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  • Fix a .WAV header

    28 décembre 2018, par Mattia Mura

    A Ransomware crypted all my files a little time ago, I started studying a way to come over that and I discovered that the ransomware only changes the code of each files up until Offset no.100000. This helped me recovering many of my files just copying and pasting those code lines on the corrupted files from other files with a similiar .ext that werent't damaged. It has been easy with huge video files and also with some audio files like .3gp or .mp3, but I'm having big issues with a .wav file of 152 MB containing some important audio from an interview.

    I am using HxD to manipulate the code and ffmpeg to fix some of the parts of my files after this copy/paste process. I've already tried to fix everything with vlc but it gave me no results

    HERE is the beginning of the file, that doesn't have any ordinary .wav header anymore because of the encryption.

    And HERE you can see the difference between offset FFFF0 and 100000, to give you a clearer idea.

    Basically I should change the code of the file up until the Offset number 100000, or anyway I should make it work despite those crypted lines. Do you know any way to solve this issue? Thanks a lot and be patient, is my first question here!

  • How to save frame numbers with ffmpeg ?

    28 décembre 2018, par JulianJ

    I am using ffmpeg to scan video files for scene changes and save the results to a text file. The code I am using below works but I want to simplify the results and just output the frames number where the scene changes occur and the not all the data that this code produces. Any suggestions?

    ffprobe -show_frames -of compact=p=0 -f lavfi ",select=gt(scene\,.02)" > results.txt

    Outputs all this:

    media_type=video    stream_index=0  key_frame=1 pkt_pts=31031   pkt_pts_time=1.292958   pkt_dts=31031   pkt_dts_time=1.292958   best_effort_timestamp=31031 best_effort_timestamp_time=1.292958 pkt_duration=N/A    pkt_duration_time=N/A   pkt_pos=82320   pkt_size=629760 width=640   height=328  pix_fmt=rgb24   sample_aspect_ratio=1:1 pict_type=I coded_picture_number=0  display_picture_number=0    interlaced_frame=0  top_field_first=0   repeat_pict=0   tag:lavfi.scene_score=0.025551  
  • Obtaining scene change frames with corresponding timestamps and scene scored saved in a text file

    28 décembre 2018, par Abhijeet

    I have to use FFmpeg to detect shot changes in a video, an also save the timestamps and scores of the detected shot changes? How can i do this with a single command?


    I jumped to my use case directly, as it was solved directly using FFmpeg, without the need of raw frames.

  • Detect scene change with no audio together using FFMPEG

    28 décembre 2018, par Amit Singh

    I want to detect scene change with no audio using ffmpeg in window. I want a single command to detect at which point scene changed as well as no audio is there.

  • Using FFMPEG : How to do a Scene Change Detection ? with timecode ?

    28 décembre 2018, par Mozart

    Based on this article it seems that it is possible to use FFMPEG to detect scene change in videos:

    Now I have a video that displays a book text and when the text (word or sentence) is spoken it gets highlighted. Something like this audio book:

    I need to know the timestamp when the text gets highlighted (hence scene change), this will allow me to add timestamp tags on my youtube video, so it becomes easier for listeners to navigate through the audiobook.

    What is the magic command line that would do this?

    Thank you very much!