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  • FFMPEG : convert a mp4 to mp3 using ffmpeg-android ndk

    8 avril 2013, par talhamalik22

    I want to convert a video file of mp4 format to audio file of mp3 format. It is simple through command line but i cannot find how can i convert it through jni. Not sure which library and which function to call. Any help regarding this issue would be much appreciated.

  • Decoding realtime h264 stream using ffmpeg.Do I need to set zero-lantancy to ffmpeg.How to set it

    8 avril 2013, par penghao

    I write something like realtime video conference application. I use x264 library to encode a realtime video data, Then I put the data to another end throughout the network. I want to decode the realtime h264 stream using ffmpeg library.

    When I encode, I know a lot of thing need to set,like --rc-lookahead 0 --sync-lookahead 0. But on the another end of decoding, I don't know whether the same thing need to set. And how to set these option to the real decoder in ffmpeg.

    Thanks in advance.

  • add timestamp using exiv [closed]

    7 avril 2013, par user2052665

    I need help with a problem. I have a video which I have to make a frame for every second of it, for that I use the command: ffmpeg. The resulting images have no timestamp and I need to add.

    First question: There is the possibility of the ffmpeg command already taking images with the timestamp of when they were in the movie?

    Second question: If not possible, how to exiv2 (or other tool) I can add that value?

  • ffmpeg : progressive to interlaced

    7 avril 2013, par user732274

    I have a progressive 50FPS video (made deinterlacing an interlaced 25FPS video using YADIF): is there a way to bring it back to its original format (25FPS, interlaced)? I know there's tinterlace, but it doesn't seem to work (the output frame rate is still 50FPS, no matter what value I use for this filter).

  • ffmpeg/ffprobe show_frames option

    7 avril 2013, par user1526912

    I recently installed ffmpeg version 0.8.5-4:0.8.5 on my Ubuntu Linux box.

    When I execute "ffprobe -show_frames" I get the following error:

    Unrecognized option 'show_frames'

    I have tried installed all sorts of ffmpeg dependent packages to fix this without any success.

    Can someone help to resolve this error by telling me what I need to install exactly to fix this?
