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  • Le plugin : Podcasts.

    14 juillet 2010, par

    Le problème du podcasting est à nouveau un problème révélateur de la normalisation des transports de données sur Internet.
    Deux formats intéressants existent : Celui développé par Apple, très axé sur l’utilisation d’iTunes dont la SPEC est ici ; Le format "Media RSS Module" qui est plus "libre" notamment soutenu par Yahoo et le logiciel Miro ;
    Types de fichiers supportés dans les flux
    Le format d’Apple n’autorise que les formats suivants dans ses flux : .mp3 audio/mpeg .m4a audio/x-m4a .mp4 (...)

Sur d’autres sites (146)

  • How to build and link FFMPEG to iOS ?

    30 juin 2015, par Alexander Tkachenko

    all !

    I know, there are a lot of questions here about FFMPEG on iOS, but no one answer is appropriate for my case :(
    Something strange happens each case when I am trying to link FFMPEG in my project, so please, help me !

    My task is to write video-chat application for iOS, that uses RTMP-protocol for publishing and reading video-stream to/from custom Flash Media Server.

    I decided to use rtmplib, free open-source library for streaming FLV video over RTMP, as it is the only appropriate library.

    Many problem appeared when I began research of it, but later I understood how it should work.

    Now I can read live stream of FLV video(from url) and send it back to channel, with the help of my application.

    My trouble now is in sending video FROM Camera.
    Basic operations sequence, as I understood, should be the following :

    1. Using AVFoundation, with the help of sequence (Device-AVCaptureSession-AVVideoDataOutput-> AVAssetWriter) I write this to a file(If you need, I can describe this flow more detailed, but in the context of question it is not important). This flow is necessary to make hardware-accelerated conversion of live video from the camera into H.264 codec. But it is in MOV container format. (This is completed step)

    2. I read this temporary file with each sample written, and obtain the stream of bytes of video-data, (H.264 encoded, in QuickTime container). (this is allready completed step)

    3. I need to convert videodata from QuickTime container format to FLV. And it all in real-time.(packet - by - packet)

    4. If i will have the packets of video-data, contained in FLV container format, I will be able to send packets over RTMP using rtmplib.

    Now, the most complicated part for me, is step 3.

    I think, I need to use ffmpeg lib to this conversion (libavformat). I even found the source code, showing how to decode h.264 data packets from MOV file (looking in libavformat, i found that it is possible to extract this packets even from byte stream, which is more appropriate for me). And having this completed, I will need to encode packets into FLV(using ffmpeg or manually, in a way of adding FLV-headers to h.264 packets, it is not problem and is easy, if I am correct).

    FFMPEG has great documentation and is very powerfull library, and I think, there won’t be a problem to use it. BUT the problem here is that I can not got it working in iOS project.

    I have spend 3 days reading documentation, stackoverflow and googling the answer on the question "How to build FFMPEG for iOS" and I think, my PM is gonna fire me if I will spend one more week on trying to compile this library :))

    I tried to use many different build-scripts and configure files, but when I build FFMPEG, i Got libavformat, libavcodec, etc. for x86 architecture (even when I specify armv6 arch in build-script). (I use "lipo -info libavcodec.a" to show architectures)

    So I cannot build this sources, and decided to find prebuilt FFMPEG, that is build for architecture armv7, armv6, i386.

    I have downloaded iOS Comm Lib from MidnightCoders from github, and it contains example of usage FFMPEG, it contains prebuilt .a files of avcodec,avformat and another FFMPEG libraries.

    I check their architecture :

    iMac-2:MediaLibiOS root# lipo -info libavformat.a
    Architectures in the fat file: libavformat.a are: armv6 armv7 i386

    And I found that it is appropriate for me !
    When I tried to add this libraries and headers to xCode project, It compiles fine(and I even have no warnings like "Library is compiled for another architecture"), and I can use structures from headers, but when I am trying to call C-function from libavformat (av_register_all()), the compiler show me error message "Symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7 : av_register_all".

    I thought, that maybe there are no symbols in lib, and tried to show them :

    root# nm -arch armv6 libavformat.a | grep av_register_all
    00000000 T _av_register_all

    Now I am stuck here, I don’t understand, why xCode can not see this symbols, and can not move forward.

