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  • error:initializer element is not constant [closed]

    21 novembre 2011, par lqf

    I have downloaded ffmpeg's source code from '' and created am empty project with ubuntu.Then I'm copied and added the ffmpeg's source code to the project.There are some errors when I compile it.

    The errors are:xxx error:initializer element is not constant xxx error:(near initializer for 'ff_eightbps_decoder.long_name') and appeared at ".long_name = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("QuickTime 8BPS video"),"

  • How to convert .mov videos to iPhone playable mp4 videos [migrated]

    21 novembre 2011, par Rinto George

    I am trying to convert .mov videos to mp4(should be playable in iPhone) using ffmpeg.I am using Linux CLI. I have tried the following command:

    -i source.MOV -s qvga -b 384k -vcodec libx264 -r 23.976 -acodec libfaac -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 64k -vpre baseline -crf 22 -deinterlace -o output.mp4 

    I get the output

    ffmpeg: unrecognized option '-o' 
  • How to encode VP6 codec in ffmpeg ? [migrated]

    20 novembre 2011, par userffmpeg

    Can anyone tell me if there is a way to encode VP6 codec in ffmpeg? I used libvpx only to find out that it encodes using VP8...

  • Can't record audio with ffmpeg linux

    20 novembre 2011, par FGraviton

    I'm trying to do a screencast with ffmpeg on OpenSUSE but the audio isn't working :

    ffmpeg -f oss -i /dev/audio -f x11grab -s $SCREEN -r 24 -b 100k -bf 2 -g 300 -i :0.0 -ar 22050 -ab 128k -acodec libmp3lame -vcodec libxvid -aspect 1.6 -sameq out.avi

    this one shows me that /dev/audio isn't there !!

    Any pointers ?

    Thanks Community,

  • Setting up audio queue for ffmpeg rtsp stream playing

    20 novembre 2011, par illew

    I'm working on an rtsp streaming(AAC format) client for iOS using ffmpeg. Right now I can only say my app is workable, but the streaming sound is very noisy and even a little distorted, far worse than when it's played by vlc or mplayer.

    The stream is read by av_read_frame(), decoded by avcodec_decode_audio3(). Then I just send the decoded raw audio to Audio Queue.

    When decoding a local aac file with my app, the sound seemed not so noisy at all. I know initial encoding would dramatically affect the result. However at least I should try to have it sounded like other streaming clients...

    Many parts in my implementation/modification actually came from try and error. I believe I'm doing something wrong in setting up Audio Queue, and the callback function for filling Audio Buffer.

    Any hints, suggestions or help are greatly appreciated.

    // --info of test materials dumped by av_dump_format() --

        title           : /demo/test.3gp
      Duration: 00:00:30.11, start: 0.000000, bitrate: N/A
        Stream #0:0: Audio: aac, 32000 Hz, stereo, s16
    aac  Advanced Audio Coding 

    // -- the Audio Queue setup procedure --

    - (void) startPlayback
        OSStatus err = 0;
        if(playState.playing) return;
        playState.started = false;
            UInt32 bufferSize;
            playState.format.mSampleRate = _av->audio.sample_rate;
            playState.format.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
            playState.format.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagsCanonical;
            playState.format.mChannelsPerFrame = _av->audio.channels_per_frame;
            playState.format.mBytesPerPacket = sizeof(AudioSampleType) *_av->audio.channels_per_frame;
            playState.format.mBytesPerFrame = sizeof(AudioSampleType) *_av->audio.channels_per_frame;
            playState.format.mBitsPerChannel = 8 * sizeof(AudioSampleType);
            playState.format.mFramesPerPacket = 1;        
            playState.format.mReserved = 0;
            pauseStart = 0;
            err= AudioQueueNewOutput(&playState.format, aqCallback, &playState, NULL, kCFRunLoopCommonModes, 0, &playState.queue);
            if(err != 0)
                printf("AQHandler.m startPlayback: Error creating new AudioQueue: %d \n", (int)err);
            for(int i = 0 ; i < NUM_BUFFERS ; i ++)
                err = AudioQueueAllocateBufferWithPacketDescriptions(playState.queue, bufferSize, numPacketsToRead , &playState.buffers[i]);
                if(err != 0)
                    printf("AQHandler.m startPlayback: Error allocating buffer %d", i);
                fillAudioBuffer(&playState,playState.queue, playState.buffers[i]);
        startTime = mu_currentTimeInMicros();
        err=AudioQueueStart(playState.queue, NULL);
            char sErr[4];
            printf("AQHandler.m startPlayback: Could not start queue %ld %s.", err, FormatError(sErr,err));
            playState.playing = NO;
            playState.playing = YES;

