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  • Unable to Convert Speech to Text

    31 janvier 2017, par Vallieres

    I’m getting a 500 error when converting a simple MP3 file from speech to text using the site.

    I’m thinking the WAV I’m sending is not in the right format. Here’s my conversion :

    ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 1 -ar 16000 input.wav

    This gives me a WAV file with pcm_s16le ([1][0][0][0] / 0x0001), 16000 Hz, mono, s16, 256 kb/s

    Here’s my request :

    curl -X "POST" "" \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_HERE" \
        -H "Content-Type: audio/wav"

    I’m sending the file as binary content in the request. I also tried MP3 but it does not work either. Any idea why ?

  • IBM Watson Speech to Text Audio Conversion on Node.js Web Application

    25 avril 2016, par Raquel Hosein

    The gist of the issue is that IBM Watson Speech to Text only allows for FLAC, WAV, and OGG file formats to be uploaded and used with the API.

    My solution to that would be that if the user uploads an mp3, BEFORE sending the file to Watson, a data conversion would take place. Essentially, the user uploads an mp3, then using ffmpeg or sox the audio would be converted to an OGG, after which the audio would then be uploaded to Watson.

    What I am unsure about is : What exactly do I have to modify in the Node.js Watson code to allow for the audio conversion to happen ? Linked below is the Watson repo which is what I am working through. I am sure that the file that will have to be changes is fileupload.js, which I have linked, but where the changes go is what I am uncertain about ?

    I have looked through both SO and developerWorks, the IBM SO for answers to this issue, but I have not seen any which is why I am posting here. I would be happy to clarify my question if that is necessary.

    Watson Speech to Text Repo

  • Decoding EVRC speech codec

    8 avril 2016, par NitinG

    I want to decode the EVRC speech codec. I have checked the ffmpeg library but it seems like, EVRC is not being currently supported by ffmpeg.

    Is there any alternate library which can be used to decode EVRC data ?

    Or if anybody have some algorithm or decoding mechanism or code snippet to do so, please let me know.
