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  • Error FFmpeg in Android

    19 novembre 2013, par Mark

    I'm using FrameGrabber to load a video from sdcard and perform some image processing operation. I followed the tutorial at JavaCV site to load javacc and ffmpeg.
    Currently, to run the application, I'm using my tablet (Asus TF 101G with Android version 4.0.3) connected to my pc and it works fine. But if I try to run the same application in another device (e.g. Nexus with Android 4.1.2) I get these errors :

    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839): java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at com.googlecode.javacv.FFmpegFrameGrabber.<init>(
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at$600(
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at$H.handleMessage(
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at android.os.Looper.loop(
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at$
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839): Caused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at java.lang.Class.forName(
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at com.googlecode.javacpp.Loader.load(
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.avcodec.<clinit>(
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     ... 16 more
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839): Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load library: link_image[1891]: 26325 could not load needed library &#39;; for &#39;; (load_library[1093]: Library &#39;; not found)
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at java.lang.Runtime.load(
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at java.lang.System.load(
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at com.googlecode.javacpp.Loader.loadLibrary(
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at com.googlecode.javacpp.Loader.load(
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at com.googlecode.javacpp.Loader.load(
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     at com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.avutil.<clinit>(
    02-01 16:51:54.687: E/AndroidRuntime(2839):     ... 20 more

    Any suggestion please ?

    I want to attach also my file

    LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
    include $(CLEAR_VARS)
    include C:/Users/Marco/Desktop/new_ADT/adt-bundle-windows-x86_64/OpenCV-
    LOCAL_MODULE    := udmodule
    LOCAL_SRC_FILES := udjni.cpp
    LOCAL_LDLIBS +=  -llog -ldl

    and my file

    APP_STL := gnustl_static
    APP_CPPFLAGS := -frtti -fexceptions
    APP_ABI := armeabi armeabi-v7a
    #APP_ABI := all
    APP_PLATFORM := android-8

    Any suggestion ?

    Also I tried to change the file in this way but with no results :

    APP_STL := gnustl_static
    APP_CPPFLAGS := -frtti -fexceptions
    APP_ABI := armeabi
    LOCAL_CFLAGS += -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfp -mfpu=neon
    LOCAL_LDLIBS += -Wl,--fix-cortex-a8
    APP_PLATFORM := android-8
  • 10 Key Google Analytics Limitations You Should Be Aware Of

    9 mai 2022, par Erin

    Google Analytics (GA) is the biggest player in the web analytics space. But is it as “universal” as its brand name suggests ?

    Over the years users have pointed out a number of major Google Analytics limitations. Many of these are even more visible in Google Analytics 4. 

    Introduced in 2020, Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has been sceptically received. As the sunset date of 1st, July 2023 for the current version, Google Universal Analytics (UA), approaches, the dismay grows stronger.

    To the point where people are pleading with others to intervene : 

    GA4 Elon Musk Tweet
    Source : Chris Tweten via Twitter

    Main limitations of Google Analytics

    Google Analytics 4 is advertised as a more privacy-centred, comprehensive and “intelligent” web analytics platform. 

    According to Google, the newest version touts : 

    • Machine learning at its core provides better segmentation and fast-track access to granular insights 
    • Privacy-by-design controls, addressing restrictions on cookies and new regulatory demands 
    • More complete understanding of customer journeys across channels and devices 

    Some of these claims hold true. Others crumble upon a deeper investigation. Newly advertised Google Analytics capabilities such as ‘custom events’, ‘predictive insights’ and ‘privacy consent mode’ only have marginal improvements. 

    Complex setup, poor UI and lack of support with migration also leave many other users frustrated with GA4. 

    Let’s unpack all the current (and legacy) limitations of Google Analytics you should account for. 

    1. No Historical Data Imports 

    Google rushed users to migrate from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4. But they overlooked one important precondition — backwards compatibility. 

    You have no way to import data from Google Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4. 

    Historical records are essential for analysing growth trends and creating benchmarks for new marketing campaigns. Effectively, you are cut short from past insights — and forced to start strategising from scratch. 

    At present, Google offers two feeble solutions : 

    • Run data collection in parallel and have separate reporting for GA4 and UA until the latter is shut down. Then your UA records are gone. 
    • For Ecommerce data, manually duplicate events from UA at a new GA4 property while trying to figure out the new event names and parameters. 

    Google’s new data collection model is the reason for migration difficulties. 

    In Google Analytics 4, all analytics hits types — page hits, social hits, app/screen view, etc. — are recorded as events. Respectively, the “‘event’ parameter in GA4 is different from one in Google Universal Analytics as the company explains : 

    GA4 vs Universal Analytics event parameters
    Source : Google

    This change makes migration tedious — and Google offers little assistance with proper events and custom dimensions set up. 

