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  • Introducing Updates to the Funnels Feature

    29 mai, par Erin

    We’ve made improvements to the Funnels feature to be more user-friendly and offer you greater flexibility. 

    Check out the TL ;DR (too long ; didn’t read) of this feature update 

    Here’s what’s changing :

    Setting up and managing funnels is now easier than ever 

    Previously, creating funnels was tedious and required going through the Goals feature. But we’ve changed that with the introduction of a separate page to configure funnels. 

    Dedicated Manage Funnels page in Matomo

    Create funnels with greater flexibility—no longer tied to goals 

    Funnels is now a standalone feature, providing you with more flexibility. Before, you could only create a funnel if it was tied to a goal, in other words, the final step in the funnel had to be a goal. What’s more, you also couldn’t use goals for steps in the funnel.  

    Previous configuration requirements of Funnels in Matomo
    Previous configuration requirements of Funnels

    Now, funnels are independent of goals, and goals can serve as steps within the funnel. This means you have the freedom to configure any combination of steps in a funnel : 

    • All steps can be goals 
    • No steps need to be goals 
    • Or some steps can be goals, some steps can be events 
    Goals no longer required in Matomo Funnels

    No matter what your customer journey looks like, funnels now offer the versatility to meet your business’s specific needs. 

    Find friction points faster with intuitive visuals 

    One of the most significant improvements is the visual upgrade of the Funnels feature. The new Funnels graph is now visually in line with industry standards and intuitive. 

    New Funnel Analytics chart in Matomo

    The new visual provides a clearer view of your drop-off and conversion rates so you can instantly find points of friction in your funnel to improve the user experience and overall conversion rate.  

    This visualisation also provides a detailed overview of the number of visitors who enter, exit, skip, or proceed at each step of your funnel by using different coloured bars for visual clarity on each step’s performance. 

    With this update, we’ve also replaced ‘backfilled visits’ with ‘skipped steps’ to avoid misinterpretation of the data. 

    New data table for more granular insights 

    Accompanying this visual improvement is a new data table, allowing for more granular insights, segment comparison, and easy data export.

    We’ve also increased Funnel analysis limits. You can now compare funnel data for 2 date periods and 6 segments (up to 12 compared datasets in total). 

    Sign up for our newsletter to receive all the latest Matomo updates. 

    TL ;DR summary table 

    Old Funnels feature
    What to expect now
    Complex funnel configuration UI and missing last step visibility.– Simplified UI with clearer texts.
    – Moved help to appropriate places.
    – Split tooltips.
    – Last step visibility improved.
    – Set default steps as required for clarity.
    Funnels had to be created in the Goal feature and the last step in the Funnel had to be a Goal. Added ability to create standalone funnels.
    Inability to use Goals as funnel steps. Enabled using goals as steps in funnels.
    Poor readability of visualised data due to non-standard visualisation, inability to compare date periods, and default non-required steps. – Aligned visualisation with industry standards.
    – Enhanced readability and comparison options.
    Difficulty in reading entry/exit pages due to small tables.Introduced purpose-built data table for clearer reading.
    Misunderstood backfilling feature leading to incorrect interpretations of data.Replaced the concept of “backfilled visits” with “skipped steps” to ensure data interpretation accuracy and clarity.
  • B2B Customer Journey Map : A Quickfire Guide for Growth

    20 mai, par Erin

    What is a company’s biggest asset ?

    Its product ? Its employees ? Its unique selling proposition ?

    More and more people are recognising it’s something else entirely : your customers.

    Without your customers, your business can’t exist.

    Nearly 77% of B2B buyers found the buying process too complicated.

    With more competition than ever, it’s crucial you provide the best possible experience for them.

    That’s where your customer journey comes in.

    If you’re in the B2B space, you need to know how to map out the journey.

    By building a B2B customer journey map, you’ll be able to analyse the weak spots in the customer journey so you can improve the experience (and generate more revenue).

    In this article, we break down the B2B customer journey stages, how to build a customer journey map and how Matomo can help you track your customer journey automatically.

    What is a B2B customer journey ?

    Every customer goes through a specific path within your business.

    At some point in time, they found out about you and eventually bought your products.

    What is a B2B customer journey?

    A B2B customer journey is the collection of touchpoints your customer has with your business from start to finish.

    From discovery to purchase (and more), your customers go through a specific set of touches you can track. By analysing this journey, you can get a snapshot of your user experience.

