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  • ffmpeg C++ and AVFormatContext

    20 décembre 2018, par mmmaaak

    I have a question about ffmpeg.

    How I can init an AVFormatContext in my program. I know that it's possible to make av_open_input_file and use my AVFormatContext as one of the parametres, but my data which I want use for decoding not in file. I get it from other components of my program as char* array. Is it possible to init AVFormatContext struct only using this array of data.

  • ffmpeg AVFrame get full decoded data to char*

    20 décembre 2018, par mmmaaak

    I get Frames in loop and decode it with ffmpeg getting AVFrame as e result of it.

    So I must get neccessary pixel data of frame into char* and give as a callback function's parameter. So how I can generete such char* array? In internet I saw some examples such as:

    for(y=0; ydata[0]+y*pFrame->linesize[0], 1, width*3, pFile);

    or something like this. Is it true? And which size would be my char* ? As I see we write width*3 *height bytes?

  • FFmpeg AVPacket control

    20 décembre 2018, par mmmaaak

    According to the text in avcodec.h file, there are some decoders may support multiple frames in one AVPacket, but avcodec_decode_video2 method decode only first frame... I must get all of them.

    In source code of libavcodec, parameter AVPacket noticed as const AVPacket *avpacket, so while decoding this packet decoder cant change AVPacket's fields, can I change maybe an offset of packet data or delete already recived data for making decoder read in loop all frames in the packet???

  • to shift the sound of the video in relation to the image with FFMPEG

    20 décembre 2018, par Seb

    I would like to know, when I have on one side my sound, and on the other my image that does not support, how to shift the sound of X miliseconds compared to the video with FFMPEG. Thank you

  • ffmpeg avformat_open_input not working in device

    20 décembre 2018, par Chuck Mc Duran

    I have a method in an iOS project that calls avformat_open_input(), it runs very well in the simulator, however, when I try to run it on the device it hangs up and just stays there.

    Has anyone seen this before?, Any help would be much appreciated.