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  • Combining multiple clips to form a single video with audio in background [on hold]

    19 septembre 2013, par user1941148

    I am developing an Android app which is combining multiple clips to form a single video and add audio in background of choice. I have gone through various solution like third party libraries but not sure how to actually implement it in Android.

    Some of solution I got are:

    ffmpeg, which is in native C. How to port it to Android? How exactly to use with NDK? Is it helpful to me to use?

  • Live Streaming RTMP to RTSP

    19 septembre 2013, par user2794054

    i need to test a restream work like this. now i m using crtmpserver. i want to restream rtmp live source to iis smooth streaming format & rtsp format. Please guide me rtmp live to rtsp live & rtmp to live http streaming (target IIS server)


  • During transcoding, does output quality of a video improve when i give output bitrate more than input video's bitrate ?

    19 septembre 2013, par Jobin Jose

    I use ffmpeg for converting videos. As i understand, the bitrate of a video stream is the number of bits which constitute the video over 1 second of time. What happens when i specify the output video bitrate to be more than the input video's bitrate? For example: If bitrate of "Input.mp4" is 2000KBps and i want to convert it to "Output.mp4" with output bitrate set to 3000KBps. How will the converter create the extra 1000 bits(3000-2000) for every second of video?

  • c# : Overlay mp3 file to another

    18 septembre 2013, par Jibran Khan

    I have merged 3 mp3 files into one mp3 file simply using the following code

    using (var fs = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(txtOutputFile.Text, "new.mp3")))
                    var buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(txtIntroLoc.Text, fileName1));
                    fs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                    buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(txtOutroloc.Text, fileName2));
                    fs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                    buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(txtFileThree.Text, fileName3));
                    fs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

    What i want is to overlay another mp3 file which will play in the background of this newly created mp3 file. I know its possible but not getting right way to go to acheive this. Any help will be great. thanks

  • FFMPEG : add marquee like text overlay

    18 septembre 2013, par user2792594

    I want to grab a video from v4l2 device, add overlay of moving text and stream it to vlc, how can i do this ? Is there any way to add dynamic overlay using ffmpeg.