    One way to track the customer journey is with a B2B customer journey map.

    It helps you to quickly see the different steps your customers take in their path with your business.

    With it, you can quickly identify weak spots and successes to improve the customer journey.

    5 stages of the B2B customer journey

    Every one of your customers is unique. Their specific needs and their journey.

    It’s all different.

    But, there are crucial steps they take through their journey as your customer.

    It’s the same path your entire customer base takes.

    Here are the five stages of the B2B customer journey (and why you should track them) :

    5 stages of the B2B customer journey.

    1. Awareness

    Awareness is the first stage that every B2B buyer goes through when they start their journey in B2B companies as a customer.

    At this stage, your target buyer understands they have a problem they need solving. They’re out, actively trying to solve this problem. 

    This is where you can stand out from the competition and give them a good first impression.

    Some helpful content you could create to do this is :

    • Blog posts
    • Social media posts
    • Ebooks
    • Whitepapers

    2. Consideration

    Next up, your buyer persona has an awareness of your company. But, now they’ve started narrowing down their options for potential businesses they’re interested in.

    They’ve selected yours as a potential business to hand their hard-earned cash over to, but they’re still making up their mind.

    At this point, you need to do what you can to clear up any objections and doubts in their mind and make them trust you.

    Some helpful content you could create here include :

    • Product demos by your sales team
    • Webinars
    • Case studies

    3. Conversion

    Next up, your target buyer has compared all their options and decided on you as the chosen product/company.

    This is where the purchase decision is made — when the B2B buyer actually signs or clicks “buy.”

    Here, you’ll want to provide more :

    • Case studies
    • Live demos
    • Customer service
    • Customer reviews/testimonials

    4. Loyalty

    Your B2B buyer is now a customer. But, not all customers return. The majority will slip away after the first purchase. If you want them to return, you need to fuel the relationship and nurture them even more.

    You’ll want to shift your efforts to nurturing the relationship with a post-purchase strategy where you build on that trust, seek customer feedback to prove high customer satisfaction and reward their loyalty.

    Some content you may want to create here includes :

    • Thank you emails
    • Follow-up emails
    • Follow-up calls
    • Product how-tos
    • Reward program
    • Surveys

    5. Advocacy

    The final stage of the B2B customer journey map is advocacy.

    This is the stage beyond loyalty where your customers aren’t just coming back for more ; they’re actively telling others about you.

    This is the cream of the crop when it comes to the B2B buyer stages, and it happens when you exceed customer expectations repeatedly.

    Your goal should be to eventually get all of your customers to this stage. Because then, they’re doing free marketing for you.

    This is only possible when a customer receives enough positive B2B customer experiences with your company where the value they’ve received far exceeds what they perceived they have given.

    Here are a few pieces of content you can create to fuel advocacy :

    • Surveys
    • Testimonial requests
    • Referral program

    Difference between B2C and B2B customer journeys

    Every person on earth who buys something enters the customer journey.

    But, not all customer journeys are created equal.

    This is especially true when you compare the B2C and B2B customer journeys.

    While there are similarities, the business-to-consumer (B2C) journey has clear differences compared to the business-to-business (B2B) journey.

    B2C vs. B2B customer journey.

    The most obvious difference between the two journeys is that B2B customer journeys are far more complex. 

    Not only are these two companies selling to different audiences, but they also have to deploy a completely different set of strategies to lead their customers down the path as far as they can go.

    While the journey structures are similar (from awareness to advocacy), there are differing motivating behaviours.

    Here’s a table showing the difference between B2C and B2B in the customer journey :

    Different FactorsB2BB2C
    Target audienceSmaller, industry more importantLarger, general consumer
    BuyerMultiple decision-makersOne decision-maker
    Buying decisionBased on needs of the organisation with multiple stakeholdersBased on an individual’s pain points
    Buying processMultiple stepsSingle step
    Customer retentionOrganisational needs and ROI-basedIndividual emotional factors
    Repeat sales driverDeep relationshipRepetition, attention-based

    Step-by-step guide to building a B2B customer journey map

    Now that you’ve got a basic understanding of the typical B2B customer journey, it’s time to build out your map so you can create a visual representation of the journey.

    Step-by-step guide to building a customer journey map.

    Here are six steps you need to take to craft an effective B2B customer journey map in your business :

    1. Identify your target audience (and different segments)

    The first step in customer journey mapping is to look at your target audience.

    You need to understand who they are and what different segments make up your audience.

