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  • Linear Attribution Model : What Is It and How Does It Work ?

    16 février, par Erin

    Want a more in-depth way to understand the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns ? Then, the linear attribution model could be the answer.

    Although you can choose from several different attribution models, a linear model is ideal for giving value to every touchpoint along the customer journey. It can help you identify your most effective marketing channels and optimise your campaigns. 

    So, without further ado, let’s explore what a linear attribution model is, when you should use it and how you can get started. 

    What is a linear attribution model ?

    A linear attribution model is a multi-touch method of marketing attribution where equal credit is given to each touchpoint. Every marketing channel used across the entire customer journey gets credit, and each is considered equally important. 

    So, if a potential customer has four interactions before converting, each channel gets 25% of the credit.

    The linear attribution model shares credit equally between each touchpoint

    Let’s look at how linear attribution works in practice using a hypothetical example of a marketing manager, Sally, who is looking for an alternative to Google Analytics. 

    Sally starts her conversion path by reading a Matomo article comparing Matomo to Google Analytics she finds when searching on Google. A few days later she signs up for a webinar she saw on Matomo’s LinkedIn page. Two weeks later, Sally gets a sign-off from her boss and decides to go ahead with Matomo. She visits the website and starts a free trial by clicking on one of the paid Google Ads. 

    Using a linear attribution model, we credit each of the channels Sally uses (organic traffic, organic social, and paid ads), ensuring no channel is overlooked in our marketing analysis. 

    Are there other types of attribution models ?

    Absolutely. There are several common types of attribution models marketing managers can use to measure the impact of channels in different ways. 

    Pros & Cons of Different Marketing Attribution Models
    • First interaction : Also called a first-touch attribution model, this method gives all the credit to the first channel in the customer journey. This model is great for optimising the top of your sales funnel.
    • Last interaction : Also called a last-touch attribution model, this approach gives all the credit to the last channel the customer interacts with. It’s a great model for optimising the bottom of your marketing funnel. 
    • Last non-direct interaction : This attribution model excludes direct traffic and credits the previous touchpoint. This is a fantastic alternative to a last-touch attribution model, especially if most customers visit your website before converting. 
    • Time decay attribution model : This model adjusts credit according to the order of the touchpoints. Those nearest the conversion get weighted the highest. 
    • Position-based attribution model : This model allocates 40% of the credit to the first and last touchpoints and splits the remaining 20% evenly between every other interaction.

    Why use a linear attribution model ?

    Marketing attribution is vital if you want to understand which parts of your marketing strategy are working. All of the attribution models described above can help you achieve this to some degree, but there are several reasons to choose a linear attribution model in particular. 

    It uses multi-touch attribution

    Unlike single-touch attribution models like first and last interaction, linear attribution is a multi-touch attribution model that considers every touchpoint. This is vital to get a complete picture of the modern customer journey, where customers interact with companies between 20 and 500 times

    Single-touch attribution models can be misleading by giving conversion credit to a single channel, especially if it was the customer’s last use. In our example above, Sally’s last interaction with our brand was through a paid ad, but it was hardly the most important. 

    It’s easy to understand

    Attribution models can be complicated, but linear attribution is easy to understand. Every touchpoint gets the same credit, allowing you to see how your entire marketing function works. This simplicity also makes it easy for marketers to take action. 

    It’s great for identifying effective marketing channels

    Because linear attribution is one of the few models that provides a complete view of the customer journey, it’s easy to identify your most common and influential touchpoints. 

    It accounts for the top and bottom of your funnel, so you can also categorise your marketing channels more effectively and make more informed decisions. For example, PPC ads may be a more common bottom-of-the-full touchpoint and should, therefore, not be used to target broad, top-of-funnel search terms.

    Are there any reasons not to use linear attribution ?

    Linear attribution isn’t perfect. Like all attribution models, it has its weaknesses. Specifically, linear attribution can be too simple, dilute conversion credit and unsuitable for long sales cycles.

    What are the reasons not to use linear attribution

    It can be too simple

    Linear attribution lacks nuance. It only considers touchpoints while ignoring other factors like brand image and your competitors. This is true for most attribution models, but it’s still important to point it out. 

