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  • FFMPEG permission in windows wamp

    15 octobre 2011, par shababhsiddique

    I am trying to build a video sharing site using drupal 6. One of the modules i am using is ffmpeg , it requires me to set a ffmpeg binary file location . I downloaded ffmpeg from here

    I placed it on C:\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe and gave this path with the slashes changed to /

    it got the encoders information .. but i cant test it. It shows a message like

    Fmpeg failed to create an output file. This could be due to permission problems or an error from the encoding settings.

    I found that i need permission. How do i set permission? i am using wamp on windows. Please help urgent.

  • How to update paperclip video location after processing in rails

    15 octobre 2011, par user892583

    I'm using Paperclip for processing a user uploaded video with ffmpeg. I want to create a thumbnail image as well as convert the video to a standard format of my choosing. I have the ffmpeg processing working, however, I can't seem to figure out how to update the record after it has finished processing. I've used a number of rails - paperclip - ffmpeg references but haven't seen anyone converting the video and then using the converted video in the rails db, since it's creating a new video I will need to be able to update the record from within the paperclip processor, but how to do it??


    • using Rails 3
    • using paperclip processor with ffmpeg
  • grab realtime audio from Java and Stream to RTMP (via xuggler)

    13 octobre 2011, par Jhonny Everson

    I am trying to stream audio from microphone a rtmp (red5) server via xuggle. I found some code from users that could not get it working, but not a working example.

    Can someone point the directions on how get data from microphone and package into rtmp with xuggle in realtime?

    I'm getting stuck at first frame.

  • What's the simplest way of installing ffmpeg on my server (on a Mac) ?

    13 octobre 2011, par Nick

    I am looking to install ffmpeg on my server to enable audio files uploaded to a website to be converted to MP3. I understand that I need to install ffmpeg and ffmpeg-php, but I am not sure how to do this. I am wondering what the simplest way of doing this would be on my Mac. Would I need to use Terminal and learn command line methods, or is there a simpler way? I have checked with my host that I have SSH access.

  • FFMPEG on windows (for H.264 RTSP decoding)

    13 octobre 2011, par Saurabh Gandhi

    Has anyone used the latest FFMPEG version for decoding H.264 based RTSP stream on windows environment using OpenCV.

    My problem is that I am able to successfully decode H.264 based RTSP stream on Linux successfully but when I use the same code to decode H.264 based RTSP stream on windows the output is pretty much pixelated. Can someone tell me as to why there is a difference in behaviour (is it due to version mismatch)? Also how do I find out which version of FFMPEG is being used by the OpenCV SDK 2.1.0 and 2.2.0 available for windows?

    Awaiting your response. Thanks in advance.