    You need to look at the different roles each person plays within the journey.

    Unlike B2C, you’re not usually dealing with a single person. You likely have a few decision-makers you need to interact with to close a deal.

    The average B2B deal involves 6 to 10 people.

    Analyse the different roles and responsibilities of your audience.

    Figure out what requirements they need to onboard you. Understand each person’s level of influence in the buying decision.

    2. Determine your customers’ goals

    Now that you have a clear understanding of each person involved in the buying process, it’s time to analyse their unique needs and goals.

    Unlike B2C, which will include a single person with a single set of needs and goals, you have to look at several people through the decision-making process.

    What is every decision-maker’s goal ?

    An entry-level admin will have much different goals than a CEO.

    Understand each of their needs as it will be key to selling them and taking you to the next person in the chain of command.

    3. Lean on data and analytics

    Now it’s time to analyse your data.

    You don’t want to guess what will work on your B2B buyers. Instead, leverage data that proves what’s working (and what’s not).

    Analytics software like Matomo are crucial tools in your B2B customer journey toolkit.

    Matomo can help you make data-driven decisions to fuel customer acquisition and loyalty to help get more customers all the way to the advocacy stage.

    Using Matomo (which analyses and interprets different data sources) can give you a holistic view of what’s going on at each stage of the journey so you can reach your goals.

    Try Matomo for Free

    Get the web insights you need, without compromising data accuracy.

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    4. Draw out customer journey stages

    Now that you have your data-backed plan, it’s time for some customer journey mapping.

    You can do this on paper or use a diagram tool to create a visual B2B customer journey map.

    Here, you’ll draw out every single stage in your customer journey, including every single touchpoint from different decision-makers.

    5. Determine each customer touchpoint

    Once you’ve drawn up the customer journey stages, you’ll have a key list of B2B customer journey touchpoints to implement.

    Write down every single customer interaction possible on the journey through.

    This could be reading an email, a blog post or watching a video on your home page.

    It could be an advertisement, a phone call or a follow-up email.

    It could even be a live demo or video sales call (meeting).

    6. Identify your own goals

    Now that you’ve got your visual B2B customer journey mapping done, it’s time to go back to you and your company.

    What are your goals ?

    What are the end results you’re looking for here ?

    You’ve got your current map in place. Now, how would you like customers to go through this journey ?

    Where would you like them to end up ?

    Look back at your company’s primary objectives if you’re stuck here.

    If your company is looking to increase profit margins, then maybe you want to focus more on retention, so you’re spending less on acquisition (and leaning more on recurring revenue from existing customers).

    How to create a Matomo funnel to track your B2B customer journey

    If you want to start tracking and optimising your B2B customer journey, you need to have a good grasp on your funnel.

    The reality is that your customer journey is your funnel.

    They’re one and the same.

    Your customer journeys through your sales funnel.

    So, if you want to optimise it, then you need to see what’s going on at each stage of your funnel.

    Screenshot example of the Matomo dashboard

    With Matomo, you can map out your entire funnel and track key events like conversions.

    This allows you to identify where your site visitors are having problems, where they’re exiting and other obstacles they’re facing on their journey through.

    To start, you first define what events or touchpoints you want included. This could mean :

    • Landing on your website
    • Visiting a product page
    • Adding something to cart
    • Going to checkout
    • Clicking “buy”

    Then, at each stage, you’ll see conversion rates.

    For example, if only 3% of your visitors go from landing on your website to the product page, you likely have an issue between your homepage (and other pages) and your product pages.

    Or, if you can get people to add to cart, but you rarely get people going to checkout, there’s likely a problem to fix on your add-to-cart page.

    By leveraging Matomo’s funnels feature, you get to see your entire customer journey (and where people are falling off) so you understand what you need to optimise to grow your business.

    If you’re ready to start building and optimising your customer journey today, then try Matomo for free for 21 days.

  • GA360 Sunset : Is Now the Time to Switch ?

    20 mai, par Erin

    Google pushed the sunset date of Universal Analytics 360 to July 2024, giving enterprise users more time to transition to Google Analytics 4. This extension is also seen by some as time to find a suitable alternative. 

    While Google positions GA4 as an upgrade to Universal Analytics, the new platform has faced its fair share of backlash. 

    So before you rush to meet the new sunset deadline, ask yourself this question : Is now the time to switch to a Google Analytics alternative ?

    In this article, we’ll explain what the new GA360 sunset date means and show you what you could gain by choosing a privacy-friendly alternative. 