    It can dilute conversion credit

    In reality, not every touchpoint impacts conversions to the same extent. In the example above, the social media post promoting the webinar may have been the most effective touchpoint, but we have no way of measuring this. 

    The risk with using a linear model is that credit can be underestimated and overestimated — especially if you have a long sales cycle. 

    It’s unsuitable for very long sales cycles

    Speaking of long sales cycles, linear attribution models won’t add much value if your customer journey contains dozens of different touchpoints. Credit will get diluted to the point where analysis becomes impossible, and the model will also struggle to measure the precise ways certain touchpoints impact conversions. 

    Should you use a linear attribution model ?

    A linear attribution model is a great choice for any company with shorter sales cycles or a reasonably straightforward customer journey that uses multiple marketing channels. In these cases, it helps you understand the contribution of each touchpoint and find your best channels. 

    It’s also a practical choice for small businesses and startups that don’t have a team of data scientists on staff or the budget to hire outside help. Because it’s so easy to set up and understand, anyone can start generating insights using this model. 

    How to set up a linear attribution model

    Are you sold on the idea of using a linear attribution model ? Then follow the steps below to get started :

    Set up marketing attribution in four steps

    Choose a marketing attribution tool

    Given the market is worth $3.1 billion, you won’t be surprised to learn there are plenty of tools to choose from. But choose carefully. The tool you pick can significantly impact your success with attribution modelling. 

    Take Google Analytics, for instance. While GA4 offers several marketing attribution models for free, including linear attribution, it lacks accuracy due to cookie consent rejection and data sampling. 

    Accurate marketing attribution is included as a feature in Matomo Cloud and is available as a plugin for Matomo On-Premise users. We support a full range of attribution models that use 100% accurate data because we don’t use data sampling, and cookie consent isn’t an issue (with the exception of Germany and the UK). That means you can trust our insights.

    Matomo’s marketing attribution is available out of the box, and we also provide access to raw data, allowing you to develop your custom attribution model. 

    Collect data

    The quality of your marketing attribution also depends on the quality and quantity of your data. It’s why you need to avoid a platform that uses data sampling. 

    This should include :

    • General data from your analytics platform, like pages visited and forms filled
    • Goals and conversions, which we’ll discuss in more detail in the next step
    • Campaign tracking data so you can monitor the behaviour of traffic from different referral channels
    • Behavioural data from features like Heatmaps or Session Recordings

    Set up goals and conversions

    You can’t assign conversion values to customer journey touchpoints if you don’t have conversion goals in place. That’s why the next step of the process is to set up conversion tracking in your web analytics platform. 

    Depending on your type of business and the product you sell, conversions could take one of the following forms :

    • A product purchase
    • Signing up for a webinar
    • Downloading an ebook
    • Filling in a form
    • Starting a free trial

    Setting up these kinds of goals is easy if you use Matomo. 

    Just head to the Goals section of the dashboard, click Manage Goals and then click the green Add A New Goal button. 

    Fill in the screen below, and add a Goal Revenue at the bottom of the page. Doing so will mean Matomo can automatically calculate the value of each touchpoint when using your attribution model. 

    A screenshot of Matomo's conversion dashboard

    If your analytics platform allows it, make sure you also set up Event Tracking, which will allow you to analyse how many users start to take a desired action (like filling in a form) but never complete the task. 

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    Test and validate

    As we’ve explained, linear attribution is a great model in some scenarios, but it can fall short if you have a long or complex sales funnel. Even if you’re sure it’s the right model for your company, testing and validating is important. 

    Ideally, your chosen attribution tool should make this process pretty straightforward. For example, Matomo’s Marketing Attribution feature makes comparing and contrasting three different attribution models easy. 

    Here we compare the performance of three attribution models—linear, first-touch, and last-non-direct—in Matomo’s Marketing Attribution dashboard, providing straightforward analysis.

    If you think linear attribution accurately reflects the value of your channels, you can start to analyse the insights it generates. If not, then consider using another attribution model.

    Don’t forget to take action from your marketing efforts, either. Linear attribution helps you spot the channels that contribute most to conversions, so allocate more resources to those channels and see if you can improve your conversion rate or boost your ROI. 

