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  • Handling spaces in filenames of ffmpeg command when i don't know the exact path

    3 août 2015, par Bhuvnesh Varma

    I am using below ffmpeg command to cut videos.It works fine for video file names which doesn't have spaces but didn't worked for filenames having spaces..

    execFFmpegBinary("-i " + path + " -ss " + startMs / 1000 + " -to " + endMs / 1000 + " -strict -2 -async 1 " + dest.getAbsolutePath());

    where path is the path of original video.

    startMs is the initial time of video form where you want to cut(start time of cropped video)

    endMs is the time of video upto which you want to cut(end time of cropped video)

    dest is the path where you want to save the cut/cropped video

    The problem is with source path(path).I have seen this answer.But here i don't know the complete path since I am fetching paths of all the videos from storage. I need to handle spaces in filenames. For resolving that i tried using string formatter as shown in below code .But with that it didn't worked in both cases.Where am i going wrong and how can i resolve the issue?

    String command = String.format("-i \"%s\" -ss %d -to %d -strict -2 -async 1 \"%s\" ",path,startMs / 1000 , endMs / 1000, dest.getAbsolutePath());
  • FFMpeg convert avi video to the format in HTML5 standard

    2 août 2015, par karoluch

    I try to convert an avi file to mp4 format which is supported by the most known browsers eg. : (IE, Firefox, Chrome). I use for that ffmpeg tool. I noticed that video after conversion works on my Ubuntu 14.04 but on the Windows 8.1 it does not work. Which options for ffmpeg should I use to get working mp4 format on the Windows?

    I use following command to conversion:

    ffmpeg -i example.avi -vcodec libx264 -cpu-used 16 -threads 8 -deadline realtime -acodec libvo_aacenc -y example.mp4

    For the example I convert files from :

  • ffmpeg conversion - keep audio bitrate

    2 août 2015, par clausvdb

    I'm using ffmpeg to extract the audio from different video formats (flv, mp4) and convert it to mp3.

    %~dp0ffmpeg.exe -i %1 -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ab 128k "%~dpn1.mp3"

    This works just fine. However, in my input files, the audio bitrate varies, and I want to adjust the output bitrate accordingly. Even by extensive Google searching, I didn't find any hint how to just keep the original bitrate.

    What I would need would be something like:

    -ab copy

    Which, of course, does not work.

    Is there anything that will work?

    P.S: As you might have figured from the formatting above, I'm using a windows batch file. There would be the hack to use %~dp0ffmpeg.exe -i, get the audio bitrate by grep and insert it in the command line. I just think there has to be an easier and more elegant way.

  • Handling commands with spaces in filenames

    2 août 2015, par Bhuvnesh Varma

    I am using below ffmpeg command to cut videos.It works fine for video file names which doesn't have spaces but didn't worked for filenames having spaces..

    execFFmpegBinary("-i " + path + " -ss " + startMs / 1000 + " -to " + endMs / 1000 + " -strict -2 -async 1 " + dest.getAbsolutePath());

    For resolving that i tried using string formatter as shown in below code .But with that it didn't worked in both cases.Where am i going wrong and how can i resolve the issue?

    String command = String.format("-i \"%s\" -ss %d -to %d -strict -2 -async 1 \"%s\" ",path,startMs / 1000 , endMs / 1000, dest.getAbsolutePath());
    private void execFFmpegBinary(final String command) {
            try {
                ffmpeg.execute(command, new ExecuteBinaryResponseHandler() {
                    public void onFailure(String s) {
                        Log.e("Previewragment", "FAILED with output : " + s);
                    public void onSuccess(String s) {
                        Log.e("Previewragment", "SUCCESS with output : " + s);
                    public void onProgress(String s) {
                        Log.e("Previewragment", "Started command : ffmpeg " + command);
                        Log.e("Previewragment", "progress : " + s);
                    public void onStart() {
                        Log.e("Previewragment", "Started command : ffmpeg " + command);
                    public void onFinish() {
                        Log.e("Previewragment", "Finished command : ffmpeg " + command);
                        path = dest.getAbsolutePath();
            } catch (FFmpegCommandAlreadyRunningException e) {
                // do nothing for now
  • Can i programmatically rename a file on removable sd card

    2 août 2015, par Bhuvnesh Varma

    I tried below codes for renaming file.It works fine for internal storage but is not working for removable sd card file.I need to rename file on removable sd card to remove spaces and special characters from filename as I am using fmpeg command to cut videos.

