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  • CPU for FFMPEG ? [closed]

    4 mars 2013, par Степан Талабира

    Help me with choosing a processor for ffmpeg. I need a server for fast video encoding. Today I tested two my server and was surprised...

    E3-1230 V2 @ 3.30GHz ffmpeg fps=450
    2xXeon E5645 (12x2.4GHz) ffmpeg fps=200


    I need something more powerful than I have now and I do not know what to choose..
    ffmpeg not support new intel i7 QuickSync..Or am I wrong?

  • HTTP Live Streaming Mac app

    4 mars 2013, par Diederik Hoogenboom

    I am developing a Mac app which needs to provide a HTTP Live Stream (just the last 2 seconds or so) for the main screen (Desktop).

    I was thinking of the following process:

    1. Create a AVCaptureSession with a AVCaptureScreenInput as input (sessionPreset = AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto)
    2. Add a AVCaptureVideoDataOutput output to the session
    3. Capture the frames (in kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA format) in captureOutput:didDropSampleBuffer:fromConnection: and write these to a ffmpeg process for segmenting (using a pipe or something) that creates the MPEG-TS and playlist files.
    4. Use an embedded HTTP server to server up the segmented files and playlist file.

    Is this the best approach and is there is no way to circumvent the ffmpeg part for encoding and segmenting the video stream?

    What is the best way to pipe the raw frames to ffmpeg?

  • How can i preserve flv custom metadata when using ffmpeg

    4 mars 2013, par Orlando Rivera

    I have a FMS flv (video/audio stream) which I created and I inserted custom metadata into flv. I able to test this flv file with a simple flash player that reads the metadata coming from the flv (which I inserted when I created flv on FMS). When I try and use ffmpeg to convert or just copy flv (even to another flv) I am not seeing my dynamic custom metadata (I do see some static metadata flv has in header). It is unclear if this is doable (using ffmpeg 1.1) as soon as I do any thing with ffmpeg (even a copy) this custom metadata is gone. I was expecting a simple flv to flv would work but so far no.

    is this possible? - one example I've tried (of many) is

    ffmpeg -i meta09.flv -map_metadata 0 -c copy out4.flv
  • Add watermark to all frames in video using ffmpeg in C#

    4 mars 2013, par user2132236

    I use the following command to add a jpg watermark to my video in C# using ffmpeg:

    " -i " + inputFilePath + " -q:v 0 -q:a 0 -y " + @" -vf ""movie=logo.jpg [logo]; [in][logo] overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:main_h-overlay_h-10 [out]"" " + outputFilePath;

    This works fine but the output movie length is only one frame. Is this because it takes the duration from the jpg file? How can i make ffmpeg to add a watermark to all frames in my video?

  • Compiling 32-bit FFmpeg on Mac OS X Lion or Snow Leopard [closed]

    4 mars 2013, par Vlad Fedin

    Aside from macports way is it other possible options to build 32-bit ffmpeg libraries on OS X?