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  • ffmpeg yuvj422p color movie conversion avi2ogv

    28 juillet 2017, par 7Tonin

    While converting avi video to ogv, there is a color problem in output file. How can I solve this issue ? normal colors altered colors

    Actually a part of the problem is from the player - so weak question

    Command using ffmpeg-3.3.2-1.mga6.tainted :

    ffmpeg -i dscn0146.avi -pix_fmt yuv422p -s 640x480 dscn0146_hq.ogv -y

    And input metadata:

    Guessed Channel Layout for Input Stream #0.1 : mono
    Input #0, avi, from 'dscn0146.avi':
        encoder         : 
        maker           : NIKON
        model           : COOLPIX S3500
        creation_time   : 2017-07-22 12:09:06
      Duration: 00:00:07.33, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 11091 kb/s
        Stream #0:0: Video: mjpeg (MJPG / 0x47504A4D), yuvj422p(pc, bt470bg/unknown/unknown), 640x480, 10770 kb/s, 30 fps, 30 tbr, 30 tbn, 30 tbc
        Stream #0:1: Audio: pcm_s16le ([1][0][0][0] / 0x0001), 22050 Hz, mono, s16, 352 kb/s
    Stream mapping:
      Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (mjpeg (native) -> theora (libtheora))
      Stream #0:1 -> #0:1 (pcm_s16le (native) -> vorbis (libvorbis))

    Processes normaly, but fires a warning:

    [swscaler @ 0xd3c3a0] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly

    Output metadata:

    Output #0, ogv, to 'dscn0146_hq.ogv':
        model           : COOLPIX S3500
        maker           : NIKON
        encoder         : Lavf57.71.100
        Stream #0:0: Video: theora (libtheora), yuv422p(progressive), 640x480, q=2-31, 200 kb/s, 30 fps, 30 tbn, 30 tbc
          encoder         : Lavc57.89.100 libtheora
          model           : COOLPIX S3500
          maker           : NIKON
        Stream #0:1: Audio: vorbis (libvorbis), 22050 Hz, mono, fltp
          encoder         : Lavc57.89.100 libvorbis
          model           : COOLPIX S3500
          maker           : NIKON
  • Emulate iphone video stream from file to RTMPS in ffpmeg ?

    28 juillet 2017, par Alex808

    Try to do this by command

    ffmpeg -re -i IMG_0450.MOV -vcodec libx264 -profile:v main -preset:v medium -r 
    30 -g 60 -keyint_min 60 -sc_threshold 0 -b:v 2500k -maxrate 2500k -bufsize 
    2500k -filter:v scale="trunc(oha/2)2:720" -sws_flags lanczos+accurate_rnd -
    acodec libfdk_aac -b:a 96k -ar 48000 -ac 2 -f flv rtmps:\\...

    but witout success :(

  • Split screen and resize on ffmpeg streams

    28 juillet 2017, par lukas.gab

    I want get h264 streams from IP cameras, resize it, combine to grid, and restream or save to file. I succesfull split streams and save, but I don't know how can I resize streams. Becouse this streems are large, ffmpeg go to 100% cpu, loss frames and crach. Please tell me how can I resize this streams before combine and save ?? Thank for your help and time.

    This is my cli

    ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i "rtsp://admin:Pass@" -rtsp_transport tcp -i "rtsp://admin:Pass@" -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v]hstack" -c:v libx264 combo.avi
  • ffmpeg video speed change non functioning from with python

    28 juillet 2017, par Samhita vempatti

    So I am trying to change the speed of the video to twice its speed using ffmpeg

                              cmd="ffmpeg -i C:\\Users\\Samhita\\Desktop\\EDOS\\D4.mp4 -filter_complex \"[0:v]setpts=0.5*PTS[v];[0:a]atempo=2.0[a]\" -map \"[v]\" -map \"[a]\" 2.mp4"

    It work fine when i run it from winthin the command line and has problem when i run it within the python module The error is as follows:

            ffmpeg version 2.8.4 Copyright (c) 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers
              built with gcc 5.2.0 (GCC)
              configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --disable-w32threads --enable-av
            isynth --enable-bzlib --enable-fontconfig --enable-frei0r --enable-gnutls --enab
            le-iconv --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libcaca --
            enable-libdcadec --enable-libfreetype --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-l
            ibilbc --enable-libmodplug --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enab
            le-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopus --enable-librtmp --en
            able-libschroedinger --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --ena
            ble-libtwolame --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvo-aacenc --enable-libvo-amrwbenc
             --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enabl
            e-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxavs --enable-libxvid --enable-lzma --ena
            ble-decklink --enable-zlib
              libavutil      54. 31.100 / 54. 31.100
              libavcodec     56. 60.100 / 56. 60.100
              libavformat    56. 40.101 / 56. 40.101
              libavdevice    56.  4.100 / 56.  4.100
              libavfilter     5. 40.101 /  5. 40.101
              libswscale      3.  1.101 /  3.  1.101
              libswresample   1.  2.101 /  1.  2.101
              libpostproc    53.  3.100 / 53.  3.100
            Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from 'C:\moviepy-master\part3.mp4':
                major_brand     : isom
                minor_version   : 512
                compatible_brands: isomiso2avc1mp41
                encoder         : Lavf57.75.100
              Duration: 00:07:24.01, start: 0.006009, bitrate: 772 kb/s
                Stream #0:0(eng): Video: h264 (Constrained Baseline) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yu
            v420p(tv, smpte170m/smpte170m/bt709), 640x360, 639 kb/s, 29.97 fps, 29.97 tbr, 1
            1988 tbn, 23976 tbc (default)
                  handler_name    : VideoHandler
                Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: aac (LC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 44100 Hz, mono, fltp,
             126 kb/s (default)
                  handler_name    : SoundHandler
            [AVFilterGraph @ 046560a0] No such filter: '"'
            Error initializing complex filters.
            Invalid argument
  • using FFMPEG with silenceremove to remove audio silence

    28 juillet 2017, par fxwan

    I have a TS file which contains an mpeg1video and an audio track.

    Q: I'd like to remove the silence part of the audio and still keep the A/V in sync.

    Is that possible? Or should I use silencedetect to get information first and use other commands to do the encoding works?