    2. Data Collection Limits 

    If you’ve wrapped your head around new GA4 events, congrats ! You did a great job, but the hassle isn’t over. 

    You still need to pay attention to new Google Analytics limits on data collection for event parameters and user properties. 

    GA4 Event limits
    Source : Google

    These apply to :

    • Automatically collected events
    • Enhanced measurement events
    • Recommended events 
    • Custom events 

    When it comes to custom events, GA4 also has a limit of 25 custom parameters per event. Even though it seems a lot, it may not be enough for bigger websites. 

    You can get higher limits by upgrading to Google Analytics 360, but the costs are steep. 

    3. Limited GDPR Compliance 

    Google Analytics has a complex history with European GDPR compliance

    A 2020 ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) invalidated the Privacy Shield framework Google leaned upon. This framework allowed the company to regulate EU-US data transfers of sensitive user data. 

    But after this loophole was closed, Google faced a heavy series of privacy-related fines :

    • French data protection authority, CNIL, ruled that  “the transfers to the US of personal data collected through Google Analytics are illegal” — and proceeded to fine Google for a record-setting €150 million at the beginning of 2022. 
    • Austrian regulators also deemed Google in breach of GDPR requirements and also branded the analytics as illegal. 

    Other EU-member states might soon proceed with similar rulings. These, in turn, can directly affect Google Analytics users, whose businesses could face brand damage and regulatory fines for non-compliance. In fact, companies cannot select where the collected analytics data will be stored — on European servers or abroad — nor can they obtain this information from Google.

    Getting a web analytics platform that allows you to keep data on your own servers or select specific Cloud locations is a great alternative. 

    Google also has been lax with its cookie consent policy and doesn’t properly inform consumers about data collection, storage or subsequent usage. Google Analytics 4 addresses this issue to an extent. 

    By default, GA4 relies on first-party cookies, instead of third-party ones — which is a step forward. But the user privacy controls are hard to configure without losing most of the GA4 functionality. Implementing user consent mode to different types of data collection also requires a heavy setup. 

    4. Strong Reliance on Sampled Data 

    To compensate for ditching third-party cookies, GA4 more heavily leans on sampled data and machine learning to fill the gaps in reporting. 

    In GA4 sampling automatically applies when you :

    • Perform advanced analysis such as cohort analysis, exploration, segment overlap or funnel analysis with not enough data 
    • Have over 10,000,000 data rows and generate any type of non-default report 

    Google also notes that data sampling can occur at lower thresholds when you are trying to get granular insights. If there’s not enough data or because Google thinks it’s too complex to retrieve. 

    In their words :

    Source : Google

    Data sampling adds “guesswork” to your reports, meaning you can’t be 100% sure of data accuracy. The divergence from actual data depends on the size and quality of sampled data. Again, this isn’t something you can control. 

    Unlike Google Analytics 4, Matomo applies no data sampling. Your reports are always accurate and fully representative of actual user behaviours. 

    5. No Proper Data Anonymization 

    Data anonymization allows you to collect basic analytics about users — visits, clicks, page views — but without personally identifiable information (or PII) such as geo-location, assigns tracking ID or other cookie-based data. 

    This reduced your ability to :

    • Remarket 
    • Identify repeating visitors
    • Do advanced conversion attribution 

    But you still get basic data from users who ignored or declined consent to data collection. 

    By default, Google Analytics 4 anonymizes all user IP addresses — an upgrade from UA. However, it still assigned a unique user ID to each user. These count as personal data under GDPR. 

    For comparison, Matomo provides more advanced privacy controls. You can anonymize :

    • Previously tracked raw data 
    • Visitor IP addresses
    • Geo-location information
    • User IDs 

    This can ensure compliance, especially if you operate in a sensitive industry — and delight privacy-mindful users ! 

    6. No Roll-Up Reporting

    Getting a bird’s-eye view of all your data is helpful when you need hotkey access to main sites — global traffic volume, user count or percentage of returning visitors.

    With Roll-Up Reporting, you can see global-performance metrics for multiple localised properties (,, .com, etc,) in one screen. Then zoom in on specific localised sites when you need to. 

    7. Report Processing Latency 

    The average data processing latency is 24-48 hours with Google Analytics. 

    Accounts with over 200,000 daily sessions get data refreshes only once a day. So you won’t be seeing the latest data on core metrics. This can be a bummer during one-day promo events like Black Friday or Cyber Monday when real-time information can prove to be game-changing ! 

