{vcodec=FLV1}:std{access=file,mux=ffmpeg{mux=flv},dst=" + outputPath + "}");

    Note: In order to get this to work in AIR, you need to define the app profile as "extendedDesktop"

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  • Failed to build opencv for conda

    4 octobre 2016, par Caenorst

    I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 64 bits, using Anaconda2.

    I'm trying to install Opencv for conda with FFMPEG support (for VideoCapture).

    I followed this tutorial:

    changed cmake to 3.3.1 and -DWITH_FFMPEG=1 but when I execute $ conda build conda

    It fails at the test to import cv2

    You can find the whole log in this file:

  • "opaque" pointer in ffmpeg AVFrame

    4 octobre 2016, par R2-D2

    In ffmpeg there is a structure AVFrame describing decoded video or audio data.

    It has a void pointer opaque. The documentation claims it is "for some private data of the user".

    What does this mean? Can it be used to transport any additional data as per-frame metadata?

  • Possible to dynamically switch input streams in ffserver ?

    4 octobre 2016, par dr.doom

    I am interested in having multiple alternative input streams to an ffserver that each will get activated upon command on predefined time intervals.

    Imagine a scenario where the client wants to stream feeds from a security camera for 10 seconds and then switch to another security camera.

    Is this functionality possible with ffserver and ffmpeg?