    Make the most of marketing attribution with Matomo

    A linear attribution model lets you measure every touchpoint in your customer journey. It’s an easy attribution model to start with and lets you identify and optimise your most effective marketing channels. 

    However, accurate data is essential if you want to benefit the most from marketing attribution data. If your web analytics solution doesn’t play nicely with cookies or uses sampled data, then your linear model isn’t going to tell you the whole story. 

    That’s why over 1 million sites trust Matomo’s privacy-focused web analytics, ensuring accurate data for a comprehensive understanding of customer journeys.

    Now you know what linear attribution modelling is, start employing the model today by signing up for a free 21-day trial, no credit card required. 

  • 9 Form Optimisation Tips to Convert More Visitors

    15 février, par Erin

    Forms might seem boring — that is, until you realise how powerful they are.

    No forms mean no leads.

    No leads mean no sales.

    No sales means you’ll run out of business.

    So, what do you do ?

    Optimise forms to land more leads.

    They’re a critical part of the sales funnel.

    Forms have many different purposes and can be used to :

    • Contact a company
    • Sign up for a newsletter
    • Request a demo
    • Start a free trial
    • And more

    If you want to get more leads (and ultimately more sales), then you need to optimise your forms.

    This guide will show you exactly how to do that (so you can start getting more conversions today). 

    What is form optimisation ?

    Before we dive into form optimisation, let’s back up a bit.

    Form conversion is our primary focus.

    Your form conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who submit a form divided by the total number of visitors who started the form times one hundred.

    For example, if 5,000 people started filling out your form this month and 350 submitted the form, the conversion rate would be : 

    350 / 5,000 x 100 = 7%

    So, what’s form optimisation ?

    What is form optimisation?

    It’s simply improving your forms to increase conversion rates.

    For most people, form conversion is all about increasing leads.

    Before you begin optimising your forms, it’s important you understand what’s good (and what’s not good) when it comes to form conversions.

    The average form conversion rate across all industries is 2.9%.

    This means you should expect about 3 out of every 100 visitors who start your form to submit it.

    If your form conversion is lower — or hovering around this number — then it’s important to start optimising now.

    With Matomo, you can track your form conversions with Matomo Form Analytics. Gain powerful insights into how your visitors interact with your forms with our intuitive dashboard.

    Why it’s important to optimise your forms

    Most people hear the word “forms” and think it’s boring.

    But forms are the doorway to leads.

    If you want to generate more sales, then you need to generate great forms.

    Here are five reasons you need to optimise your forms today :

    1. Improve conversions

    Form optimisation is really just conversion optimisation.

    But, instead of optimising and improving your site to directly improve sales conversions, you’re increasing lead conversions.

    Every smart website owner uses forms to draw people in further.

    The reality is that most of your website visitors will never return to your site.

    This means you need to do everything you can to grab their contact information so you can continue marketing to them day in and day out.

    Otherwise, you’ll lose them forever.

    When you know how to optimise your forms, you’ll be able to get a higher percentage of form viewers to fill it out.

    Higher conversions mean you get more leads, more customers, and ultimately more revenue.

    2. Capture more leads

    When you can increase your form conversion rate from 1% to 2%, it may seem insignificant.

    What’s a measly percentage point in conversions ?

    It’s a lot.

    When you’re dealing with traffic in the tens or hundreds of thousands each month, an increase in conversion rate by a whole percentile is massive.

    Let’s say you take your conversion rate from 2% to 3% on your form, and you have 70,000 visitors view the form each month.

    Well, if 1,400 people used to sign up to your email list each month at a 2% conversion rate, then at a 3% conversion rate, you’d get 2,100 new email signups every month.

    That’s a major difference.

    When you can improve your signup forms, you improve your lead generation (which is conversion rate optimisation). And the more leads you have, the more sales you’ll make in the long run.

    3. Get the most out of your traffic

    If your forms don’t perform well, then you’re wasting your time (and your traffic).

    By analysing your form data, you can quickly see what’s working and what’s not so you can optimise and improve the user experience (and your forms).

    For most people, this means getting more form viewers to fill out the form with their email and name.