    Matomo processes data with lower latency even for high-traffic websites. Currently, we have 6-24 hour latency for cloud deployments. On-premises web analytics can be refreshed even faster — within an hour or instantly, depending on the traffic volumes. 

    8. No Native Conversion Optimisation Features

    Google Analytics users have to use third-party tools to get deeper insights like how people are interacting with your webpage or call-to-action.

    You can use the free Google Optimize tool, but it comes with limits : 

    • No segmentation is available 
    • Only 10 simultaneous running experiments allowed 

    There isn’t a native integration between Google Optimize and Google Analytics 4. Instead, you have to manually link an Optimize Container to an analytics account. Also, you can’t select experiment dimensions in Google Analytics reports.

    What’s more, Google Optimize is a basic CRO tool, best suited for split testing (A/B testing) of copy, visuals, URLs and page layouts. If you want to get more advanced data, you need to pay for extra tools. 

    Matomo comes with a native set of built-in conversion optimization features : 

    • Heatmaps 
    • User session recording 
    • Sales funnel analysis 
    • A/B testing 
    • Form submission analytics 
    A/B test hypothesis testing on Matomo
    A/B test hypothesis testing on Matomo

    9. Deprecated Annotations

    Annotations come in handy when you need to provide extra context to other team members. For example, point out unusual traffic spikes or highlight a leak in the sales funnel. 

    This feature was available in Universal Analytics but is now gone in Google Analytics 4. But you can still quickly capture, comment and share knowledge with your team in Matomo. 

    You can add annotations to any graph that shows statistics over time including visitor reports, funnel analysis charts or running A/B tests. 

    10. No White Label Option 

    This might be a minor limitation of Google Analytics, but a tangible one for agency owners. 

    Offering an on-brand, embedded web analytics platform can elevate your customer experience. But white label analytics were never a thing with Google Analytics, unlike Matomo. 

    Wrap Up 

    Google set a high bar for web analytics. But Google Analytics inherent limitations around privacy, reporting and deployment options prompt more users to consider Google Analytics alternatives, like Matomo. 

    With Matomo, you can easily migrate your historical data records and store customer data locally or in a designated cloud location. We operate by a 100% unsampled data principle and provide an array of privacy controls for advanced compliance. 

    Start your 21-day free trial (no credit card required) to see how Matomo compares to Google Analytics ! 

  • Google Analytics 4 (GA4) vs Matomo

    7 avril 2022, par Erin

    Google announced that Universal Analytics’ days are numbered. Universal Analytics will be replaced by Google Analytics 4 (or GA4) on the 1st of July 2023. 

    If Google Analytics users want to compare year-on-year data, they have until July 2022 to get set up and start collecting data before the sun sets on Universal Analytics (or UA).

    But is upgrading to Google Analytics 4 the right move ? There’s a lot to consider, and many organisations are looking for an alternative to Google Analytics. So in this blog, we’ll compare GA4 to Matomo – the leading Google Analytics alternative. 

    In this blog, we’ll look at :

    What is Matomo ?

    Matomo is a powerful privacy-first web analytics platform that gives you 100% data ownership. First launched in 2007, Matomo is now the world’s leading open-source web analytics platform and is used by more than 1 million websites. 

    Matomo’s core values are based on ethical data collection and processing. Consistently more businesses and organisations from around the globe are adopting data-privacy-compliant web analytics solutions like Matomo. 

    Matomo offers both Cloud and On-Premise solutions (and a five-star rated WordPress plugin), making for an adaptable and flexible solution. 

    What is Google Analytics 4 ?

    Google Analytics 4 is the latest version of Google Analytics and represents a completely new approach to data-modelling than its predecessor, Universal Analytics. For an in-depth look at how GA4 and UA compare, check out this Google Analytics 4 vs Universal Analytics comparison

    Google Analytics 4 will soon be the only available version of analytics software from Google. So what’s the issue ? Surely, in 2022, Google makes it easy to migrate to their newest (and only) analytics platform ? Not quite.

    Google Analytics 4 vs Matomo

    Whilst the core purpose of GA4 and Matomo is similar (providing web analytics that help to optimise your website and grow your business), there are several key differences that organisations should consider before making the switch.

    Importing Historical Data from Universal Analytics

    Google Analytics 4

    Users assuming that historical data from Universal Analytics could be imported into Google Analytics 4 were faced with swift disappointment. Unfortunately, Google Analytics 4 does not have an option to import data from its predecessor, Universal Analytics. This means that businesses won’t be able to import and compare data from previous years.