    // -- callback for filling audio buffer --

    static int ct = 0;
    static void fillAudioBuffer(void *info,AudioQueueRef queue, AudioQueueBufferRef buffer)
        int lengthCopied = INT32_MAX;
        int dts= 0;
        int isDone = 0;
        buffer->mAudioDataByteSize = 0;
        buffer->mPacketDescriptionCount = 0;
        OSStatus err = 0;
        AudioTimeStamp bufferStartTime;
        AudioQueueGetCurrentTime(queue, NULL, &bufferStartTime, NULL);
        PlayState *ps = (PlayState *)info;
        if (!ps->started)
            ps->started = true;
        while(buffer->mPacketDescriptionCount < numPacketsToRead && lengthCopied > 0)
            lengthCopied = getNextAudio(_av,
            ct+= lengthCopied;
            if(lengthCopied < 0 || isDone) 
                printf("nothing to read....\n\n");
                PlayState *ps = (PlayState *)info;
                ps->finished = true;
                ps->started = false;
            if(aqStartDts < 0) aqStartDts = dts;
            if(buffer->mPacketDescriptionCount ==0)
                bufferStartTime.mFlags = kAudioTimeStampSampleTimeValid;
                bufferStartTime.mSampleTime = (Float64)(dts-aqStartDts);//* _av->audio.frame_size;
                if (bufferStartTime.mSampleTime <0 ) 
                    bufferStartTime.mSampleTime = 0;
                printf("AQHandler.m fillAudioBuffer: DTS for %x: %lf time base: %lf StartDTS: %d\n", 
                        (unsigned int)buffer, 
            buffer->mPacketDescriptions[buffer->mPacketDescriptionCount].mStartOffset = buffer->mAudioDataByteSize;
            buffer->mPacketDescriptions[buffer->mPacketDescriptionCount].mDataByteSize = lengthCopied;
            buffer->mPacketDescriptions[buffer->mPacketDescriptionCount].mVariableFramesInPacket = 0;
            buffer->mAudioDataByteSize += lengthCopied;
        int audioBufferCount, audioBufferTotal,  videoBufferCount, videoBufferTotal;
        bufferCheck(_av,&videoBufferCount, &videoBufferTotal, &audioBufferCount, &audioBufferTotal);
            err = AudioQueueEnqueueBufferWithParameters(queue, buffer, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, &bufferStartTime, NULL);
                char sErr[10];
                printf("AQHandler.m fillAudioBuffer: Could not enqueue buffer 0x%x: %d %s.", buffer, err, FormatError(sErr, err));
    int getNextAudio(video_data_t* vInst, int maxlength, uint8_t* buf, int* pts, int* isDone) 
        struct video_context_t  *ctx = vInst->context;
        int    datalength            = 0;
        while(ctx->audio_ring.lock || (ctx->audio_ring.count <= 0 && ((ctx->play_state & STATE_DIE) != STATE_DIE)))
            if (ctx->play_state & STATE_EOF) return -1;        
        *pts = 0;
        ctx->audio_ring.lock = kLocked;
        if(ctx->audio_ring.count>0 && maxlength > ctx->audio_buffer[ctx->].size)
            memcpy(buf, ctx->audio_buffer[ctx->].data,ctx->audio_buffer[ctx->].size);
            *pts = ctx->audio_buffer[ctx->].pts;
            datalength = ctx->audio_buffer[ctx->].size;
            ctx-> %= ABUF_SIZE;        
        ctx->audio_ring.lock = kUnlocked;
        if((ctx->play_state & STATE_EOF) == STATE_EOF && ctx->audio_ring.count == 0) *isDone = 1;
        return datalength;