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  • Qu’est ce qu’un éditorial

    21 juin 2013, par

    Ecrivez votre de point de vue dans un article. Celui-ci sera rangé dans une rubrique prévue à cet effet.
    Un éditorial est un article de type texte uniquement. Il a pour objectif de ranger les points de vue dans une rubrique dédiée. Un seul éditorial est placé à la une en page d’accueil. Pour consulter les précédents, consultez la rubrique dédiée.
    Vous pouvez personnaliser le formulaire de création d’un éditorial.
    Formulaire de création d’un éditorial Dans le cas d’un document de type éditorial, les (...)

  • Contribute to translation

    13 avril 2011

    You can help us to improve the language used in the software interface to make MediaSPIP more accessible and user-friendly. You can also translate the interface into any language that allows it to spread to new linguistic communities.
    To do this, we use the translation interface of SPIP where the all the language modules of MediaSPIP are available. Just subscribe to the mailing list and request further informantion on translation.
    MediaSPIP is currently available in French and English (...)

  • Configuration spécifique d’Apache

    4 février 2011, par

    Modules spécifiques
    Pour la configuration d’Apache, il est conseillé d’activer certains modules non spécifiques à MediaSPIP, mais permettant d’améliorer les performances : mod_deflate et mod_headers pour compresser automatiquement via Apache les pages. Cf ce tutoriel ; mode_expires pour gérer correctement l’expiration des hits. Cf ce tutoriel ;
    Il est également conseillé d’ajouter la prise en charge par apache du mime-type pour les fichiers WebM comme indiqué dans ce tutoriel.
    Création d’un (...)

Sur d’autres sites (505)

  • FFMpeg convert VOB to H264 and multi language

    26 octobre 2016, par gduh

    I try to convert VOB files to H264. I know it seems to be crazy to do that but the goal is to use it with the Apple TV.

    To just converting a VOB file to mp4 with the right audio stream is not really a problem.

    The problem is when the VOB file contains multi-sequences in different languages. For example, in the mp4’s file I will have 3 seconds of video including for example a book on the screen in english, then, the same 3 seconds with the book in french and so on...
    But with the VOB file I will have only the 3 seconds in the right language.

    When I check the VOB file, I only see one stream #0.0 for the video.

    So my question is, how can I avoid to include the differents videos sequences with these different languages ?

    Thx for your help.

  • How to convert natural language to structural description like FFmpeg filter graph strings

    11 juillet 2022, par 张无敌

    I'm working on a program that takes natural language as input, and outputs valid FFmpeg filter graph description, for example :


    Input string :


    rotate 1.mp4 90deg clockwise, downscale to 480p, output 2.mpeg


    Output description :




    It seems impractical with complete natural language, especially in the case of complex filter graphs, but still doable with slightly formatted input.


    I am new to NLP, wondering which areas or methods could help implement this.


  • Best language to use for AWS Beanstalk worker, for Watermarking videos

    16 juin 2017, par RAJ CHOURASIA

    I have a requirement such that, for each customer, the video content I have has to be separately watermarked and kept in the cloud. Also, this whole process is to be automated.

    The way I have figured the architecture is that :

    • I would use AWS SQS queue, to update for which Customers, which set of videos have to be watermarked
    • AWS Beanstalk worker would read the queue, pick up the videos from a S3 location, watermark the required videos and save back in a separate S3 location

    Total size of all the videos can be upto 15GB, which takes more than 24hrs to watermark, using "ffmpeg", so I will also require

    • Ability to parallel process, use multiple CPU cores if available
    • Ability to auto scale, when required

    In order to achieve this, what would be the best Language to use, to write the AWS Beanstalk worker logic ?