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  • FFMpeg API Write AVPackets to new H264 file without Decoding / Transcoding

    15 septembre 2011, par mhathcock

    Using the FFMpeg API in Windows 7 64bit with MSVC++ 2010:

    Using video files in MP4 container, with Video in H264 and Audio in AAC.

    I can successfullly read packets, decode them, encode them, and write them back to a video file using the normal av_read_frame, avcodec_decode_video, etc.

    What i want to do is read a packet, and write it to the output file immediately, without encoding or decoding. Essentially, to be able to take packets from different video files (that are all identical size, bitrate, fps, etc) and write them into 1 video file.

    I set the packet PTS and DTS to the number of written packets.

    Libx264 does not complain during this process, but the output video file contains no data (headers only?) and is less than 50kB, and claims a duration of 0.


    while( readVal > -1 )
      readVal = av_read_frame( pFormat, &pkt );
      if ( pkt.stream_index == vidIdx )
        pkt.pts = packets;
        pkt.dts = packets;
        pkt.stream_index = pVideoStream->index;
        av_write_frame( pFmtOut, &pkt );
        printf("Processing packet %i\n", packets );
  • Using FFmpeg's (libavformat) RTP data structures via dynamic linking

    15 septembre 2011, par ericreeves

    I want to use the RTP data structures (e.g. RTPMuxContext in libavformat/rtpenc.h) provided by FFmpeg's libavformat however they don't seem to be available with the following install:

    ffmpeg version 0.8.2.git, Copyright (c) 2000-2011 the FFmpeg developers
      built on Sep 14 2011 16:04:33 with gcc 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)
      configuration: --enable-shared --disable-mmx --arch=x86_64
      libavutil    51. 16. 0 / 51. 16. 0
      libavcodec   53. 14. 0 / 53. 14. 0
      libavformat  53. 12. 0 / 53. 12. 0
      libavdevice  53.  3. 0 / 53.  3. 0
      libavfilter   2. 40. 0 /  2. 40. 0
      libswscale    2.  1. 0 /  2.  1. 0

    When I look in /usr/local/include, I see the libavformat directory however only a few files are there: avformat.h, avio.h, and version.h. Of course, when I try to include libavformat/rtpenc.h I get "error: libavformat/rtpenc.h: No such file or directory"

    I'd like to achieve this by dynamic linking to the FFmpeg libraries (for LGPL compliance, among other reasons), but it doesn't seem to be possible.

    Is there a parameter for the configure script that I'm missing, or a post-installation step that I've neglected?

  • ffmpeg speed encoding problem

    15 septembre 2011, par amrouch

    I am currently developing an application that makes capturing video from a webcam on Linux using the Qt Designer tool and V4L2 and ffmpeg libraries under C + +, to capture the image there is no problem using lib V4L2, and since That a picture is ready I send it to the encoder which is based on ffmpeg libs, initially the encoder creates a video file, and it receives images to encode it in this file, my problem is as follows: the encoding is normally done, but after if I start playing the recorded video file, speed appears to be accelerated compared to the regular speed! So what is clear, the problem is in video encoding, my question is, is there a method or function that manages ffmpeg encoding speed pictures ????? thank you for your help.

  • Convert SWF file to FLV with FFMPEG & getting error "could not find codec parameters"

    15 septembre 2011, par Ritesh

    Hi I am trying to convert SWF file to FLV, but i am getting same eror

    C:\Users\Administrator>C:/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe -i C:/xampplite/htdocs/ffmpeg/1.swf \
    FFmpeg version SVN-r16573, Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Fabrice Bellard, et al. 
    configuration: --extra-cflags=-fno-common --enable-memalign-hack --enable-pthreads 
    --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libxvid --enable-libvorbis --enable-libtheora 
    --enable-libspeex --enable-libfaac --enable-libgsm --enable-libx264 
    --enable-libschroedinger --enable-avisynth --enable-swscale --enable-gpl 
      libavutil 49.12. 0 / 49.12. 0 
      libavcodec 52.10. 0 / 52.10. 0 
      libavformat 52.23. 1 / 52.23. 1 
      libavdevice 52. 1. 0 / 52. 1. 0 
      libswscale 0. 6. 1 / 0. 6. 1 
    built on Jan 13 2009 02:57:09, gcc: 4.2.4 
    C:/xampplite/htdocs/ffmpeg/1.swf: could not find codec parameters

    Please solve this problem, what i am doing wrong??

  • ffmpeg install on windows server 2003. for use in rails app

    15 septembre 2011, par sdk

    I have a rails application which uses ffmpeg for thumbnailing/duration/file format conversion of videos. Currently my rails app runs in ubuntu - where ffmpeg works great. But due to some client constraints , need to run rails app on windows. I tried looking out for some writeups, googling around some forums but could not get a comprehensive list of steps to run ffmpeg on windows.

    Any help/alternatives/links to ge it running would be of great help.

    Thanks in advance.