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  • Exe media file conversion to mp4

    31 mai 2016, par karthikpj

    I have an exe file which is actually a media file which I need to convert to mp4. It contains footage from CCTV cameras.When I open that exe file,a launcher called SecureView is opened and the video can be played inside that player. I need to convert that exe to mp4 for viewing it in other normal media players. I have used a tool called exe2swf but there was no swf file in it. Is there any way to separate that launcher from the video?

  • Showing Image overlay for less than a second in ffmpeg

    31 mai 2016, par lalitsharma1607

    I have to highlight an object in video via ffmpeg, so I am using an overlay image and enabling it for a sec to do so. The one second time is much for this feature as object moves but the overlay does not. So I need to show this overlay for less than a second. Is it possible to give duration milliseconds in


    Here is the command I am using

    String[] complexCommandWatermark = {"ffmpeg", "-y", "-i", orginalFilePath, "-strict", "experimental", "-vf",
                "movie=/sdcard/skilltally/overlay_icon.png [watermark]; [in][watermark] overlay=" + leftMargin + ":" + topMargin + ":enable='between(t," + starttime + "," + endTime + ")' [out]"
                , "-r", "30", "-b", "15496k", "-vcodec", "mpeg4", "-ab", "48000", "-ac", "2", "-ar", "22050",
  • VideoCapture is not working in OpenCV 2.4.2

    31 mai 2016, par Froyo

    I recently installed OpenCV 2.4.2 in Ubuntu 12.04.

    cap = VideoCapture(0)

    is working. but I can't grab frames from some video source.

    cap = VideoCapture("input.avi")
    img = 

    gives me a numpy with all zero elements.

    I have also installed ffmpeg 0.11, Latest snapshot of x264, v4l-0.8.8 (All are latest stable versions)

    sudo make install

    When I do cmake, I get this

    -- Detected version of GNU GCC: 46 (406)
    -- Found OpenEXR: /usr/lib/
    -- Looking for linux/videodev.h
    -- Looking for linux/videodev.h - not found
    -- Looking for linux/videodev2.h
    -- Looking for linux/videodev2.h - found
    -- Looking for libavformat/avformat.h
    -- Looking for libavformat/avformat.h - found
    -- Looking for ffmpeg/avformat.h
    -- Looking for ffmpeg/avformat.h - not found
    -- checking for module 'tbb'
    -- package 'tbb' not found


    --   Video I/O:  
    --     DC1394 1.x:                  NO  
    --     DC1394 2.x:                  YES (ver 2.2.0)  
    --     FFMPEG:                      YES  
    --       codec:                     YES (ver 54.23.100)  
    --       format:                    YES (ver 54.6.100)  
    --       util:                      YES (ver 51.54.100)  
    --       swscale:                   YES (ver 2.1.100)  
    --       gentoo-style:              YES  
    --     GStreamer:                   
    --       base:                      YES (ver 0.10.36)  
    --       app:                       YES (ver 0.10.36)  
    --       video:                     YES (ver 0.10.36)  
    --     OpenNI:                      NO  
    --     OpenNI PrimeSensor Modules:  NO  
    --     PvAPI:                       NO  
    --     UniCap:                      NO  
    --     UniCap ucil:                 NO  
    --     V4L/V4L2:                    Using libv4l (ver 0.8.8)  
    --     XIMEA:                       NO  
    --     Xine:                        NO

    I looked for videodev.h, etc

    • /usr/include/linux/videodev2.h exists
    • /usr/include/libavformat/avformat.h exists
    • /usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h exists

    But I couldn't find ffmpeg/avformat.h

    What's the problem here?

  • Convert mp4 to maximum mobile supported MP4 using FFMPEG

    31 mai 2016, par Notepad

    I would like to use ffmpeg to convert an mp4 to 'low size' mp4 ...

    I need an mp4 file with h263 video and aac audio (or some other settings supported by low cost mobile.) My main concern is that the video be playable on most devices.

    What would be some possible ffmpeg commands to accomplish this?

    Thanks in advance.

  • ffmpeg split avi into frames with known frame rate

    31 mai 2016, par Myx

    I posted this as comments under this related thread. However, they seem to have gone unnoticed =(

    I've used

    ffmpeg -i myfile.avi -f image2 image-%05d.bmp

    to split myfile.avi into frames stored as .bmp files. It seemed to work except not quite. When recording my video, I recorded at a rate of 1000fps and the video turned out to be 2min29sec long. If my math is correct, that should amount to a total of 149,000 frames for the entire video. However, when I ran

    ffmpeg -i myfile.avi -f image2 image-%05d.bmp

    I only obtained 4472 files. How can I get the original 149k frames?

    I also tried to convert the frame rate of my original AVI to 1000fps by doing

    ffmpeg -i myfile.avi -r 1000 otherfile.avi

    but this didn't seem to fix my concern.