    If you don’t want to start from scratch with your web analytics data, then Matomo is an ideal solution for data continuity. Matomo offers users the ability to import their historical Universal Analytics data. So you can keep all that valuable historical data you’ve collected over the years.

    Google Analytics 4 Migration
    Tino Didriksen via Twitter

    User Interface

    Google Analytics 4

    GA4’s new user interface has been met with mixed reviews. Many claim that it’s overly complex and difficult to navigate. Some have even suggested that the tool has been designed specifically for enterprises with specialised analytics teams. 

    Kevin Levesquea via Twitter


    Matomo, on the other hand, is recognised for an easy to use interface, with a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars for ease of use on Capterra. Matomo perfectly balances powerful features with a user-friendly interface so valuable insights are only a click away. There’s a reason why over 1 million websites are using Matomo. 

    Matomo Features

    Advanced Behavioural Analytics Features 

    Google Analytics 4

    While Google Analytics is undoubtedly robust in some areas (machine learning, for instance), what it really lacks is advanced behavioural analytics. Heatmaps, session recordings and other advanced tools can give you valuable insights into how users are engaging with your site. Well beyond pageviews and other metrics.

    Unfortunately, with this new generation of GA, Google still hasn’t introduced these features. So users have to manage subscriptions and tracking in third-party behavioural analytics tools like Hotjar or Lucky Orange, for example. This is inefficient, costly and time-consuming to manage. 

    Matomo Heatmaps Feature


    Meanwhile, Matomo is a one-stop shop for all of your web analytics needs. Not only do you get access to the metrics you’ve grown accustomed to with Universal Analytics, but you also get built-in behavioural analytics features like Heatmaps, Scroll Depth, Session Recordings and more. 

    Want to know if visitors are reaching your call to action at the bottom of the page ? Scroll Depth will answer that.

    Want to know why visitors aren’t clicking through to the next page ? Heatmaps will give you the insights you need.

    You get the picture – the full picture, that is. 

    All-in-one web analytics

    Data Accuracy

    Google Analytics 4

    GA4 aims to make web and app analytics more privacy-centric by reducing the reliance on cookies to record certain events across platforms and devices. 

    However, when site and application visitors opt-out of cookie tracking, GA4 instead relies on machine learning to fill in the gaps. Data sampling could mean that your business is making business decisions based on inaccurate reports. 


    Data is the backbone of web analytics, so why make critical business decisions on sampled data ? With Matomo, you’re guaranteed 100% unsampled accurate data. So you can rest assured that any decisions you make are based on actual facts. 

    Compliance with Privacy Laws (GDPR, CCPA, etc.) 

    Google Analytics 4

    Google is making changes in an attempt to become compliant with privacy laws. However, even with GA4, users are still transferring data to the US. For this reason, both Austrian and French governments have ruled Google Analytics illegal under GDPR.

    The only possible workaround is “Privacy Shield 2.0”, but GDPR experts are still sceptical of this one. 


    If compliance with global privacy laws is a concern (and it should be), then Matomo is the clear winner here. 

    As an EU hosted web analytics tool, your data is stored in Europe, and no data is transferred to the US. On the other hand, if you choose to self-host, the data is stored in your country of choice.

    In addition, with cookieless tracking enabled, you can say goodbye to those pesky cookie consent screens. 

    Also, remember that under GDPR, and many other data privacy laws like CCPA and LGPD, end users have a legal right to access, amend and/or erase the personal data collected about them. 

    With Matomo you get 100% ownership of your web analytics data. This means that we don’t on-sell to third parties ; can’t claim ownership of the data ; and you can export your data at any time.

    Matomo vs GA4
    @tersmantoll via Twitter

    Wrap up

    At the end of the day, the worst thing an organisation can do is nothing. Waiting until July 2023 to migrate to GA4 or another web analytics platform would be very disruptive and costly. Organisations need to consider their options now and start migrating in the next few months. 

    With all that said, moving to Google Analytics 4 could prove to be a costly and time-consuming operation. The global trend towards increased data privacy is a threat to platforms like Google Analytics which uses data for advertising and transfers data across borders.

    With Matomo, you get an easy to use all-in-one web analytics platform and keep your historical Universal Analytics data. Plus, you can future-proof your business by being compliant with global privacy laws and get access to advanced behavioural analytics features. 

    There’s a lot to weigh up here but fortunately, getting started with Matomo is easy. Try it free for 21-days (no credit card required) and see for yourself why over 1 million websites choose Matomo. 

    While this is the end of the road for Universal Analytics, it’s also an opportune time for organisations to find a better fit web analytics tool.