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  • Submit bugs and patches

    13 avril 2011

    Unfortunately a software is never perfect.
    If you think you have found a bug, report it using our ticket system. Please to help us to fix it by providing the following information : the browser you are using, including the exact version as precise an explanation as possible of the problem if possible, the steps taken resulting in the problem a link to the site / page in question
    If you think you have solved the bug, fill in a ticket and attach to it a corrective patch.
    You may also (...)

Sur d’autres sites (235)

  • Uncomplete path recognition (FFmpeg) [duplicate]

    23 septembre 2022, par Francesco Battisti

    The script should download an entire playlist (only one song for this test) from YT and convert all the downloaded MP4 to MP3 :


    from distutils import extension
from pytube import Playlist
import os

link = input("Enter YouTube Playlist URL: ")

yt_playlist = Playlist(link)

for video in yt_playlist.videos:
    downloaded_file = video.streams.filter(only_audio=True).first().download(r"C:\Users\Francesco\Desktop\Music\JC's\+++NEW+++")
    file, extension = os.path.splitext(downloaded_file)
    # Convert video into .mp3 file
    os.system('ffmpeg -i {file}{ext} {file}.mp3'.format(file=file, ext=extension))


    Now, when I put the playlist's url in input, the script downloads the song but it can't convert it because :


    C:\Users\Francesco\Desktop\Music\JC's\+++NEW+++\Ariete: No such file or directory


    but the right path is :


    C:\Users\Francesco\Desktop\Music\JC's\+++NEW+++\Ariete - LULTIMA NOTTE Testo  Lyrics


    so it stops when is there a space in directory name...


  • Merge two audio files using ffmpeg : Unsafe file name './temp/speech/audio0.mp3'

    18 juillet 2022, par PixelPage

    i want to merge audio files (/temp/speech/audio.mp3) into one (/temp/audio.mp3). I already tried ffmpeg -f concat -i ./temp/speech/afiles.txt -c copy ./temp/audio.mp3 (I use nodejs child_process), but i get this error :


    [concat @ 0x7fc08f70f140] Unsafe file name './temp/speech/audio0.mp3'
./temp/speech/afiles.txt: Operation not permitted

at ChildProcess.exithandler (node:child_process:398:12)
at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:527:28)
at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1092:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:302:5)


    Note : This is my ./temp/speech/afiles.txt file :


    file './temp/speech/audio0.mp3'
file './temp/speech/audio1.mp3'
file './temp/speech/audio2.mp3'
file './temp/speech/audio3.mp3'
file './temp/speech/audio4.mp3'


    Thanks, Pixelpage


  • how to fade in and out background music when speech play and fade out audio at the end and mix them together using ffmpeg

    3 avril 2019, par Harshil Dholakiya

    I am using below command in my project to mix background music with my speech audio and background music slow down volume level when speech play :

    ffmpeg -y -i speech.mp3 -stream_loop -1 -i music.mp3 -filter_complex "[0:a]asplit=2[sc][mix];[1:a][sc]sidechaincompress=threshold=0.01:ratio=5[bg];[mix][bg]amix=inputs=2:duration=first:dropout_transition=0[final]" -map [final] finalAudio.mp3

    i want to add this two filter to audio :

    1) Fade-in effect to background music for 1.5 sec when speech arrive and fade-out effect when speech is finish for 1.5 sec. speech.mp3 has more than one speech and silence in between speech.

    2) Fade out effect at the end of audio for 1.5 sec.

    can anyone help me to achieve both of above filter using ffmpeg with my above command ?