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  • Pas question de marché, de cloud etc...

    10 avril 2011

    Le vocabulaire utilisé sur ce site essaie d’éviter toute référence à la mode qui fleurit allègrement
    sur le web 2.0 et dans les entreprises qui en vivent.
    Vous êtes donc invité à bannir l’utilisation des termes "Brand", "Cloud", "Marché" etc...
    Notre motivation est avant tout de créer un outil simple, accessible à pour tout le monde, favorisant
    le partage de créations sur Internet et permettant aux auteurs de garder une autonomie optimale.
    Aucun "contrat Gold ou Premium" n’est donc prévu, aucun (...)

  • Selection of projects using MediaSPIP

    2 mai 2011, par

    The examples below are representative elements of MediaSPIP specific uses for specific projects.
    MediaSPIP farm @ Infini
    The non profit organizationInfini develops hospitality activities, internet access point, training, realizing innovative projects in the field of information and communication technologies and Communication, and hosting of websites. It plays a unique and prominent role in the Brest (France) area, at the national level, among the half-dozen such association. Its members (...)

  • Keeping control of your media in your hands

    13 avril 2011, par

    The vocabulary used on this site and around MediaSPIP in general, aims to avoid reference to Web 2.0 and the companies that profit from media-sharing.
    While using MediaSPIP, you are invited to avoid using words like "Brand", "Cloud" and "Market".
    MediaSPIP is designed to facilitate the sharing of creative media online, while allowing authors to retain complete control of their work.
    MediaSPIP aims to be accessible to as many people as possible and development is based on expanding the (...)

Sur d’autres sites (500)

  • Security camera feed storage on remote servers

    12 avril 2020, par pilogo

    What are the suggested latest technologies to build a security surveillance system ?


    This system will have 100+ cameras uploading live streams to cloud servers for storage and post-processing.


    Any suggested architecture along with technologies will be helpful to read and to do some experiments.


  • Infrequent ffmpeg in Google Cloud

    17 février 2020, par suztomo

    Which service should I use for my Go program that runs ffmpeg in Google Cloud Platform ?

    The Go program downloads videos from my Google Cloud Storage and runs ffmpeg command to combine them into 5 minutes mp4 file. I use this program only around 10 times in a month.

    I thought of using a compute instance with GPU to get fast ffmpeg processing. However, because of infrequency of the invocation, I don’t want to run the pricey GPU instance for all the time. Cloud Run does not seem to support GPU.

    What service would you choose for such workload ?

  • How to upload stream on google storage using node js ?

    21 décembre 2017, par WeShal

    I have implemented to stream data using this repo

    I got a streaming reference here for cloud storage but couldn’t make it work.