Newest 'x264' Questions - Stack Overflow

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  • How to build pion mediadevices examples with x264 Windows ?

    17 mai 2022, par NO_GUI

    I am trying to build the pion mediadevices webrtc example utilizing x264 as my video encoder. I am building on a Windows 10 PC. The pion/mediadevices library utilizes pkg-config to locate x264 to build the program. I keep getting this error when building though:

    # pkg-config --cflags  -- x264
    Package x264 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
    Perhaps you should add the directory containing `x264.pc'
    to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
    No package 'x264' found
    pkg-config: exit status 1

    I downloaded the source code for x264, but there is no x264.pc included. And from my research, it appears x264.pc is only included with libx264. I can't find any way to get libx264 on Windows either. Lastly, what is x264.pc, and what is a .pc file? Thanks for the help!

    Edit: I think I have to build the x264 library first, and I almost got it to work. MinGW was able to compile x264 and give me the x264.pc. But it was all compiled in 32bit, how can I compile the x264 library for 64bit on windows?

  • Gstreamer x264 plugin not found [closed]

    4 mai 2022, par user2038673

    Gstreamer x264 plugin not found on rhel 7.6. I have installed all plugins i.e gstreamer1.0 ugly free bad . Even installed x264 from source from vlc website. But still not able to get x264 plugin . Can anyone help with this. Have checked GStreamer x264enc not found But even then not working

  • EC2 for video-encoding

    3 mars 2022, par Naftuli Kay

    I have a potential job which will require me to do some video encoding with FFMPEG and x264. I'll have a series of files which I'll need to encode once, then I'll be able to bring down the instances. Since I'm not really sure of the resource utilization of x264 and FFMPEG, what kind of instances should I get? I'm thinking either a

    High-CPU Extra Large Instance

    7 GB of memory
    20 EC2 Compute Units (8 virtual cores with 2.5 EC2 Compute Units each)
    1690 GB of instance storage
    64-bit platform
    I/O Performance: High
    API name: c1.xlarge

    or, alternatively a

    Cluster GPU Quadruple Extra Large Instance

    22 GB of memory
    33.5 EC2 Compute Units (2 x Intel Xeon X5570, quad-core “Nehalem” architecture)
    2 x NVIDIA Tesla “Fermi” M2050 GPUs
    1690 GB of instance storage
    64-bit platform
    I/O Performance: Very High (10 Gigabit Ethernet)
    API name: cg1.4xlarge

    What should I use? Does x264/FFMPEG perform better with faster/more CPUs or does it really pound the GPU more? In any case, it seems that the Cluster GPU seems to be the higher performance instance. What should I prefer?

  • How to encode an mp4 to the exact specs of another mp4 with FFMPEG

    15 décembre 2021, par BCooper

    I'm working on a batch file to concatenate 3 files together, as follows:


    I've run into problems with the session.mp4 having slightly different specs, causing the concat to have weird problems with speed/sync/etc, and found out that if I encode the Bumpers through Handbrake to the exact specs of the Session, then the concat works great.

    My question is: Can I bypass Handbrake here and include a line in my batch file to encode the Intro and Outro Bumpers to the exact specs of the Session?

    Here's my current batch file:

    :: Create File List
    for %%i in (*.mp4) do echo file '%%i'>> mylist.txt
    :: Concatenate Files
    ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mylist.txt -c copy output.mp4
    :: Encode to x264
    ffmpeg -i output.mp4 output_x264.mp4


  • h264 RTP timestamp

    14 décembre 2021, par user269090

    I have a confusion about the timestamp of h264 RTP packet. I know the wall clock rate of video is 90KHz which I defined in the SIP SDP. The frame rate of my encoder is not exactly 30 FPS, it is variable. It varies from 15 FPS to 30 FPS on the fly. So, I cannot use any fixed timestamp.

    Could any one tell me the timestamp of the following encoded packet.
    After 0 milisecond encoded RTP timestamp = 0 (Let the starting timestamp 0)
    After 50 milisecond encoded RTP timestamp = ?
    After 40 milisecond encoded RTP timestamp = ?
    After 33 milisecond encoded RTP timestamp = ?

    What is the formula when the encoded frame rate is variable?

    Thank you in advance.