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  • Fade out audio at the end of video using avconv with shortest option

    3 septembre 2015, par BalaramanL

    I'm using avconv for merging an audio file with a video file. I'm using a script in which the video length will vary from file to file. So, I use -shortest flag to stop audio abruptly at the end of the video. I want to fade out audio alone for 2 seconds at the end of the video. But, I don't know the exact length of a particular video.

    avconv -i  inputvideo.mp4 -i inputaudio.mp3 -c:v copy -c:a aac -strict experimental -shortest  videowithfadedaudio.mp4

    What should I do?

  • H.264 / H.265 Compression of a single Bitmap-Image

    3 septembre 2015, par kevf

    I hope someone can help me.

    I started researching different compression methods to compress Bitmap-Images lossless and lossy. The first methods i used were JPEG, JPEG-2000 and JPEG-XR. Now i want to compare these "standard" ones with H.264 and H.265, maybe they perform as well as they do for video compression.

    I tried using ffmpeg, but i can't find out which parameters i need, there are plenty... So maybe someone can help me or link me to an Article/Howto or something else?!

    Thanks a lot!


    I used the following command: ffmpeg -i 01.bmp -c:v libx264 -preset veryslow -crf 40 test.avi

    but this created an 7kb file from an 76,8 kb input file... not very good compression ratio... is there any possibility to achieve more?

  • libavutil\common.h the following files have unsaved change ? change permission

    3 septembre 2015, par user3717658

    i have just downloaded QtMEL and i try to compile the source code in Qtcreator with visual c++ 11 compiler but i get 2 error

    1: libavutil\common.h the following files have unsaved change (from QtCreator) 2: error: C1083: Cannot open include file: 'libavutil/avconfig.h': No such file or directory (from Compiler)

    the avconfig.h file does not exit maybe duo to change in ffmpeg is there any replacement ?

  • FFMPEG - batch extracting media duration and writing to a text file

    3 septembre 2015, par lyrically wicked

    I have ten media files in a folder. I want to create a text file containing two columns - filename and its duration (seconds):

    video1.mp4|300 seconds 
    video2.mp4|360 seconds 
    video3.mp4|420 seconds 
    audio10.wav|120 seconds 

    I did not find any similar question on the Web, so I don't have any hint of how to do this...

  • How can I convert an interlaced uncompressed MOV to YUV without deinterlacing ?

    3 septembre 2015, par Lyman Hurd

    I have an interlaced, uncompressed MOV file which I am trying to convert to YUV. My current command line:

    ffmpeg -i -pix_fmt yuv422p deming3.yuv

    is having the apparent side effect of deinterlacing the frames before conversion which is not what I want, but I have been unable to find a combination of flags that will preserve the fields. Any help appreciated.

    Failing this, can anyone suggest any other method of doing this conversion?