    If 50,000 people visit your site each month, but only 1% of them fill out your form, you’re only getting 500 email signups per month.

    Rather than paying money to generate more traffic, why not just work on improving your website by implementing a better form ?

    If you can increase your form conversion rate to 2%, you will immediately go from 500 new subscribers per month to 1,000 per month.

    4. Spend less on acquisition

    If you’re able to get more form signups without having to generate more traffic, you just solved a pricey problem : acquisition costs.

    If you can now get 1,000 of your 50,000 visitors to sign up to your email list through a better form, then you doubled your signups.

    But that’s not all. You just cut your acquisition costs in half.

    If you spend $2,000 per month on acquisition but you’re able to get twice as many leads, then your acquisition costs are at 50% of what they used to be.

    This means you can pay the same amount but get twice as many leads.

    Or, you can pour even more money into acquisition since it’s now twice as effective so you can fuel growth even more.

    5. Grow revenue

    Forms generate revenue. It may not be direct (although, in some cases, it is). 

    But, forms will lead to sales.

    By placing optimised forms throughout your website at the right places, you will be able to capture a percentage of your visitors as leads, which means you’ll eventually make more sales.

    13 tips to optimise your forms for more conversions

    Now that you know what forms can do and why they’re important to grow your business, it’s time to dive into the best practices.

    Follow these 13 tips to ensure you’re getting the most out of your forms :

    1. Set form goals

    Your forms are hopeless without a goal.

    Before you set up a form on your website, ask yourself, “What am I trying to accomplish with this form ?”

    It could be :

    • Encouraging customers to reach out through a contact form
    • To get visitors to leave feedback on your product/service
    • Convert visitors into leads by giving you their email

    No matter what your goal is, make sure you’re clear on it ; otherwise, you won’t be as targeted and specific with your forms.

    Matomo Goals helps you set specific objectives for your marketing campaigns so you’re able to easily track conversions. Whether you’re looking to capture feedback or generate leads, you can leverage Matomo to see what’s working and what’s not in seconds.

    2. Remove or improve fields with high average time spent and high drop-off rates

    Delving into your Form Analytics provides invaluable insights into individual field performance. A crucial metric to focus on is the Average Time Spent. 

    If a field stands out with a significantly higher average time spent and experiences a high drop-off rate compared to others in the form, it’s a clear indicator that it’s causing frustration or confusion for your visitors.

    To address this, consider improving the field by converting it into a dropdown menu for easier completion or providing helpful text prompts. Alternatively, if the field isn’t essential, you might opt to remove it altogether.

    When you cut down on time spent and drop-offs, you’ll see your conversion rates go up.

    Matomo's Form Analytics dashboard displaying field timings

    Here’s a standout example from Matomo’s Form Analytics feature : the “Overview of your needs” field is taking on average 1 minute and 37 seconds to complete. 

    To streamline this, we might want to consider a simple fix like converting it into a dropdown menu. This change would offer visitors a clearer and quicker way to select from options.

    Screenshot of drop-off fields report in Matomo's Form Analytics feature

    Likewise, we observe that the “Overview of your needs” field experiences the highest drop-off rate, totaling 1,732 drop-offs. 

    With Form Analytics, it becomes clear what is needed to optimise forms and increase conversions.

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    3. Start with the CTA

    When crafting and optimising your forms, you need to start with the end in mind. That’s why you need to start with your business goals.

    What are you trying to do with this form ? If you want to capture more emails, then make sure that’s very clear with the call to action (CTA).

    Start building your form by beginning with the CTA.

    For example : “Sign Up Now.”

    Once you have the action you want your potential customers to take, place it on the form. Then, you can work towards crafting the rest of the form.

    4. Put it above the fold

    If your visitors can’t find your form, they won’t fill it out. It’s plain and simple.

    You need to make sure your form is visible above the fold. This is the part of the screen that’s visible to your visitors once they land on your site (without needing to scroll down).

    Always remember to test this out on both desktop and mobile to ensure anyone (using laptops or a mobile device) will see your form upon landing on your site or page.

    Don’t forget about your mobile users. More people view mobile forms than desktop forms. 

    5. Put a CTA in the headline

    Your form needs to be clear.

