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  • Introducing Updates to the Funnels Feature

    29 mai, par Erin

    We’ve made improvements to the Funnels feature to be more user-friendly and offer you greater flexibility. 

    Check out the TL ;DR (too long ; didn’t read) of this feature update 

    Here’s what’s changing :

    Setting up and managing funnels is now easier than ever 

    Previously, creating funnels was tedious and required going through the Goals feature. But we’ve changed that with the introduction of a separate page to configure funnels. 

    Dedicated Manage Funnels page in Matomo

    Create funnels with greater flexibility—no longer tied to goals 

    Funnels is now a standalone feature, providing you with more flexibility. Before, you could only create a funnel if it was tied to a goal, in other words, the final step in the funnel had to be a goal. What’s more, you also couldn’t use goals for steps in the funnel.  

    Previous configuration requirements of Funnels in Matomo
    Previous configuration requirements of Funnels

    Now, funnels are independent of goals, and goals can serve as steps within the funnel. This means you have the freedom to configure any combination of steps in a funnel : 

    • All steps can be goals 
    • No steps need to be goals 
    • Or some steps can be goals, some steps can be events 
    Goals no longer required in Matomo Funnels

    No matter what your customer journey looks like, funnels now offer the versatility to meet your business’s specific needs. 

    Find friction points faster with intuitive visuals 

    One of the most significant improvements is the visual upgrade of the Funnels feature. The new Funnels graph is now visually in line with industry standards and intuitive. 

    New Funnel Analytics chart in Matomo

    The new visual provides a clearer view of your drop-off and conversion rates so you can instantly find points of friction in your funnel to improve the user experience and overall conversion rate.  

    This visualisation also provides a detailed overview of the number of visitors who enter, exit, skip, or proceed at each step of your funnel by using different coloured bars for visual clarity on each step’s performance. 

    With this update, we’ve also replaced ‘backfilled visits’ with ‘skipped steps’ to avoid misinterpretation of the data. 

    New data table for more granular insights 

    Accompanying this visual improvement is a new data table, allowing for more granular insights, segment comparison, and easy data export.

    We’ve also increased Funnel analysis limits. You can now compare funnel data for 2 date periods and 6 segments (up to 12 compared datasets in total). 

    Sign up for our newsletter to receive all the latest Matomo updates. 

    TL ;DR summary table 

    Old Funnels feature
    What to expect now
    Complex funnel configuration UI and missing last step visibility.– Simplified UI with clearer texts.
    – Moved help to appropriate places.
    – Split tooltips.
    – Last step visibility improved.
    – Set default steps as required for clarity.
    Funnels had to be created in the Goal feature and the last step in the Funnel had to be a Goal. Added ability to create standalone funnels.
    Inability to use Goals as funnel steps. Enabled using goals as steps in funnels.
    Poor readability of visualised data due to non-standard visualisation, inability to compare date periods, and default non-required steps. – Aligned visualisation with industry standards.
    – Enhanced readability and comparison options.
    Difficulty in reading entry/exit pages due to small tables.Introduced purpose-built data table for clearer reading.
    Misunderstood backfilling feature leading to incorrect interpretations of data.Replaced the concept of “backfilled visits” with “skipped steps” to ensure data interpretation accuracy and clarity.