    Please, correct me if I am wrong in the understanding of flow for publishing RTMP-stream from iOS, and help me in building and linking FFMPEG for iOS.

    I have iPhone 5.1. SDK and xCode 4.2.

  • FFmpegPCMaudio doesn't work on my server but it works on my computer

    4 mai 2023, par Alex

    I am developing a Discord bot with python that can play music. When I do the tests on my computer all work find but when I take all the files to put there in my server it stop working. So I tried to run it on an other computer and no, it still does not work.


    First I was thinking it was a power problems but the other computer is almost the same. I tried to install all the packages that I have on my computer to the second but the music part still not work. It's not a Discord API problem because my others commands work find.


    import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from youtube_dl import YoutubeDL

class music_cog(commands.Cog):
    def __init__(self, bot): = bot

        # all the music related stuff
        self.is_playing = False

        # 2d array containing [song, channel]
        self.music_queue = []
        self.YDL_OPTIONS = {'format': 'bestaudio', 'noplaylist': 'True'}
        self.FFMPEG_OPTIONS = {'before_options': '-reconnect 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 5',
                               'options': '-vn'} = ""

    # searching the item on youtube
    def search_yt(self, item):
        with YoutubeDL(self.YDL_OPTIONS) as ydl:
                info = ydl.extract_info("ytsearch:%s" % item, download=False)['entries'][0]
            except Exception:
                return False

        return {'source': info['formats'][0]['url'], 'title': info['title']}

    def play_next(self):
        if len(self.music_queue) > 0:
            self.is_playing = True

            # get the first url
            m_url = self.music_queue[0][0]['source']

            # remove the first element as you are currently playing it

  , **self.FFMPEG_OPTIONS), after=lambda e: self.play_next())
            self.is_playing = False

    # infinite loop checking
    async def play_music(self):
        if len(self.music_queue) > 0:
            self.is_playing = True

            m_url = self.music_queue[0][0]['source']

            # try to connect to voice channel if you are not already connected

            if == "" or not or == None:
       = await self.music_queue[0][1].connect()

            # remove the first element as you are currently playing it

  , **self.FFMPEG_OPTIONS), after=lambda e: self.play_next())
            self.is_playing = False

    @commands.command(name="play", help="Plays a selected song from youtube")
    async def p(self, ctx, *args):
        query = " ".join(args)

        voice_channel = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.voice_channels, name='General')
        if voice_channel is None:
            # you need to be connected so that the bot knows where to go
            await ctx.send("Connect to a voice channel!")
            song = self.search_yt(query)
            if type(song) == type(True):
                await ctx.send(
                    "Could not download the song. Incorrect format try another keyword. This could be due to playlist or a livestream format.")
                await ctx.send("Song added to the queue")
                self.music_queue.append([song, voice_channel])

                if self.is_playing == False:
                    await self.play_music()

    @commands.command(name="queue", help="Displays the current songs in queue")
    async def q(self, ctx):
        retval = ""
        for i in range(0, len(self.music_queue)):
            retval += self.music_queue[i][0]['title'] + "\n"

        if retval != "":
            await ctx.send(retval)
            await ctx.send("No music in queue")

    @commands.command(name="skip", help="Skips the current song being played")
    async def skip(self, ctx):
        if != "" and
            # try to play next in the queue if it exists
            await self.play_music()

    @commands.command(name="disconnect", help="Disconnecting bot from VC")
    async def dc(self, ctx):

    async def pause(self, ctx):
        voice = discord.utils.get(, guild=ctx.guild)
        if voice.is_playing():
            await ctx.send("Currently no audio is playing.")

    async def resume(self, ctx):
        voice = discord.utils.get(, guild=ctx.guild)
        if voice.is_paused():
            await ctx.send("The audio is not paused.")


    There are not any error messages, the bot just joins the voice chat and does nothing.


    If someone can tell me we it work just on my computer I will be very grateful.


    My files :
my files


  • How do I send pydub audio segment raw data using to a voice channel ? I get error, hear nothing or gibberish noise depending on parameters

    8 mai 2021, par Hiello

    As the title says, I've been trying to send chunks audio data using to a voice channel. So using pydub I basically load an mp3 file (and playback works so file is ok), make chunks, send them as packages.
And then I tried to convert the mp3 file to opus file. It's playing too. Both files are ok.