    You have 1-3 seconds to communicate with your site visitors what your form is all about.

    For example, if you’re trying to get email signups with a lead magnet, then tell them the benefit quickly and concisely with a CTA in the headline, like this one :

    “Subscribe to Save 10% On Your Next Order”

    This is a great example of a headline-CTA combo that tells the visitor what to do and what they get out of it.

    Matomo’s behaviour analytics features like Session Recordings let you see where visitors are clicking and spending time. For example, if people are reading the headline, but not scrolling down to read the form, it’s probably a sign you need to test a different headline.

    6. Ensure you have the right fields

    Your form fields matter.

    What information are you trying to capture from your audience ?

    One beginner mistake people make is requiring too much information and including many fields in a form.

    You want to get as much data on your audience as possible, right ? Wrong.

    If you ask for too much information, people won’t fill it out, and it will harm the user experience. You need to make it super easy.

    If you want more emails to grow your list, then stick with someone’s email (and possibly their name as well). One line for a name. One line for an email address. Keep it simple.

    If you’re after SMS as well, don’t include it on the form. Instead, create a two-step form that pops up an SMS form after someone fills out the email form.

    Multi-step forms enable you to capture those emails easily (and still get a percentage to fill out the second form) without making it seem like too much work for your audience.

    Another path is to include optional fields (that users don’t have to fill out to click submit).

    Just keep in mind that shorter forms perform better than longer ones.

    If you make them too long, it feels like work for the user and will lead to lower completion rates.

    7. Always capture email address

    If you’re unsure of what information to capture (i.e. name, number, email, occupation, age, etc.), always stick to email.

    Email is used by over 4 billion people every single day, and it’s not going away anytime soon.

    When determining which fields to include, start with email.

    Capture more leads with quality forms.

    8. Test different buttons and copy

    You need to track your form performance if you want to get the best conversions.

    One of the best form elements to start testing is your button copy.

    In most cases, form completion buttons will have the word “submit” on them.

    But you don’t have to stick with this word.

    You can (and should) experiment with different submit button copy.

    Here are a few examples of replacement words for your action button :

    • Complete
    • Sign Up
    • Join now
    • Get started

    Remember to experiment with your action button. Try a different copy. Just keep it short.

    You can also try A/B testing your form by experimenting with different colours, copy, and more.

    Matomo's A/B testing dashboard displaying results of CTA experiment

    In the example above from Matomo’s A/B testing feature, we found that changing the wording of our call to action made a big difference. The new “Apply Now” button performed much better, with a 3.6% conversion rate compared to just 1.7% for the original one.

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    9. Test static vs. popup

    There are various types of online forms.

    The most common is the static form that just sits in one place and is always there.

    Another popular form type is the popup.

    This is where a form will appear based on a certain trigger like :

    • A certain amount of time on page
    • A certain distance scrolling down the page
    • If someone is a new or returning visitor

    Depending on the form software you use, you may be able to add conditional logic.

    Start tracking your form conversions

    Form optimisation is all about conversion rate optimisation.

    If you want to increase your conversions and generate more revenue, then you need to test out different forms and know how to optimise them.

    With Matomo, you can easily track, manage, and A/B test your forms so you can improve your conversions. 

    Try Matomo free for 21 days. No credit card required.

  • 11 of the Most Effective Conversion Rate Optimisation Best Practices

    14 février, par Erin

    Driving more traffic to your website is hard work, but it’s still only half the battle. 

    You don’t just need to acquire new users ; you need to make sure as many convert as possible to make your digital marketing efforts worthwhile.

    That’s why improving your site’s conversion rate is so important. It will also help you get more value from your existing traffic source and keep you in line with your competitors. It’s also probably a lot easier than you think — especially if you adopt optimisation strategies that have been proven to be profitable time and time again. 

    In this article, we’ll show some of the most powerful, innovative and tried-and-tested conversion rate optimisation strategies you can implement immediately. 

    What is conversion rate optimisation ?

    First, let’s look at what conversion rate optimisation means. Conversion rate optimisation is the practice of improving elements of your website to increase the number of users who take a desired action and turn visitors into customers. 

