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  • FFmpeg & Installation on phpmyadmin [migrated]

    18 septembre 2011, par Vivek

    I am attempting to have an interface in which people can upload music files and listen to them through the site. The biggest problem obviously is that someone who uploads an audio track in mp3 format into Mozilla wouldn't be able to play it back (since MF doesn't support mp3 playback since I'm using jPlayer).

    I did some research and found out that I could use command line php using FFmpeg to convert the mp3 to ogg or some other supportable format. I believe I understand (a little bit) how command line php works but I was wondering how I could install it onto phpmyadmin on my hosting service? Could anyone link me to a tutorial or care to explain? I tried googling it but I just couldn't find it.

  • Compile ffmpeg for linux with mp3

    17 septembre 2011, par user916350

    I need compiled executable ffmpeg for my web-service on php. I downloaded source from author's site, and created executable file, but this file doesn't consist mp3 library (I need it). I read that I need download library from repository, but I think that I can't do that on hosting. Why can I create executable file with mp3 codec for easy copying ffmpeg on server?

  • Compressed SWF format not supported/cws2fws issue

    16 septembre 2011, par CodedMonkey

    I am trying to convert .swf to a .flv file using ffmpeg. When I got that error, I searched around and found that I should use cws2fws to somehow decompress the .swf file so that it can be converted by ffmpeg. However, apparently I need to compile the cws2fws.c myself, but it requires so many other libs and files and none of them are located on any 1 site. Is there a precompiled version of cws2fws available somewhere for download, or can I solved my initial error some other way?

  • What are all codecs supported by FFmepg ?

    16 septembre 2011, par poobalan

    I need a list of codecs supported by FFmpeg. Where can I find it? Thanks in advance.

  • error while writing ffmpeg command for changing bit rate of mp4 file

    16 septembre 2011, par user946829

    I am using ffmpeg commands to change audio bit rate and video bit rate of one .mp4 file while creating one new .mp4 file. I am wirting the command as:---

    ffmpeg -i oldFile.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -ab 128 -b 700 newFile.mp4

    here: oldFile.mp4 == old file, whose audio bit rate and video bit rate i want to change. But I am getting this error:

    "encoder 'aac' is experimental and might produce bad results. Add '-strict experimental' if you want to use it."... Now kindly tell me if u know that what should be the correct command for this requirement. waiting for reply.

    Thanks for your advise. now I am writing this command as:--

    ffmpeg -i oldFile.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -ab 128k -b 700k newFile.mp4

    but this time I am getting error as:- "Too many bits per frame requested"

    But the same command is working if I am trying to change the bit rate of an older avi file while making a new avi file.

    can you please tell me what is the cause of error... your help is appreciable.

    waiting for reply.