    What’s happening with the final GA360 sunset ?

    Google has given Universal Analytics 360 properties with a current 360 licence a one-time extension, which will end on 1 July 2024.

    Why did Google extend the sunset ?

    In a blog post on Google, Russell Ketchum, Director of Product Management at Google Analytics, provided more details about the final GA360 sunset. 

    In short, the tech giant realised it would take large enterprise accounts (which typically have complex analytics setups) much longer to transition smoothly. The extension gives them time to migrate to GA4 and check everything is tracking correctly. 

    What’s more, Google is also focused on improving the GA4 experience before more GA360 users migrate :

    “We’re focusing our efforts and investments on Google Analytics 4 to deliver a solution built to adapt to a changing ecosystem. Because of this, throughout 2023 we’ll be shifting support away from Universal Analytics 360 and will move our full focus to Google Analytics 4 in 2024. As a result, performance will likely degrade in Universal Analytics 360 until the new sunset date.”

    Despite the extension, the July sunset is definitive. 

    Starting the week of 1 July 2024, you won’t be able to access any Universal Analytics properties or the API (not even with read-only access), and all data will be deleted.

    In other words, it’s not just data collection that will cease at the start of July. You won’t be able to access the platform, and all your data will be deleted. 

    What GA360 features is Google deprecating, and when ?

    If you’re wondering which GA360 features are being deprecated and when, here is the timeline for Google’s final GA360 sunset :

    • 1 January 2024 : From the beginning of the year, Google doesn’t guarantee all features and functionalities in UA 360 will continue to work as expected. 
    • 29 January 2024 : Google began deprecating a string of advertising and measurement features as it shifts resources to focus on GA4. These features include :
      • Realtime reports
      • Lifetime Value report
      • Model Explorer
      • Cohort Analysis
      • Conversion Probability report
      • GDN Impression Beta
    • Early March 2024 : Google began deprecating more advertising and measurement features. Deprecated advertising features include Demographic and Interest reports, Publisher reporting, Phone Analytics, Event and Salesforce Data Import, and Realtime BigQuery Export. Deprecated measurement features include Universal Analytics property creation, App Views, Unsampled reports, Custom Tables and annotations.
    • Late March 2024 : This is the last recommended date for migration to GA4 to give users three months to validate data and settings. By this date, Google recommends that you migrate your UA’s Google Ads links to GA4, create new Google Ad conversions based on GA4 events, and add GA4 audiences to campaigns and ad groups for retargeting. 
    • 1 July 2024 : From 1 July 2024, you won’t be able to access any UA properties, and all data will be deleted.

    What’s different about GA4 360 ? 

    GA4 comes with a new set of metrics, setups and reports that change how you analyse your data. We highlight the key differences between Universal Analytics and GA4 below. 

    What’s different about GA4?

    New dashboard

    The layout of GA4 is completely different from Universal Analytics, so much so that the UX can be very complex for first-time and experienced GA users alike. Reports or metrics that used to be available in a couple of clicks in UA now take five or more to find. While you can do more in theory with GA4, it takes much more work. 

    New measurements

    The biggest difference between GA4 and UA is how Google measures data. GA4 tracks events — and everything counts as an event. That includes pageviews, scrolls, clicks, file downloads and contact form submissions. 

    The idea is to anonymise data while letting you track complex buyer journeys across multiple devices. However, it can be very confusing, even for experienced marketers and analysts. 

    New metrics

    You won’t be able to track the same metrics in GA4 as in Universal Analytics. Rather than bounce rate, for example, you are forced to track engagement rate, which is the percentage of engaged sessions. These sessions last at least ten seconds, at least two pageviews or at least one conversion event. 

    Confused ? You’re not alone. 

    New reports

    Most reports you’ll be familiar with in Universal Analytics have been replaced in GA4. The new platform also has a completely different reporting interface, with every report grouped under the following five headings : realtime, audience, acquisition, behaviour and conversions. It can be hard for experienced marketers, let alone beginners, to find their way around these new reports. 

    AI insights

    GA4 has machine learning (ML) capabilities that allow you to generate AI insights from your data. Specifically, GA4 has predictive analytics features that let you track three trends : 

    • Purchase probability : the likelihood that a consumer will make a purchase in a given timeframe.
    • Churn probability : the likelihood a customer will churn in a given period.
    • Predictive revenue : the amount of revenue a user is likely to generate over a given period. 