    Common conversion goals include :

    • Making a purchase
    • Adding an item to a shopping cart
    • Signing up for a newsletter
    • Registering for a free trial
    • Downloading an ebook
    • Watching a video

    It doesn’t matter what your goal is. Using one of the following conversion rate optimisation best practices can send your conversions soaring. 

    11 conversion rate optimisation best practices 

    Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work ? Then use one or more of the following best practices to improve your return on investment. 

    Set a clear goals and hypothesis

    When running an A/B or multivariate test, you need a clear idea of what you are testing and why. 

    A goal (a statement about what you want to achieve) and a hypothesis (a statement about what you expect to happen) clarify the problem you are trying to solve and give you a definitive way to judge the experiment’s results. 

    Confused ? Just use this template :

    We aim to [insert goal] by testing [insert test] on [insert page]. We expect that [insert test] will increase [insert metric] because [insert reason].

    Make sure your goals are directly related to the experiment. If you are testing your CTA button, the goal should be getting more users to click the button. It shouldn’t be a goal further down the conversion funnel, like making a purchase. 

    Start with A/B tests

    A/B testing is one of the easiest and most effective ways to run experiments to improve your current conversion rate. So, it’s no wonder that the A/B testing software market was expected to be worth $1.2 billion in 2023 and hit $3.6 billion by 2033. 

    Also known as split testing, A/B testing allows you to directly compare the conversion performance of two elements on your page, like the colour of your CTA button or your headline copy.

    A screenshot of an A/B test using Matomo

    You can go even further with multivariate testing, which lets you test two or more changes against a single control. 

    For example, the screenshot above shows the results of a multivariate test between a standard header, a wide header and a small header using Matomo’s A/B testing tool. As you can see, the wider header has a much higher conversion, and the increase was statistically significant. 

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    Tweak your CTAs

    Calls to action (CTAs) are page elements that prompt users to respond immediately. They are usually buttons but can also be images or plain text links. 

    What your CTAs say, how they look, and where they are placed can greatly impact your site’s conversion rates. As such, this is one of the elements you’ll want to optimise first. 

    There are several tweaks you can test, including your CTA’s :

    • Colour 
    • Length 
    • Copy
    • Placement 

    You can even test the impact of removing CTA banners and using text-based CTAs on your conversion rates.

    You should test out personalising CTAs, too. Research shows that personalised CTAs perform 202% better than standard calls to action. 

    Revise your web copy

    You can use several strategies to improve your website’s copy and generate more conversions. 

    Optimising copy for search engines can increase traffic and generate more conversions, for example. But that shouldn’t make your copy any less impactful. Bear search engines in mind, by all means, but make sure you are speaking to the needs and desires of your potential customers. Your copy needs to convince users that your product can solve their problems. 

    Nowhere is this more important than your headlines. These will be the first thing users read, so make sure they sell your USP and highlight pain points.

    Don’t just guess at the kind of messaging that will move the needle, however. Constantly test new headlines and continue doing so even after you’ve started seeing success. The results may surprise you. TruckersReport, a site that helps people become truck drivers, boosted opt-ins by 21.7% by revising its landing page headline, among other changes. 

    Make sure there are no spelling mistakes in your copy, either. Misspelt words, poor grammar and bad formatting make your website look unprofessional and untrustworthy. Even if the rest of your copy is incredibly enticing, these rookie errors can be enough to turn customers off. 

    Simplify your site’s navigation

    A website’s navigation is an often overlooked factor in conversion rate optimisation, but simplifying it can make it much easier for users to take action. 

    If you’ve ever used a poorly designed e-commerce store, you know how confusing and overwhelming bad navigation can be. Research shows that a whopping 82% of stores don’t divide their navigation into manageable chunks. 

    The trick is to simplify your navigation as much as possible. As you can see in the screenshot below, our navigation only has five headers and a call to action. It’s easy to find exactly what you’re looking for, and you can’t miss the big green CTA button. 

    A screenshot of the navigation menu on Matomo

    Alternatively, you can test what happens when you completely remove your navigation. Brands usually do this on landing pages where the only action they want the user to take is to make a purchase. 

    It’s exactly the strategy we’ve used on our free trial landing page. 