    File from = new File(originalpath);
    String rename=originalpath.replace(" ", "").replace("-","").replace(",","").trim();
    File to = new File(rename);
    Boolean result= from.renameTo(to);


    File from = new File(originalpath);
    File to=new File((Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()),"gvideo.mp4");
    Boolean result2= from.renameTo(to);

    Both of them gives result false

    Adding details about command-

    execFFmpegBinary("-i " + from.getAbsolutePath() + " -ss " + startMs / 1000 + " -to " + endMs / 1000 + " -strict -2 -async 1 " + dest.getAbsolutePath());
    private void execFFmpegBinary(final String command) {
            try {
                ffmpeg.execute(command, new ExecuteBinaryResponseHandler() {
                    public void onFailure(String s) {
                        Log.e("Previewragment", "FAILED with output : " + s);
                    public void onSuccess(String s) {
                        Log.e("Previewragment", "SUCCESS with output : " + s);
                    public void onProgress(String s) {
                        Log.e("Previewragment", "Started command : ffmpeg " + command);
                        Log.e("Previewragment", "progress : " + s);
                    public void onStart() {
                        Log.e("Previewragment", "Started command : ffmpeg " + command);
                    public void onFinish() {
                        Log.e("Previewragment", "Finished command : ffmpeg " + command);
            } catch (FFmpegCommandAlreadyRunningException e) {
                // do nothing for now

    Failure message-

    FAILED with output : WARNING: linker: /data/data/xyz/files/ffmpeg has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
        ffmpeg version n2.4.2 Copyright (c) 2000-2014 the FFmpeg developers
        built on Oct  7 2014 15:11:41 with gcc 4.8 (GCC)
        configuration: --target-os=linux --cross-prefix=/home/sb/Source-Code/ffmpeg-android/toolchain-android/bin/i686-linux-android- --arch=x86 --cpu=i686 --enable-runtime-cpudetect --sysroot=/home/sb/Source-Code/ffmpeg-android/toolchain-android/sysroot --enable-pic --enable-libx264 --enable-libass --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-fontconfig --enable-pthreads --disable-debug --disable-ffserver --enable-version3 --enable-hardcoded-tables --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobe --enable-gpl --enable-yasm --disable-doc --disable-shared --enable-static --pkg-config=/home/sb/Source-Code/ffmpeg-android/ffmpeg-pkg-config --prefix=/home/sb/Source-Code/ffmpeg-android/build/x86 --extra-cflags='-I/home/sb/Source-Code/ffmpeg-android/toolchain-android/include -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fno-strict-overflow -fstack-protector-all -march=i686' --extra-ldflags='-L/home/sb/Source-Code/ffmpeg-android/toolchain-android/lib -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -pie' --extra-libs='-lpng -lexpat -lm' --extra-cxxflags=
        libavutil      54.  7.100 / 54.  7.100
        libavcodec     56.  1.100 / 56.  1.100
        libavformat    56.  4.101 / 56.  4.101
        libavdevice    56.  0.100 / 56.  0.100
        libavfilter     5.  1.100 /  5.  1.100
        libswscale      3.  0.100 /  3.  0.100
        libswresample   1.  1.100 /  1.  1.100
        libpostproc    53.  0.100 / 53.  0.100
        "/storage/emulated/0/Movies/m_ASUS_Display_Demo.mp4": No such file or directory

    Added complete method-

    private void executeTrimCommand(int startMs, int endMs) {
            File moviesDir = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(
            String filePrefix = "guggu";
            String fileExtn = ".mp4";
            String fileName = filePrefix + fileExtn;
           File from = new File(path);
            try {
                dest = new File(moviesDir, filePrefix + "_1" + fileExtn);
                if (dest.exists()) {
                String command = String.format("-i \"%s\" -ss %d -to %d -strict -2 -async 1 \"%s\" ",path,startMs / 1000 , endMs / 1000, dest.getAbsolutePath());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e("Previewragment", e.toString());