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  • Using FFMPEG : How to do a Scene Change Detection ? with timecode ?

    28 décembre 2018, par Mozart

    Based on this article it seems that it is possible to use FFMPEG to detect scene change in videos:

    Now I have a video that displays a book text and when the text (word or sentence) is spoken it gets highlighted. Something like this audio book:

    I need to know the timestamp when the text gets highlighted (hence scene change), this will allow me to add timestamp tags on my youtube video, so it becomes easier for listeners to navigate through the audiobook.

    What is the magic command line that would do this?

    Thank you very much!

  • How to best set FFMPEG scenecut threshold

    28 décembre 2018, par Ariana

    I am using FFMPEG to get live stream (from an ATSC receiver), and cut it into shots/scenes. Looks like there is a scenecut threshold (20 in my example) that specifies the sensitivity for scene change detection. What is the best value to set for best shot extraction? I need the outputs to be a single scene/shot with best accuracy possible.

    ffmpeg -i http://hts:hts@:/stream/service/ -y -c:v libx264 -profile:v high -prese6t:v fast -deinterlace -x264opts min-keyint=15:keyint=1000:scenecut=20 -b:v 2000k -c:a aac -b:a 128k -f segment -segment_format mp4 -segment_format_options movflags=empty_moov+frag_keyframe+default_base_moof+skip_trailer+faststart /home/1/output%%05d.mp4
  • ffmpeg append an audio file to another audio file at position of every 10 seconds

    28 décembre 2018, par manoj kumar

    I want to append an audio file into another audio file at position of every 10 seconds through FFMPEG.

    1. ads.mp3 length 2 seconds (advertisement audio file)
    2. original.mp3 length xxxx seconds
    3. so output file could be as following

    file appending terms

    original.mp3 after 10 seconds append ads.mp3 for 2 seconds then again original.mp3 for 10 seconds append ads.mp3 for 2 seconds then again original.mp3 for 10 seconds append ads.mp3 for 2 seconds then again original.mp3 for 10 seconds ...... so long till end of original.mp3 file.


  • How to convert silk audio file from WeChat to amr format ?

    28 décembre 2018, par hzwzw

    When I developing WeChat mini program, I want to achieve the voice control. but the audio provided by WeChat client is silk.

    I need to convert the silk file to some format can be recognized by 3rd voice detection service.

    Some 3rd services support amr format. It's really great, because the size could be very small.

  • Using ffmpeg to split videos into frames doesn't work

    28 décembre 2018, par אבנר יעקב

    In my code i'm trying to split video to frames using ffmpeg.

    for this I'm using this code

    experiments = ['iguazu.mp4', 'boat.mp4']
    for experiment in experiments:
        exp_no_ext = experiment.split('.')[0]
        os.system('mkdir dump')
        os.system('mkdir dump\%s' % exp_no_ext)
        os.system("ffmpeg -i videos\%s dump\%s\%s%%03d.jpg" % (experiment, 
    exp_no_ext, exp_no_ext))

    So in visual studio code it's working perfect but in visual studio community the line "os.system("ffmpeg -i videos\%s dump\%s\%s%%03d.jpg" % (experiment, exp_no_ext, exp_no_ext))" showing error "ffmpeg is not recognized as an internal or external command".