    There are a few stuff :


    So the issue is, after I make the raw audio chunks list and try to send each element in it :


    a) With Encode=True, I get an error about NoneType object not having encode attribute.


    b) With Encode=False, it actually sends the data but I don't hear anything at all.


    c) With Encode=False, but when loading the mp3 file with additional codec="opus" parameter, I hear gibberish noise. So it's not for conversion i guess okay...


    d) With Encode=False, but when loading the opus file with additional codec="opus" parameter (without that codec="opus" i cant play the audio anyway), it's still the NoneType error.


    -I have all the 3 executables (ffmpeg.exe, ffplay.exe and ffprobe.exe) in the same directory as the script. But not in PATH. (Didn't tell me anything about it and playback worked, plus i heard the gibberish noise too at least so no problem here)


    -I also have m1.mp3 and m1.opus in the same directory as the script. It's ok.


    -There are no subdirectories or anything else.


    -I have PyNaCl and[audio] installed.


    I don't know where I'm doing wrong. What kind of data was i supposed to send if not this ? Can I encode the raw audio myself to opus without too much work and definitely not saving a file even if it is temp ?
I don't want to just load the mp3 file all at once and play, I need to be able to make chunks. I don't want to save these chunks anywhere either.


    Here is the code :


    import discord
import pydub
import os
from pydub.utils import make_chunks
import asyncio

TOKEN = ":("

base_path = os.getcwd()
pydub.AudioSegment.ffmpeg = os.path.join(base_path, "ffmpeg.exe")
pydub.AudioSegment.ffprobe = os.path.join(base_path, "ffprobe.exe")
pydub.AudioSegment.ffplay = os.path.join(base_path, "ffplay.exe")
pydub.AudioSegment.converter = os.path.join(base_path, "ffmpeg.exe")

#audio = pydub.AudioSegment.from_file(os.path.join(base_path, "m1.mp3"), format="mp3")#, codec="opus")
audio = pydub.AudioSegment.from_file(os.path.join(base_path, "m1.opus"), codec="opus") #dont add format="opus". format isnt extension ig.
#audio = pydub.AudioSegment.from_file(os.path.join(base_path, "m1.opus")) #didnt hear anything at all evn with play(audio) below.

audio = audio[:9*1000] #first 9 seconds

#let me be sure that it actually plays.
from pydub.playback import play #needs simpleaudio to work idk...

chunks = make_chunks(audio, (1/20)*1000)

client = discord.Client()

async def on_ready():

async def on_message(message):
    if message.content.startswith(",test"):

        #connect to vc
        vp = await

        #i tried with chunk._data as well. they are same anyway. 
        chunks_raw = [chunk.raw_data for chunk in chunks]
        #print(chunks_raw == [chunk._data for chunk in chunks]) #it's True
        for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks_raw, start=1):
            vp.send_audio_packet(chunk, encode=True) #false --> not heard, true --> weird error (that occurs no matter if i have codec="opus" or not)
            print("Sent", i, "out of", len(chunks), "chunks.")
            await asyncio.sleep(1/20)

        await vp.disconnect()

        await"Playback is over.")


    so if encode=True i get this (and i have no idea why) :


    Ignoring exception in on_message
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\h\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\discord\", line 343, in _run_event
    await coro(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\h\Desktop\randomly lying pys\bas\", line 38, in on_message
    vp.send_audio_packet(chunk, encode=True) #false --> not heard, true --> weird error
  File "C:\Users\h\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\discord\", line 633, in send_audio_packet
    encoded_data = self.encoder.encode(data, self.encoder.SAMPLES_PER_FRAME)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode'


    and if encode=False i can see "Sent i out of len(chunks) chunks" in console, yet i cant hear anything. I also see "Playback is over" message when it ends so it actually sends something...
if i go ahead and change the myself to add this to the first line of send_audio_packet function :


    self.encoder = opus.Encoder() #manually added


    and then i set encode to True, then it actually sends a hearable voice. of course its gibberish again, but at least i hear something from discord voice chat.


    can anyone actually help me with this ?


    Well I knew sound would be confusing, but never expected it to be this hard. I have no idea what counts as opus if not an opus file itself that's been converted via ffmpeg, not by literally changing the extension or anything.