    Leverage heatmaps

    Analytics tools — and heatmaps in particular — can help you understand user behaviour and optimise accordingly. 

    Heatmaps are a visual representation of user interaction on your page. Red and yellow represent high levels of user interaction, and blue and green represent low levels of interaction.

    Screenshot of Matomo heatmap feature

    As you can see in the screenshot above, our CTA button has some of the highest levels of engagement on the page, telling us that it’s well-positioned. Given the focus on the site’s navigation, we can also assume we are correct to have a CTA button in there — something we can confirm using our web analytics to see how many users click on it.

    Reduce load time

    Speed matters when it comes to conversions. Fact. 

    Research shows a huge difference in conversion rates between quick and slow sites. For example, a site that loads in one second converts three times better than a site that loads in five seconds. 

    That’s why using a web analytics tool is vital to understand page load times and act accordingly if you think slow speeds are hampering your conversions.

    A screenshot of page load times in Matomo

    Identifying your slowest pages is easy with Matomo. Just sort your pages by the Avg. Use the page load time metric on the page performance report to identify the pages you want to drive conversions. 

    Next, take steps to improve your page’s load time by :

    • Compressing images
    • Compressing code files or using a more lightweight theme
    • Removing unnecessary plugins
    • Using a content delivery network
    • Improving your hosting

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    Add more trust signals

    Trust is essential when you’re trying to convince customers to make a purchase. In fact, consumers rate trust as one of the top three buying factors, far above a brand’s reputation and whether they love the brand. 

    Adding trust signals to your landing pages, such as customer testimonials, customer reviews, case studies, and other forms of social proof, can transform your conversion rates. If consumers see real people and businesses buy from you, they’ll feel reassured to do the same.

    Trust signals on the Matomo website

    It’s a strategy we use ourselves. Just look at the screenshot from our homepage above. Immediately after our free trial CTA, we display the logos of well-known brands that use our product. 

    Security-focused trust signals are also powerful if you are an online store. Installing an SSL certificate, showing logos of trusted payment providers (like PayPal and Mastercard) can convince people they are spending money at a legitimate store.

    Improve your site’s mobile experience

    More and more people are accessing the internet via their smartphones. In 2022, for instance, there were five billion unique mobile Internet users, meaning more than 60% of the internet population used a smartphone to browse online. 

    Moreover, 76% of U.S. adults make purchases using their smartphones. 

    That means you need to ensure your site’s mobile experience is on-point to increase conversions. 

    Your site should use a mobile-first design, meaning it works perfectly on smartphones and then scales up for desktop users. 

    Trust the data

    Opinions are a fantastic form of inspiration for new A/B tests. But they should never be trusted over cold, hard data. If your test shows the opposite of what you and your team thought would happen, then trust the data and not yourself.

    With that in mind, ensure you collect qualitative and quantitative data during your experiments. Web analytics should always form the backbone of conversion tests, but don’t forget to also use heatmaps, screen recordings, and customer surveys. 

    Keep testing

    There’s no such word as “finished” in the world of A/B testing. Continual testing is key if you want to convert more website visitors. 

    Make sure you aren’t stopping tests prematurely, either. Make sure every A/B and multivariate test reaches a sample size that makes the test statistically significant. 

    Understand your users better with Matomo 

    Whether you run an e-commerce store, a SaaS company, or a service-based business, implementing these conversion rate optimisation best practices could be an easy way to lower your bounce rate and boost your conversion rates.

    But remember, best practices aren’t clear-cut rules. What works for one website may not work for yours. That’s why running your own tests and understanding your visitors’ behaviour is important. 

    Matomo’s web analytics platform is the perfect tool for doing just that. Not only does it come with the tools you need to optimise your conversion rate (like an A/B testing tool, heatmaps and session recordings), but you can also trust the data. Unlike Google Analytics 4 and other tools, Matomo doesn’t use data sampling meaning you have 100% accurate data from which to make better decisions. It’s GDPR compliant and can run cookieless, so no need for cookie consent banners (excluding in the UK and Germany).

    Discover how you can improve your website’s conversions with Matomo by starting a free 21-day trial, no credit card required.