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  • Get Stream and save as jpeg file from IP Camera using ffmpeg

    10 novembre 2011, par mekici

    How i can get stream from Ip Camera, Its using RTP, stream is MPEG4, i have multicast address and port,and i have ip camera's IP address and Port Number. And I cant reach via http forexample (http://ip/jpeg) And I cant reach stream with VLC Player too. forexample (rtp://ipadressofcam:port) and (rtp://multicastaddress:port)
    So What is ffmpeg command of that?
    I have windows OS, I only write code with C#, I dont know, c or c++.
    But producer created their own ocx which used for viewing cam,that plugin can work on .net but i dont want to use it becouse it doesnt have much funcionality, I mean you cant get current picture or snapshot of cams, thats why i have to do it myself i already asked before in that link

  • Windows console - BAT compatibility

    10 novembre 2011, par Michael

    I have a command line statement which works perfectly when manually typing it into the console, however, when I put it in a bat file it doesn't work.

    for %f in (*.flac) do ffmpeg -i "%f" -acodec alac "%~nf.m4a"

    Here is the error message when I try running the bat file

    The following usage of the path operator in batch-parameter
    substitution is invalid: %~nf.m4a"

    Is there any way to fix this? The statement converts flac files to alac files using the program ffmpeg.

  • Extract RGB values from a AVFrame (FFMPEG) in C++

    9 novembre 2011, par Extrakun

    I am currently trying to read in video frames by using FFMPEG. The format is PIX_FMT_RGB24; For each frame, the RGB values are all combined together in frame->data[0] (Where frame is of the type AVFrame).

    How do I extract the individual R, G and B values for each frame? This is for processing the video. I would think it would work the same way as extracting the RGB values from a bitmap too. Thanks!

  • Access each Pixel of AVFrame

    9 novembre 2011, par EBAG

    I need to access each pixel informations of an AVFrame object of FFMPEG ( If it's in RGB then each color, R and G and B of each Pixel )

    How can I achieve that?

  • Transcoding to webm with ffmpeg audio problems

    9 novembre 2011, par Max A.

    For the past few days, I have been trying to get my lossless .mov video(that has an audio track) to a .webm format.

    Some info on the video & audio is that the fps is 30. Also the audio track has about 3-5 seconds of silence/blank audio before you start hearing some music.

    My problem is that is seems during the transcoding to webm, it strips away this blank audio because when I go to play the video, the audio starts right away.I've also notice that it jumps right away to ~4 seconds in the video. When i play it on the browser, it jumps to that moment in the timeline. If I try to scrub to the beginning, the video ends.

    I've have figured somethings out.

    1. This is just a webm problem. This does not happen with ogv or mp4
    2. It only happens if they is blank audio in the beginning of the audio track.

    I am using ffmpeg with the libvpx and libvorbis librarys and I am doing just the basic command line setup

    ffmpeg -i "infile" "outfile.webm"