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  • How to verify source video content in ffmpeg ?

    27 juillet 2015, par Vijay Morje

    I am transcodeing 19 Mins source file using FFMPEG, which is corrupt after 11 Mins. FFMPEG transcode 11 Mins file and stopped transcoding, showing message transcoded successfully. Is their any command in FFMPEG to check and verify the source files duration or any other issues.

  • RTSP session error using FFMPEG

    27 juillet 2015, par Yasin SOYASLAN

    I am using RTSP-RTP over TCP to connect ip camera. I installed ffmpeg library and when i write this code in cmd

    ffplay -rtsp_transport tcp rtsp://

    everything works fine for 5 seconds. Then, RTP stream stop. I can see that with Wireshark

    [![enter image description here][1]][1]

    Second Try

    I wanted to know where is error so i connect camera with vlc player. vlc uses live555 library. Then, It works fine !!!

    I have noticed that when streaming via VLC there were some RTCP Receiver Reports sent from VLC to the camera ( cyclic like the Sender Reports ). FFmpeg doesn't send these report

    Do you have any idea how can i solve this problem ? Can i send this report manually or is there an option that i should set ?


  • How to build an video editing app using NodeJS backend ? [on hold]

    27 juillet 2015, par Jack Lee

    I want to build an mobile application similar to Which can edit, add music, add effects to the video. I've tried FFMpeg libs but I don't know how to add many effects to video. And I thought what if I upload video to server and handle it with NodeJS. Can I use NodeJS for that? Anyone has any idea for best approach?

    Thank you

  • avconv - Automatically change orientation based on metadata

    26 juillet 2015, par cdecl

    I am running a server application that accepts video uploads from an iOS app. The app uploads a .mov to the server and the server converts it to .mp4 (this is for future Android compatibility). The problem is that the .mov format uses a rotation flag in the metadata that doesn't work very well with the conversion and videos frequently end up in the wrong orientation. The command I'm using,

    avconv -i -c:v libx264 -b:v 1250k -vf scale=trunc(oh*a/2)*2:480,transpose=1 -metadata:s:v:0 rotate=0 -t 20 -c:a libvo_aacenc -b:a 192k output.mp4

    seems to only rotate a fixed amount. How would I go about having avconv read the rotation flag from the .mov and rotate the video stream accordingly?

  • Overlay different images with different time span to a video

    26 juillet 2015, par

    I need to overlay a video with 'different images' at 'different time span'. Using python and ffmpeg I developed a code which do exactlly what I need but it is time consuming and not efficient in processing.

    The code is just loop over all the images (with their time span) and output new video file which will be an input for the next loop.

    Here is my code:

    def insert_photos_to_video(photos_to_add_array, input_video):
        count = 0
        position_x = 25
        position_y = 25
        image_position =  str(position_x) +':'+ str(position_y)
        for item in photos_to_add_array:
            image_path, time = item
            start_time, end_time = time
            output_video_name = str(count) + '.mp4'
            output_video_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), output_video_name)
            if count == 0:
                input_video_path_name = input_video
            command = 'ffmpeg -i '+ str(input_video_path_name) +' -i '+ image_path +' -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] overlay='+ image_position +':enable=\'between(t,'+ str(start_time) +','+ str(end_time) +')\'" -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy  '+ output_video_file 
  , shell=True)
            input_video_path_name = output_video_file
            count = count + 1
        return output_video_file
    • Is there any way to improve the code by combining all input images (along with their time span) in one ffmpeg command ?
    • Is there any other good way to do the above task with python using other libraries (e.g. OpenCV).

    Thanks in advance.