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  • How to install ffmpeg in php

    15 mai 2014, par John Sanjay

    I would like to install ffmpeg for my site. But I am using shared server so the hosting will not provide this

    Could any one please help me to install ffmpeg(I am not using Linux environment)

  • ffmpeg php video basic uses and types

    15 mai 2014, par HackerManiac

    Can anyone give a code on how do i covert a video using ffmpeg.

    As thought currently i have only uploading system.

    vu.php(only a part is shown)

        $fileName = time().$file['name']; 
        $target = UPLOAD.$fileName;
          exec("ffmpeg -i ".UPLOAD." ".UPLOAD.$filename.".flv"); 

    This pice of code block just uploads the video on video folder but does not converts it to .flv. I am not sure how to use ffmpeg.

    My diretory looks like this

    www[localhost]->videos[videos folder]
    www[localhost]->pictures[pictures folder]

    I also want to return a .jpg image of any frame of video through json by converting via ffmpeg and uploading it to pictures folder.

    return json_encode(array("thumbnail"=>$image_src));

    UPDATE 1

    The above stuff was solved but now i have a question regarding video conversion. Suppose i have a file.avi and i want to convert it in 3 sizes of .flv format -> Low(320p) ,Medium (720p)and HD(1080p)

    what commands will i have to send to shell_exec(); and will that be fast enough? CUrrently what i have is

    $vidSize = "640x480";
    $ffmpeg -i $videoFile -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s $vidSize $vidFile

    And i am not sure what -ar and -ab means and what value will be good for all those 3 sized videos?

  • Why i can not listen audio from URL in javaFX WebView ?

    15 mai 2014, par Jay Joshi

    I am developing one media app using javaFX.. so I need to put play audio functionality in the app.. but du to some reason i could not play the audio.

    I an new for javaFX so. Is there any ffmpeg media package for it?

  • FFmpeg convert single image into video Android

    15 mai 2014, par berserk

    I am trying to convert a single image into a video using FFmpeg. I have tried following the files:

    "ffmpeg  -analyzeduration 2147483647 -probesize 2147483647 -i " + packat.get(i).path +"-r 25 -t 1000 -y op.mp4"
    "ffmpeg -loop 1 -r 23.976 -i input.jpg -t 00:00:02 -vcodec qtrle -an"
    "ffmpeg -i c:\rawvideo\mask.bmp -loop 1 -r 29.97 -s 720x480
            -aspect 4:3 -t 00:04:05 -vcodec mjpeg -vb 11261600 -an

    But all of them give me this annoying error:

     Can not process SOS before SOF, skipping marker parser used 0 bytes (0 bits) decode frame unused 0 bytes decoding for stream 0 failed 
    Could not find codec parameters for stream 0 (Video: mjpeg): unspecified size
    Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize' options /storage/sdcard0/cblVE/temp/0.jpg: could not find codec parameters 
    exit_program: 1 

    Please help. I have searched for a solution from a week, but I have found nothing.

  • Load bitmap into FFmpegFrameRecorder

    15 mai 2014, par DanM

    how can I load bitmap into FFmpegFrameRecorder? My old code loaded it from SD card and now I wish to put id directly. I use javacv.

    FFmpegFrameRecorder recorder = new  FFmpegFrameRecorder(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath()+ "/MyApp/Media/test-ffmep.mp4", w, h);
    public void offerEncoder(Bitmap input) 
        //recorder.record(opencv_highgui.cvLoadImage("/sdcard/MyApp/Media/" + input + ".bmp")); //input was string