    Google generates these insights using historical data and machine learning algorithms. 

    Cross-platform capabilities

    GA4 also offers cross-platform capabilities, meaning it can track user interactions across websites and mobile apps, giving businesses a holistic view of customer behaviour. This allows for better decision-making throughout the customer journey.

    Does GA4 360 come with other risks ?

    Aside from the poor usability, complexity and steep learning curve, upgrading your GA360 property to GA4 comes with several other risks.

    GA4 has a rocky relationship with privacy regulations, and while you can use it in a GDPR-compliant way at the moment, there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to do so in the future. 

    This presents the prospect of fines for non-compliance. A worse risk, however, is regulators forcing you to change web analytics platforms in the future—something that’s already happened in the EU. Migrating to a new application can be incredibly painful and time-consuming, especially when you can choose a privacy-friendly alternative that avoids the possibility of this scenario. 

    If all this wasn’t bad enough, switching to GA4 risks your historical Universal Analytics data. That’s because you can’t import Universal Analytics data into GA4, even if you migrate ahead of the sunset deadline.

    Why you should consider a GA4 360 alternative instead

    With the GA360 sunset on the horizon, what are your options if you don’t want to deal with GA4’s problems ? 

    The easiest solution is to migrate to a GA4 360 alternative instead. And there are plenty of reasons to migrate from Google Analytics to a privacy-friendly alternative like Matomo. 

    Keep historical data

    As we’ve explained, Google isn’t letting users import their Universal Analytics data from GA360 to GA4. The easiest way to keep it is by switching to a Google Analytics alternative like Matomo that lets you import your historical data. 

    Any business using Google Analytics, whether a GA360 user or otherwise, can import data into Matomo using our Google Analytics Importer plugin. It’s the best way to avoid disruption or losing data when moving on from Universal Analytics.

    Collect 100% accurate data

    Google Analytics implements data sampling and machine learning to fill gaps in your data and generate the kind of predictive insights we mentioned earlier. For standard GA4 users, data sampling starts at 10 million events. For GA4 360 users, data sampling starts at one billion events. Nevertheless, Google Analytics data may not accurately reflect your web traffic. 

    You can fix this using a Google Analytics alternative like Matomo that doesn’t use data sampling. That way, you can be confident that your data-driven decisions are being made with 100% accurate user data. 

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    Get the web insights you need, without compromising data accuracy.

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    Guarantee user privacy first

    Google has a stormy relationship with the EU-US Data Privacy Framework—being banned and added back to the framework in recent years.

    Currently, organisations governed by GDPR can use Google Analytics to collect data about EU residents, but there’s no guarantee of their ability to do so in the future. Nor does the Framework prevent Google from using EU customer data for ulterior purposes such as marketing and training large language models. 

    By switching to a privacy-focused alternative like Matomo, you don’t have to worry about your user’s data ending up in the wrong hands.

    Upgrade to an all-in-one analytics tool

    Switching from Google Analytics can actually give organisations access to more features. That’s because some GA4 alternatives, like Matomo, offer advanced conversion optimisation features like heatmaps, session recordings, A/B testing, form analytics and more right out of the box. 

    Matomo Heatmaps Feature

    This makes Matomo a great choice for marketing teams that want to minimise their tech stack and use one tool for both web and behavioural analytics. 

    Get real-time reports

    GA4 isn’t the best tool for analysing website visitors in real time. That’s because it can take up to 4 hours to process new reports in GA360.

    However, Google Analytics alternatives like Matomo have a range of real-time reports you can leverage.

    Real-Time Map Tooltip

    In Matomo, the Real Time Visitor World Map and other reports are processed every 15 minutes. There is also a Visits in Real-time report, which refreshes every five seconds and shows a wealth of data for each visitor. 

    Matomo makes migration easy

    Whether it’s the poor usability, steep learning curve, inaccurate data or privacy issues, there’s every reason to think twice about migrating your UA360 account to GA4. 

    So why not migrate to a Google Analytics alternative like Matomo instead ? One that doesn’t sample data, guarantees your customers’ privacy, offers all the features GA4 doesn’t and is already used by over 1 million sites worldwide.

    Making the switch is easy. Matomo is one of the few web analytics tools that lets you import historical Google Analytics data. In doing so, you can continue to access your historical data and develop more meaningful insights by not having to start from scratch.

    If you’re ready to start a Google Analytics migration, you can try Matomo free for 21 days — no credit card required.