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  • How to implement fast encoding with ffmpeg ?

    29 juillet 2017, par prodiskieu

    I want to know that how can I implement fast encoding with ffmpeg. I used this code:

    vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -r 30 -g 60 -b:v 1000k -shortest -acodec libmp3lame -b:a 128k -ar 44100 -threads 0 -preset veryfast

    But it only uses 50% CPU(dual xeon 2.3 ghz) and 2% (15gb) Ram.

    Now I want it to use a lot of cpu and ram for fast encoding, how to do? Thanks everyone

  • ffmpeg frame type inside name of output

    29 juillet 2017, par Adminy

    With this command I can split video to individual h265 frames.

    ffmpeg -i input.h265 -c:v libx265 -f image2 output/%d.h265

    How can I make "output name" to contain frame "type"?

    Like %d_%frame_type.h265

  • how to fast encoding with ffmpeg

    29 juillet 2017, par prodiskieu

    how to fast encoding with ffmpeg I used this code: vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -r 30 -g 60 -b:v 1000k -shortest -acodec libmp3lame -b:a 128k -ar 44100 -threads 0 -preset veryfast, But it only uses 50% CPU(dual xeon 2.3 ghz) and 2% (15gb) Ram. Now I want it to use a lot of cpu and ram to fast encoding, how to do? Thanks everyone

  • How to use x11grab in ffmpeg (MS. Windows 10) for desktop Recording [closed]

    29 juillet 2017, par A.ZB

    I am using ffmpeg for desktop (MS. Windows 10) recording it shows error: Unknown input format x11grab, Any solution for using in C# or simple for cmd ?

  • How do I fix my ffmpeg command to stop the Terminal from hanging ?

    29 juillet 2017, par ksy

    I am attempting to use ffmpeg to concatenate video files together into a single file, video/video_after.mp4.

    I ran different tests of video length, and it seems the issue isn't correlated with the duration of the video.

    When I run the following command, my terminal hangs and the operation never completes -- ss there something wrong with the command I am running here?

    ffmpeg -i video/video_after0.mp4 -i video/video_after1.mp4 -i video/video_after2.mp4 -i video/video_after3.mp4 -i video/video_after4.mp4 -i video/video_after5.mp4 -i video/video_after6.mp4 -i video/video_after7.mp4 -i video/video_after8.mp4 -i video/video_after9.mp4 -i video/video_after10.mp4 -i video/video_after11.mp4 -i video/video_after12.mp4 -i video/video_after13.mp4 -i video/video_after14.mp4 -i video/video_after15.mp4 -i video/video_after16.mp4 -i video/video_after17.mp4 -i video/video_after18.mp4 -i video/video_after19.mp4 -i video/video_after20.mp4 -f concat -safe 0 -i video/video_after21.mp4 -y -c copy video/video_after.mp4